High CPU Usage and Low Performance in Path of Exile 2
Same problem. been having super high CPU usage and stutters.
No issues in other games 100 FPS+ Seems POE 2 is NOT that optimized. Getting 25-55 FPS Act 3 and Act 2 parts and in end game gets a bit worse at times, especially in towns. Or once mobs appear. I hope they look into the performance issues. I have zero issues in other games Settings I change in Graphic options does nothing at all. Tried every work around everyone has posted 100x on forums. Bios settings, affinity in task manger, high priority, delete cache, power options anything you can think I've done it. 1080p 20-40 FPS everything on low (with mobs on screen, particle effects etc. I've take the same step everyone else for a "fix" just there is no fix on our side, its the game poorly optimized.) 9700k 2070 Super 64GB DDR 3200 970 NVME M.2 Windows 10 Последняя редакция: daimonxp#7517. Время: 1 янв. 2025 г., 15:22:16
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Dynamic Bodies:
What i have noticed is there is an extreme amount of CPU usage dependant on the number of dynamic bodies there are in the scene. If i go to my Hideout with like 11 static NPCs i hit my frame limit at 144 and stay there. The second i go to Ziggurat Sanctuary and there is like 6 players there, I drop to 60-70 fps. Particles: If i fire anything with lots of particles, i lose about 20-30 fps until they clear which is weird because it spikes the CPU from 5ms/frame to 7 or 8 but the GPU stays locked at 4ms. So the particles seem to be using CPU instead of GPU? Maps: I get severe FPS drops in maps, especially with a friend. All the mobs and particles takes me down to even 35 FPS. I think there is a cooldown issue that is tied to frame rate instead of frame time as it takes forever for skills to come off cooldown when the FPS is this low. It has actually killed me more than a few times where i get surrounded by mobs because i fired my grenades but i cant trigger them for up to 3-4 seconds. System and Settings: - 5600X PBO Enabled (4.6GHZ) - RTX 3070 Overclocked (2,070 MHZ Core, 15,800 MHZ Memory) - 32GB DDR4 3600MHZ Ram - Installed on a 1TB NVME - 2560x1440 Windowed Full Screen - Everything set for performance in Nvidia Control Panel - Tried Shader size Driver Default and 100GB with no change - Tried DX12 and Vulkan. Vulkan seems more stable but otherwise no difference - Upscale Mode: DLSS Performance - Sharpness: 19% - HDR: Off - Texture Quality: High - Texture Filtering: 4x Anisotropic - Lighting: Shadows - Shadow Quality: Low - Sun Shadow Quality: Low - Number of Lights: Low - Bloom: 29% - Water Detail Level: Low - Nvidia Reflex: Off (Tried both on and off no difference) - Foreground FPS Cap: 144 - Background FPS Cap: 30 - Triple Buffering: Off (Tried both off and on with no difference) - Dynamic Culling: Off (Tried both off and on with no difference) - Target Framerate: 60 - Engine Multithreading: On |
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У меня с самого начала проблемы как и у всех с нагрузкой на процессор. В первую очередь в городе. С моим ryzen 5600x мне очень помогла оптимизация через Ryzen Master, пропали зависания кадров, которые на внутриигровом графике белой линией обозначаются, время кадра как я понимаю. Таким образом я по сути решил вопрос с короткими зависаниями. Но в горде ФПС всё равно проседает, а главное на внутриигровом графике CPU загружен до отказа. При этом в диспетчере задач CPU нагружен только на 50%. Кто-то может объяснить почему так?
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" +1 Have similar set of issues with my setup, and made a post on it here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3627747 |
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same issue. |
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Ryzen 9 4070 super. Graphic setting changes have not effect from my reacher clearly CPU issue. In game the red CPU bar is spiking causing the game to stutter. Window side of course my ryzen chip is running @ 75C and %25 cap. good to see pages on this post that means a fix will be coming?
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Disable ALL OFFLOAD functions of your Network adapter.
See if that helps your FPS. I got 30% more frames in towns and almost stable 60FPS on Maps doing that. |
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" Nothing to do with my network. 100x posts on "possible fixes" You look at streamers with high end PC's and you can just see the FPS drop is insane. its the game. Need a fix for this. |
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Yep. Same here.
i7-4930k 1080 Ti 1 TB SSD 16 GB RAM Game makes my CPU go to 100% as soon as I open the game, and fluctuates between 60-100% while playing the actual game. The average FPS with vulkan is about 27. It's hard to say what my avg fps is with DX12 because the frame stutters make it impossible to see by just looking at the fps ui. But if I had to guess the avg framerate is still about 27 on DX12 and vulkan... DX12 is just choppier. But I don't want to play a game that fries my CPU while also not even getting 30 fps. And, unlike others, I'm not going to be downloading anything or changing anything in my BIOS to put a bandaid on this problem. I'm not going to disable hyperthreading to make their poorly coded game playable. Maybe they'll fix it and not having hyperthreading enabled might cause issues. IDK. I understand it is early access and they are on Christmas vacation... but it's just a bit disappointing. A tweet from them acknowledging the issue would be nice. |
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So far the only way I've been able to play is to disable engine multithreading when I am:
-At the login Screen -Before loading into any other loading screen (waypoints, going to town) Then I turn it back on for actually killing stuff. If I leave multithreading on for a loading screen chances are im headed for a PC Restart. 3070 Ti / 8700k Последняя редакция: Skeeks420#7634. Время: 30 дек. 2024 г., 15:13:56
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