Support Email Response Delays

same here mine since 19/01/25 till now , still no respone zzzzz
didn't get points for buying packs no reply in a month woot woo, stash sale over, great game.
Paid shipping, handling and taxes over 3 months ago, but you know what screw our supporters why would we respond to them when we already got their money.

There I was thinking Dev from Viva La Dirt League was about Blizzard, seems it's about GGG.

Absolute self-inflicted dumpster fire, great job guys, great job.
Looks like I get to """"""enjoy"""""" the Phrecia event with a massive dampener of just straight up not having my original account with all of the stash tabs and mtx I've earned and purchased over the years that I've played the game. Multiple months of absolutely no response after giving the information they've asked for. The worst part is I know if the same thing were happening to some streamer or content creator they'd have it fixed near instantly. I can forgive them for some delays because of PoE2's launch but at this point it's pathetic and really has tarnished my view of GGG. Really great job with the account merge guys!
It’s understandable that things can get busy, and I respect the hard work of the support team. However, leaving players waiting without any updates is frustrating. At the very least, a quick response acknowledging the issue or providing an estimated timeline would go a long way.
I need help with mail recovery. I have been waiting for a week with no response and now I can't log in to POE 1 or POE 2
I find it funny that GGG can insta edit a post or deleted a post or put me on Probation to limit my ability to post but cant ever offer Any help. All we get is Sorry mods cant talk about accounts or do anything but tell us to email support.
100's of pages of unlock my account or refund help or merge accounts but Nothing from ggg.

I know this post will probably be deleted for being negative but i have yet to see the positive that GGG is doing to fix all the "unlock my account or refund help or merge accounts" posts besides telling us to email support and wait months.

Virauge#3323 написал:
41 days ago I provided answers to account information that support asked. I am still waiting for any indication that anyone is still working at support.

Literally my experience. I have sent at least 10 follow up emails to try and inquire about the sweatshirt/shirt that I am supposed to be recieving from one of the supporter packs and after providing the intial account information, its been DEAD AIR for 36 days now. No confirmation, No ETA, No apologies, NOTHING. This is unacceptable and on the verge of theft. You cant just charge people for something and not provide the product. I'm going to give it a few more weeks, out of the kindness of my heart, and then report them to a higher entity somehow after refunding my purchase through my credit card company. I've tried to wait patiently and over a month is MORE than enough time.
OMG this is beyond farcical, does anyone work in Customer Support anymore. I emailed 18th January and still no reply. I remember when we heard back from you in 10-20 mins, 2 hours was a slow response.

I "earnt" the right by supporting you over the years to try EA but I still wanted to support you and bought the first pack with the intention of upgrading it. I really would love to upgrade it as MTXs haven't come across (as promised) so I could buy some but in all honesty I am finding it hard to justify supporting you with any more of my hard earned dollars.
IGN: Keewee
Keewee#5451 написал:
OMG this is beyond farcical, does anyone work in Customer Support anymore. I emailed 18th January and still no reply. I remember when we heard back from you in 10-20 mins, 2 hours was a slow response.

I "earnt" the right by supporting you over the years to try EA but I still wanted to support you and bought the first pack with the intention of upgrading it. I really would love to upgrade it as MTXs haven't come across (as promised) so I could buy some but in all honesty I am finding it hard to justify supporting you with any more of my hard earned dollars.

Try post some violations here. They will notice you immediately. Trust me!

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