A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

GGG the new Blizzard company. Chasing for the money. Seems like money really makes people blind.

Money seems to change everything somehow, it takes our
egos on a joy ride, forgetting who we are.

The only thing that is surprising is that you're not speaking about porting best things from POE2 to POE1 in order to make POE2 playerbase play (and buy packs for) POE1. Some low hanging fruits:
1) Port network dc protection
2) Port gem system socketing(make it so that 6link is an item and you socket any gem into it)
3) Make all campaign vendors gold
4) Simplify campaign a bit (shorter layouts, few tweaks here and there)

Those alone would bring new players to POE1 so your playerbase is coming back every 6weeks not every 12weeks.
IGN: Coldim or Coldimos
It's all good, all things take time and making a wrong estimation on how your previous projects would be affected by a new one shouldn't automatically mean DED GAME. Be patient guys.
Im so sad.

Its understandable but man it still feels like a punch to the gut.
Please dont abandon Poe 1.
Bring back Harvest
bad news(
bro, we love u, dont worry. U look on so much pressure, we love poe2 too, keep doin your best, its really enough, remember
People just try understand they try do make something a new and that resembles of something old mix. GGG team do not want make game like a cash grab. I mean improved graphics POE1 in the skin like D4 team with expansion overall.

Developing something new stuff is difficult, first to even to brainstorm idea. I do not mention to develop. Hard is for them as team if small. POE2 will be greater than POE1 game, but great victory comes with a price of player base patience.

I know you guys paid money not only for POE1 and POE2 too. POE1 was not great at release either. But patience is a virtue to fuel us now and play POE1 or POE2 as it is now. GGG building a future of a great game. But GGG just slipped by not calculating man power of development team and giving too over optimistic promises.

Endgame boring is both games (POE1 has really strong builds) if that is too easy. POE1 (has full endgame) and POE2 EA (Have only a draft of endgame) has same issue. This is closed beta like just more wider. Not to mention POE2 has almost no crafting system at all.

Overall still not loose patience and hope guys. I will not loose too. Patience is a virtue. I do not blaming people to expressing a disappointment. But all things has it's limit.
I mean, give us something.

We've PoE2 in a state that is unfinished and rough around the edges at best and unplayable, for many, at worst. Which is fine it is in EA.

But then you've got a polished, well rounded game that's not changed in 6 months and only need something small to rekindle some re-playability. Even an economy reset would do for a lot of people.

I think you've got your view of your stable a little wrong personally. You've ended up with 2 games, that a lot of people don't want to play right now. And PoE2 is a long way off being a proper game, so why not go for the quick win?
Give PoE1 a quick spruce (add some old league content, reset the economy, whatever), and then get back to the mammoth task that is PoE2.

However much I love poe1 I also think poe2 is amazing. Got 400+ hours and still going.
It would be stupid for devs to leave poe2 at this moment to go and create something for poe1. Poe2 needs alot of work now, time will come for poe1. I don't get how people don't understand it

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