A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Purchasing a supporter pack with PoE2 key now feels as an even worse mistake. I feel completely deceived and lied to by the company I used to love from the bottom of my heart.

Also, no mentions of at least an approximate release date of 0.2.0 or 3.26? Are you even hiring more people to support and develop your games? Are we waiting for a new league in 2027 developed by whoever not needed for PoE2? So Kalandra 2.0? These questions should've been addressed in this video! I will not support this bs until we have a new league in PoE1 every 3 months as it used to be.

IMO, PoE2 should be put on pause and you should really think about your priorities, because as of now BOTH of your games are not fun to play at all.
"An aspirant can afford to be promising. An emperor must keep those promises.", right, GGG?
I new it was gonna be garbage when they switched from "POE2 being big update to POE1" to "POE2 will be its own game and somehow it won't destroy POE1, I promise"

All those annoncements about listening and communicating with players is just bullshit. Stop thinking we are idiots.
Well, MacOS client crashes (with DND disabled) have not been fixed anyway, and I haven't got any Windows PC. So it's time to play Skyrim again.
zebest1969#3091 написал:
This is just sad.

I think it should be the other way around, get the content out for PoE1 and THEN maybe worry about the "work-in-progress" product that is literally "early access".

I mean come on, really, think about it.

Exactly THIS!
unbelievable scam on POE league with POE2 key xd
It was poor optics from GGG's point of view to let anticipation reach fever pitch before announcing this news, they would have known this back in December that 3.26 would not be a thing in February, yet they chose not to tell us earlier.
A real shame, you would of thought with a successful poe 2 they could hire a few more people so the poe1 guys can continue on poe1

If you knew you were going to abandon poe1 we could of done without the false promises,

that is all.
Very sad. PoE 2 is nice and all, but I just want my zoom zoom back :(
Give us an old league.
I for one get no enjoyment from poe2.
It's more boring to watch on twitch. It's too slow in general. And the ascendency system sounds like a nightmare.

I literally would have been okay with another flashback league where league stones drop. So I can combine perandus with the headhunter league.

Those were good times. Simpler times.
Also, if you're running out of content, try unnerfing builds.

Spork totems, physical skeletons, etc.

Builds that cost very little to play and were strong enough to do all content.

Food for thought.
Vote +1 to change Path of Exile to Path of Nerfs.
We hate to say, but ProjectPT was right.

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