A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

I kinda wish that Poe 2 never happened.
It's fun that I bought POE2 to support developers and it's kinda killed my favorite game of all time POE1. Could it be refunded XD? Because you know, you lied again to community that you overloaded and POE1 will not be affected. lmao
I appreciate GGG's transparency and hope it continues. I also like both POE1 and POE2 and it's a shame that there's no new League in the foreseeable future. As much as I think it's a shame about POE1, I'm much sadder that GGG is sometimes treated so unfairly in the comments here.

Just because something is delayed doesn't mean that POE1 is dead. I thought I was an impatient person, but what some people are delivering here is embarrassing. I don't want to talk nicely about GGG here and it's a shame that they can't keep their promises at the moment, but they have the courage to admit their mistakes and apologise for them with this video. And you should be mature and humane enough to respect this apology.

Even if it's a bitter pill for a fan, I'm still positive about the future of GGG, POE1 and POE2.

For less hate and more love
its just insanity the playerbase who build supported spend thousand on poe1 just gets leaved behind in dust delay for delay for delay for a hall ready not refined early access which delayed the bare and bone of poe franchise on top of u saying there was no work done and will be until poe2 0.12 is insanity if there will not be a insane effort in the next poe1 league u will lose that playerbase which paid for years almost decades and its not safe that poe2 will have any real big player retention overall just sad.
NoCryin#7743 написал:
Dear Jonathan rogers

Its to late. Your customer service has failed you.
Accounts are still locked for no reason, And you are NOT sending out unlock codes. You LIE and say add support@ggg bullshit to a whitelist copy paste all while NOT fixing the issue with YOUR email system NOT sending out unlock codes.

i have lost all faith with GGG and ALL of its employees.

no cryin' lol
End of poe1 it seems... I would have never expected to move away from poe any time soon... Disgusting they promised to maintain both games but don't keep their promises. Feel like an idiot for buying so many overpriced supporter packs. The game for which I invested my money no longer exists and there is no refund possible
So fucking sad and frustrating, poe1 was such a masterpiece... poe2 has nothing good or special that poe1 doesn't already have :( no matter if my mtx will apply there, this isn't the game I loved and it is very unlikely i come back to it
Fuck GGG recent decisions... scammers and liers...
Последняя редакция: shatofu#7032. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 6:36:04
"An aspirant can afford to be promising. An emperor must keep those promises."
Cannot even try to like poe2 anymore.
Time to move on.
Also, I have a question for you. Why are you said early that in POE 2 will be no trash uniques but they are exist, and you even trying to balancing them (hello +2 flat phys to low level item)? Why are you doing the same mistakes and spending developers time on it if it's useless.
Let PoE1 die, GGG
keeping grandpa alive was a good, diplomatic move, but now that the infant, naturaly, warrants more attention, let the old one slip to the past and be done with it.

PoE1 is dead, long live PoE2.

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