A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

You've bitten more than you could chew. This is very unfortunate. I'm one of those people who wanted to support you whole heartedly, that's why I got the early access, but if it takes forever to fix the crashing problem. This is a big disappointment. I stopped playing the game because of the constant crashing and it ruined the game experience for me.

Apologizing about the fucking problem won't do no shit. What we need is an actual fix for the damn game.

You can apologize all you want but it doesn't make up for the time wasted and the money spent.
Demoguy#1600 написал:
Lots of doomers in here, everything Jonathan said here is spot on and reasonable

Can't believe how stupid some people are really. Bottom of society! All they care for is money and that someone lied to them, they won't understand a situation like this because they don't have the mental capacity to do so. People are making games for other people and both parties do mistakes. You also know that there is nothing eternal right? Everything will end eventually, even POE1. Just make sure that you got the value you paid for, from the game. In my opinion if you had a thousand happy hours in the game, this can justify at least $500 spent. Currently most games cant justify even $40 with 30-50 hours of gameplay.

I'm just glad that they are open and honest about the development and they do care about the product, which is a RARE thing!

Huge respect for GGG!
Последняя редакция: StanielBG#1029. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 5:46:58
Big F but yeah, predictable, schedule problems happens a lot in it industry, all my love to poe devs
Stoked for both 0.2 and 3.26. GGG delivers quality

Blizzard 2.0
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GGG take my energy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I didn't even watch to the end of the video. What's the point when the words can't be trusted?

So the bottom line is Grinding Gear can't project manage.

They didn't get the scope right to begin with and didn't allocate sufficient resources. When they ran into difficulties they concealed that from their customers in order to extract more revenue from them under false pretences. GG has fallen a long way from where they started. A very long way.

"We didn't really announce this exactly, but it was certainly something we had said to quite a few people over time" - Wow, the corporate double speak in that sentence is astonishing and when you're trying hit the tone of an apology this falls ways short. So it's the player's fault for not understanding this because they weren't some of the few people that weren't exactly announced to?

What's clear is that GG are beholden to PoE 2 being the Chinese revenue driver and anything that gets in the way of that is an obstacle. That's not inherently a problem, you're running a business after all, but at least have the integrity to be up front about it. Instead you're like some sleazebag that's left his long term partner to hook up with the new harlot up the street, but still keeping the ex around because in the harsh light of day that new bit of fluff isn't all she was cracked up to be.

I've seen some pretty obnoxious and disrespectful attitudes from gaming studios over the years, but this is right up there with some of the worst.

Why should we believe GG now? What happens next time they encounter a problem? Do we have any faith that they'll be open and honest with us? I certainly don't.

In retrospect it appears very clear that PoE 2 wasn't anywhere near ready, that it should have proceeded to closed Beta by select invitation only in order to improve the game. Selling EA for an obviously sub-par product is a clear indicator that the real bosses had become tired of pouring money into the machine without a return and the original promised deadline for new revenue had been exceeded. This is not a promising sign of things to come.

The best solution now for GG is to add some customisable league features to PoE 1 and sell it as a stand alone game and be done with it. Extract the last bit of revenue out of the IP and pour all that into your beloved PoE 2. I mean, if you have utter faith in delivering a polished PoE 2 in a reasonable time frame, why wouldn't you put all your eggs in one basket?
If we stop playing their Poe-2, and we don't play our beloved Poe-1 either, maybe they'll understand that at least, at least, at least, they should revive past leagues and keep up the pace of releasing a league every 3 months. At least that. But they don't do it because those who play Poe-2 now would be the only ones defending this bad game, an imitation of Poe, this tedious game with only one portal, and most of us would play Poe-1.

That's why it's best to talk with the sound of coins in our pockets, and try to play something else, as long as they don't change their attitude. An easy attitude to change: put on one of the old leagues and don't get upset.
This presumably 12 month league is very disappointing. I can appreciate the desire and need to get the new game out there, the huge amount of work and overtime put in, and the love its been given. And it's had a great start, but this has been so much at the expense of Path of Exile 1 lately.

I enjoyed playing PoE 2 initially, but I can't see the next patch bringing enough to make me want to play it again, even if it's as large (or larger) in scope as I can imagine. Instead it feels like it'll be a few years at least until PoE 2 has the depth, intricacy and scope of content and complexity to offer the sustained involvement and enjoyment that PoE 1 does, even if all PoE 1 development was suspended until this time. This presuming the style of game it turns out to be still appeals.

This may be utter nonsense, but is there a sense in which the less attention PoE 1 receives, the less interest it generates, the less resources are needed, and so on, hastening its demise. Is this then just a shift in audience GGG games appeal to, rather than an expansion, or can the new game's style sustain a wider audience even without some of PoE 1's playerbase.

Given PoE 2 is just going to take a while to get to up to full steam in any case, is it useful to prioritise 3.26 over PoE 2 after the next PoE 2 patch, and then ring-fence resources for both games and maintain some sort of regular cadence of releases, or is is that just a disservice to PoE 2 if PoE 1 and some of its audience are simply less of a priority. It would be a shame but quite understandable in either case.
Aldora_the_Summoner#4021 написал:
I didn't even watch to the end of the video. What's the point when the words can't be trusted?

So the bottom line is Grinding Gear can't project manage.

They didn't get the scope right to begin with and didn't allocate sufficient resources. When they ran into difficulties they concealed that from their customers in order to extract more revenue from them under false pretences. GG has fallen a long way from where they started. A very long way.

"We didn't really announce this exactly, but it was certainly something we had said to quite a few people over time" - Wow, the corporate double speak in that sentence is astonishing and when you're trying hit the tone of an apology this falls ways short. So it's the player's fault for not understanding this because they weren't some of the few people that weren't exactly announced to?

What's clear is that GG are beholden to PoE 2 being the Chinese revenue driver and anything that gets in the way of that is an obstacle. That's not inherently a problem, you're running a business after all, but at least have the integrity to be up front about it. Instead you're like some sleazebag that's left his long term partner to hook up with the new harlot up the street, but still keeping the ex around because in the harsh light of day that new bit of fluff isn't all she was cracked up to be.

I've seen some pretty obnoxious and disrespectful attitudes from gaming studios over the years, but this is right up there with some of the worst.

Why should we believe GG now? What happens next time they encounter a problem? Do we have any faith that they'll be open and honest with us? I certainly don't.

In retrospect it appears very clear that PoE 2 wasn't anywhere near ready, that it should have proceeded to closed Beta by select invitation only in order to improve the game. Selling EA for an obviously sub-par product is a clear indicator that the real bosses had become tired of pouring money into the machine without a return and the original promised deadline for new revenue had been exceeded. This is not a promising sign of things to come.

The best solution now for GG is to add some customisable league features to PoE 1 and sell it as a stand alone game and be done with it. Extract the last bit of revenue out of the IP and pour all that into your beloved PoE 2. I mean, if you have utter faith in delivering a polished PoE 2 in a reasonable time frame, why wouldn't you put all your eggs in one basket?

Seek mental help immediately!

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