A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

I'm cool with it. Continue the good work!

GGG says:
PoE2 won't affect PoE1 releases.
POE1 and POE2 will be one Game with different companies
LucasBGuenther#0508 написал:
why just dont relaunch the most played league of POE1 with some adjustments? just for fun and the people can start to farm something;
Do that until the new league arives

Because it took and will take all human ressources to create an ongoing unfun experience called poe2.

I bet if they would have kept 6 Portals and Bosses on every map, the community wouldnt be so pissed right now. These two decisions are the worst in gaming history ever! Who ever came upt with it, go to Blizzard pls.

Good afternoon everyone,
In my opinion, the current PoE1 is the best game in the entire universe.
I would be very happy about a fresh 3.25 Settlers oF Kalguur!
road to Blizzard 2.0
Pity that the better game is ditched for a garbage one just because it's new.
poe1>poe2 like in many ways(imho) so, wp GGG
All i wanted in my life routine is no world hunger, no wars and POE1 fresh league every 3-4 months.
Am i asking too much?
Andershow6#6259 написал:
Fevaag#7780 написал:
This is the best and most honest studio to ever exist. Thank you for all your hard work, and best of luck with the development! Remember to take breaks and vacations to avoid burnout.

I also have to mention how much I love the sensation of grass tickling my feet and toes — the way it brushes between my toes and the feeling of gripping and pulling at it as I walk.

I don't understand, where did you see honesty in his words?
POE2 will not affect POE1, lie, affected and will affect.

What did you expect? Every other game studio would simply go radio silent on this topic.

People saying poe1 dead or abandoned. Calling GGG liars, pathetic and worse.. Get a grip on!

If you don't have fun in PoE1 right now and don't enjoy PoE2 just do do something else with your time. Anything else.

You act like teenage girls whose boyfriend broke up with them.

GGG has provided stellar support for over 10 years from everything I've seen and heard. Redefining what a live-service game is.

Now, after being sugarcoated for so long at the first disruption due to releasing an entirely new game you act like this? Pathetic.

Not showing a glimpse of understanding for their current situation which they are trying to handle to the best of their abilities and you're out here demanding. Acting like you're being owed anything. GGG doesn't deserve fans like that.

It's completely understandable that not everyone is happy with this situation. GGG is not happy with it obviously. Some players are more disappointed with this than others and that's fine. State your disappointment, your critique, wishes etc. but stop with this obnoxious bashing. Jesus. What an embarrassing display some members allow themselves here..

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