A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

I hope that Patch 0.2.0 isn't too far off. I think that aside from fixing POE2 it does need a new set of toys to play with (classes, ascendancies and skills/weapons) That will help with the wait for 3.26.

It sucks that we won't have a new league soon but I trust the choice wasn't easy - especially with how people seem to be blowing up over something as small as this. Other games will fumble even harder than this and players don't think twice about their mistakes.

We have it too good with GGG and the transparency is always welcome.
If they saw this coming so far in advance, they should have hired more people to help out. An entire year without an new PoE 1 league is brutal.
Sold from day 1 as "we'll develop both at the same time, won't be any problems!" to months of silence when you knew you couldn't deliver. Yikers. You're welcome for the years of support thusfar. Hopefully you'll do better in the future for those of us who don't like PoE2 at all.
This is my first EVER comment on the forum !

I play since Delve league and never missed a single leagues after that. I really enjoyed playing every leagues.

This news kind of was already prepared in my head, seeing the numbers they have on PoE2 compared to PoE1. But that's something logical since the gameplay looks like an old Diablo and that's probably why they have higher numbers of players they basically just took a bunch of player from Diablo that didn't liked PoE1.

I waited for PoE2 since the first time they announced it like everyone else I guess.

I was very excited and the more they showed the gameplay to us the more I had doubt..

Graphics looks amazing, Spells, Map, Characters, Skins, Boss mechanics, Dialogues, Everything was looking good in video but something was off.

Then came the release. I didn't spend much in 7years playing PoE1 something like 300+ wich is already a good amount for a single game but after calculation.

I didn't have "Spent Enough" to get access to PoE2 SO.. I brought the key to get the early access and


Terrible experience. Coming from 7years of PoE1 and the fast pace of the game I didn't like PoE2 at all.

I liked everything I was looking or hearing but I didn't like anything about playing it. Totally different experience for my first time playing PoE1 and that kept me from playing it every leagues.

PoE2 is to slow for me, maps layout are AWFULL spent like 1h in some map trying to find the exit, the dodge mechanics felt useless ? Casting spell feel slow, the move speed is slow, Everything is so damn slow. It's a complete different game and it's sad but I didn't like it. I didn't have the feel of playing PoE just another game that use the story and looks of PoE1

My point is. I don't like PoE2 one bit I didn't even finished the story and all the Act wish is very sad because I had HIGH hope for it. I don't ask for any refund you deserve it for all the work BUT

PLEASE. Don't let PoE1 die.
Sad to hear it, but I trust GGG is doing their best. I've really been enjoying poe 2, but I also look forward to jumping back into poe 1.
PoE TwO dEvElOpMeNt wOn’T aFfEcT PoE OnE

POE2 sucks btw. Thanks for letting your loyal (maybe not anymore) fanbase down.
Последняя редакция: juaozim#1161. Время: 29 янв. 2025 г., 20:44:42
Think the problem is more the very misleading communication, its of course up to GGG where they want to spend their energy, but its unfortunate that they keep doing something very different than communicated.

For the people saying that POE 1 player base is overreacting, this is just the last of many many broken timelines over the last couple of years from a company that historically did what the said and was good at communicating with their playerbase.

Honestly, thats a disaster.

- POE2 wont affect POE1, until it does -
At that point, where the POE1 Team helped out you should have announced it.

- Communication and community is key -
Not a single message regarding POE1 since Oktober. This is how GGG wants to work with his loyal core community? This is the kind of fail that can break your players down.

Honestly, I am super disappointed.
Not because the way you managed the dev ressources, but because of the Communication.

Got tons of stuff in poe1. I bought POE2. But this maybe was the last invest.
Also I won't recommend poe/ggg to anyone as long as you do not fix your communication.

I'm with Ben (Darkee) when I ask "what is the point of POE2?"

The campaign is great but everything else just feels like a downgrade from POE1. I don't want to be down on POE2, I traveled halfway around the world for ExileCon when it was first announced. But what you promised us is overwhelmingly not what we have received at this point. I doubt you guys will even get this far into the comments but like c'mon, what are we doing here? POE2 is cannibalizing the team from POE1 along with all our goodwill.

You are making one of your most ardent supporters over the years lose all hope for POE.
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief; because there will be so much to look forward to.
"poe2 wont effect poe1"

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