A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Pay pig out.
Juggggg#3311 написал:
Step 1: ruin poe1 with dumb shit like T17s that NO ONE enjoys... doubledown on it for many leagues
Step 2: release poe2 which somehow forgot ALL the lessons learned over the many years of poe1, resulting in a game that is fun for 3 acts before devolving into garbage
Step 3: nah sorry no time to fix poe1 cos we're fixing an unfixable poe2


Yep. Exactly this. I'm so angry right now that I bought both of the recent supporter packs because of the false promise that development wouldn't affect PoE 1. If I could charge back all $1k I've spent over the lifetime of this game, I would. It takes 1 mistake to screw over your image, this is that mistake for me.
POE 2 will make me stop playing this game, ridiculous choices, prioritize a game that is in EA over your main product that has sustained your company for years
I will not be buying any more support packs because apparently you guys no longer support the game. Fail
I am very disappointed in this, GGG.
The devs are in a SERIOUS bind here.

Us POE1 players that hate POE2 have been getting trolled and insulted by people saying "POE1 and POE2 are different games, blah blah blah". Well, POE1 is basically dead.

So can we now have the discussion that if POE1 is going to be discontinued, then they need to make POE2 more like POE1?

The obvious solution here is to split POE2 into "normal" and "Ruthless" modes, like POE1. Ruthless would be current POE2, and "normal" would be higher drop rate, with more forgiving content (boss HP, more portals per map, etc.).

But instead we get stuck in endless 3.26 delay limbo.
-"Wait until after POE2 is released"
-"3.26 in January"
-"3.26 in March"
-"OK now we will release 3.26 at least a few weeks after POE2 0.2"

The devs need to decide. Are POE1 and PEO2 different games that will be equally supported, or can we start talking about making POE2 more like POE1 finally?
"An aspirant can afford to be promising. An emperor must keep those promises."
poe 2 is very boring!!!
GGG: poe 2 will not influence poe 1
GGG: settlers league extended...offline game to merge accounts
GGG: poe 2 is released but they haven't even started thinking about the next poe 1 league
GGG: bye bye Chris Wilson...
bye bye poe 1?
Thank you GGG for the transparency, excited for both PoE1 3.26 and PoE2 0.2.
Take your time and ignore the doomsayers, they're gonna spread doom and gloom regardless.
"Poe 2 will never affect poe 1."


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