A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

MAN, there are already 2 different games in terms of gameplay, and you say that poe 2 will be a new game instead of a poe 1 update, so why do you let live poe 1 and simply dont just replace it with poe 2 in the first place?? if you will have to abandon the development of a complete different game, i see more as a salvage stunt in case poe 2 was a complete failure, Corpo bullshit like always, but well "POE 2 development will not affect poe 1 content releases" yeah sureeee LMAO, i hate modern gaming.
But it could have been avoided if, for example, before the launch of PoE2 the work on 3.26 would have been 50-60% complete. We are not stupid and we understand that supporting 2 projects of such a large level is extremely time-consuming, so the league itself could have been much easier than all the previous ones.
Anyway, that's just me whining.
By the way, maybe it would be possible to do something like the previously held events? For example, the return of old, albeit broken (in the direction of player power) mechanics such as the old Harvest/Delirium/Ultimatum and whatever other cool leagues there were? I assume the old builds of those leagues would have to remain, and overlaying them on the current version of the game might be difficult, but would be possible. Especially with the current staffing shortage. Just give us something we've missed so much and spice it up with a small set of challenges with nice rewards and the problem would be solved, though not completely. And that way you'd have bought yourself some much-needed time right now. Call it Legacy PoE, for example. Or “League 3.25.5.” You don't need to do groundbreaking stuff, just play on our nostalgia and it could work really well
This is just stupid.

Why in the hell would you abandon a polished proven game with a dedicated supporter base who are dying for a new league to try and fix a beta...

Its a Beta, it is expected that its broken and unbalanced

just WTF
What a bummer. The community specifically mentioned this being a problem and it was brushed off. IMO POE2 is def not for me. Can't stand it. Been doing Private league for POE1 for the better part of a couple of weeks now and this just crushes me....
You guys made a huge mistake not hiring developers and trying to run with a barebones 120 people for 2 games. That's insane. Should have had two full dedicated teams ideally back in oct. Hopefully you've started mass hiring.
That's neat.
this really is shit.. most of us called this would happen and the reddit crowd told us we were doomers. here we are poe 1 is dead and poe 2 is a mess and doesnt even feel like poe anymore. poe 2 was supposed to be a new expansion lol
It's just another missed date.

To be honest I can't remember the last time you made a date in the last 2 years.

Starting to resemble the big studios.

3.26 should be before .2.0 and you know it.

Trust is waning

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