A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Have to say Johnathan, that might be a more masochistic move than onlyfans banning porn. You took all of our confusion as we waited patiently and turned it into focused anger directed at you.

You didnt even give hope for a resolution for when this mess would be fixed, instead saying that the problem will continue...

Thanks for making my choice to continue playing warframe for now, their dev team actually work on the main game while keeping the pet project on the side. They added a dating simulator to the space ninja shooter and got less negative responses than 1 hour of this thread.
KingboyD#4593 написал:
POE 2 is early access. Getting it right at this stage should not be the priority. It is expected to be rough. POE 1 is a polished, completed game. Should continuation of that not be just as important, if not more so?

This guy hit the nail on the head. POE 2 should NOT be top priority. Instead you pulled everyone on your POE 1 teams over and directly impacted POE 1 against all your promises and wishes of POE 1 players.

This is nothing short of a straight-up lie.

Also, POE 2 is kinda shit, calling it out right now. All the design decisions made in POE 2's endgame flow just makes all the progress made in POE 1 over many years look as if you guys have no idea what is going on.
I appreciate the honesty in admitting failures and over ambition with deadlines of launching and maintaining two games at once. I hope all the staff can tune out all the unnecessary vileness and just keep doing what they need to while also making sure they don't burn out.

While personally I'm a more recent player to both games, I've not regretted spending my money and time in both games, and will continue to look forward to the future of GGG, while still with the understanding that the goodwill has taken a hit, which they will need to earn back.
It's definitely a shame, but I and many others appreciate how much love and effort GGG's putting toward the community to try and make everyone happy! The toxicity in this thread is insane. Ive put a lot of hours in PoE1, and I understand the view people have of not wanting to see it dropped. But PoE2 is a genre defining moment for the ARPG gaming community and as a product fund the company to be able to support *both* games. Exile 2 currently has more in-game players even after a month than Exile 1 has when most seasons first launch. And this is a game that required minimum a $30 purchase to get into.

People saying you need to abandon PoE2 until you launch a new season for PoE1 just have no idea the pressure the team is under. I commend the team for having the vision to support both games the way they want to, even if at the moment your progress have fallen short of your goals. It's a shame, and people feeling betrayed is understandable. But most players know everyone on the team is trying their best. I think trying to get 0.2 out first is fair, since I'm sure its a lot closer than people are thinking. The goals for Exile 2 are big, but people are forgetting their is a lot more content nearly done than what was launched and just needed some polishing.

Depending on how long things take, I do think releasing a rerun league would be a good option to tide people over, possibly remixed a little with older league mechanics that people enjoyed. Something relatively quick to put together but would be fun while the team works on getting Exile 2 out of early access.

Please don't let the pressure crush the team's dreams! Your goals are big, and it's understandable to fall short sometimes! But God damn am I excited and so are others. Wishing GGG the absolute best, and thank you for the effort and love. ❤️
Fair enough about endgame.

I played all 6 base classes prioritizing my time spent on the game mostly with acts 1-3 and acts1-3(cruel)

What you've launched at 0.1.0 is simply incredible and full of so much fun.

Looking forward to the future of both games and supporting GGG along the way !!!
Yeah all the clowns telling me they wouldn't abandon poe 1 cause of 2 were wrong, shocker.
RhythmSuji#6723 написал:
Unlike so many of these "supporters" I really do appreciate the effort and owning up to mistakes. I dont expect you guys to be perfect, and I do sense the genuine intent behind your choices that I do NOT get from most other large teams.

I feel like the community response to you guys trying your best has been extremely immature and entitled, and they have only learned how to respond to major companies who could not care less about them. And dont know when to turn that off.

I do urge you guys to do all you can to stay to your claims, and I trust you will do all you can to make that true. But you are also allowed to have mistakes or even full blunders, im not going to suddenly and immediately throw a fit and drop you guys and all the great joy you have provided for such a low ask in return.

Keep at it, I believe in y'all.

What is this gaslighting drivel?
Just close the beta for POE 2...its Beta for a reason. Work on POE 1 and release a league. That buys you 4months at least.

POE 2 should be your 2nd priority over POE 1 since its in Beta. I would of expected Beta to be closed by now tbh. Run it for 3 months, close it, work on it, open Beta again.

But never never never abandon the game that allowed you the platform to release a sequel.

Anyways i guess...not much else to say or do. It is what it is...
Not sure if that just means poe is done.

Poe 2 is functionally worse in almost every measurable aspect and you've abandoned poe1 to continue down a terrible path. Big sunk cost feelings here.

Obviously not everyone shares my opinion but POE2 is less than a dog turd on my sneakers and this is a betrayal.

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