Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

Sakanabi#6664 написал:
As usually PoE 1 community screams before trying anything. But at least there are player's who appeciate your work GGG and look forward to this event. Thank you.

And as usual, they are right?

Name the last PoE league that didn't need MASSIVE changes, usually buffs, to the league mechanic, discussed prior to league start where that information was remotely visible.
suggestion :
a limit of 2 uniques major modifier, per league mechanic.
(so we can, as example, have 4 mechanics buffed with 2 major unique effect each)

and make this unique easy to buy at a merchant, like for 1 alchemy orb.
Got it, you are out of ideas. All you can do is follow original idea maybe? Merge PoE 1 and PoE 2 to fix this issue. No seperate game need it seems.
To me it looks like They see a likely influx of curious poe2 players and don't want them to want an atlas which doesn't drive stash tab sales and might give demand for something similar in poe2 rather than the system they have now. It's new it has more players paying for stash tabs and supporter packs. Map tab when right?
TheFatJesus#4750 написал:
Who is this relic system for? You guys have spent more than a decade crafting the best end game experience in the ARPG genre to replace it with RNG garbage? Some things were put in the content junk drawer for a reason. Put this one back.

It’s pretty obvious who it is for. PoE2 has no way to choose map layouts to complete anything like the atlas tree. This is the way they could just map options without having a tree to level up.
You need to not let the guy that has gone on record of not liking poe1 make decisions on poe1 leagues and systems.

How about instead of potentially killing the end game system that you went on record saying was the pinnacle of what you wanted and you wouldn't change going forward you just fix poe2's absolutely garbage system so that it isn't constantly under blast for being so much worse than poe1's system.

Nothing you've shown is an improvement over what poe1 currently has and would have been an ok addition to what we had but is (just like poe2's system) a completely utter garbage system compared to what poe1 currently has.

Get someone who actually likes poe1 to run ship there ( like the guy that wanted the currency trading guy in settlers since he obviously cares more about the game and not making it a tedious slog)
I take back my hopes... Couldn't it have been extra?

Maybe keep POE2 beta testing at POE2
this whole atlas relics idea seems horrible to me.
Looks cool and I wasn't expecting this much for an event.
Thanks alot

And to the complainers just get a life or something.

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