Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

Calm down, you insane crybabies! This is a temp league, litterally a corrupted, chaotic league where anything goes.

You know what is destroying the game for me? The constant whining that has been going on for months...

YOU are destroying the game by spewing deranged, self-entitled garbage you tell yourself is true.

Play the league (or don't) and see if you like it. If you don't, come back for the next one, just like we have always done! You are not being forced to do anything.
As others have mentioned, I don't get why you would fuck with the best endgame system that came out the past years, i.e. Atlas passive tree, and replace it with this garbage (which is obviously a test for poe2).
Do you even know why PoE1 is so successfull and the best current ARPG? Sometimes I wonder...

At least we have new ascendancies to toy around with, but still, please GGG consider your playerbase and evaluate carefully what was and is good. Thanks. Still hoping! PoE1 forever!

To the white knights here saying it is only a temp league - yeah sure, you can skip it, no biggie - or maybe it is just an attempt of sabotaging PoE1, so GGG can say, see not many players played the event, PoE1 isn't worth it anymore, blabla.
I know this sounds like a wild conspiracy theory, but I fear for my beloved game. I don't want PoE 1 to die (at least too quickly). Stay sane, exiles. <3
Последняя редакция: Zenling#5552. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 2:24:38
Arroaw#4905 написал:
Calm down, you insane crybabies! This is a temp league, litterally a corrupted, chaotic league where anything goes.

You know what is destroying the game for me? The constant whining that has been going on for months...

YOU are destroying the game by spewing deranged, self-entitled garbage you tell yourself is true.

Play the league (or don't) and see if you like it. If you don't, come back for the next one, just like we have always done! You are not being forced to do anything.

What he said!
Arroaw#4905 написал:
Calm down, you insane crybabies! This is a temp league, litterally a corrupted, chaotic league where anything goes.

You know what is destroying the game for me? The constant whining that has been going on for months...

YOU are destroying the game by spewing deranged, self-entitled garbage you tell yourself is true.

Play the league (or don't) and see if you like it. If you don't, come back for the next one, just like we have always done! You are not being forced to do anything.

forum exist to talk about stuff, bad or good. If you want only good posts go on reddit and farm your karma. If your eyes can't handle any message that you don't like just close the browser
Harvest is trash league. Ty for deleting it :)
Sounds interesting. A bit more grindy, but technically, it should have a higher ceiling in terms of specializing in something particular. Let's see how it plays.
Arroaw#4905 написал:
Calm down, you insane crybabies! This is a temp league, litterally a corrupted, chaotic league where anything goes.

You know what is destroying the game for me? The constant whining that has been going on for months...

YOU are destroying the game by spewing deranged, self-entitled garbage you tell yourself is true.

Play the league (or don't) and see if you like it. If you don't, come back for the next one, just like we have always done! You are not being forced to do anything.

temp league bla-bla-bla. Okay, lets wait till this garbage change will go on the 3.26
that is such a cool idea. cant wait to play the event. thx for your work. im rly happy you still put work in to poe 1 , the game we all love ! hype
So, you replace the best ever possible passive tree for idols? :(
W/o tree, how i get smuggler caches to get that blueprints from example fully revealed, you did not bother to add heist scarab
Shenanigans with ascendancies might be interesting, this is alpha alpha test for poe 2 mechanics?
Looks like good idea, GGG just need to remove this "Unmodifiable" cancer mod, or make them always drop with 4 mods.
I can FLY!
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/WDRU/

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