Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

If you make so many experimental changes, just slap challenges and mtx here as well for other type of fun.
GGG... What is this? It is terrible. Another things to trade, filter out. Oh my god... Bottom has benn reached.
I don't want to test some system for poe 2.
I wanna farm my atlas tree!!!!!!!
IGN @SexyMilf
Lunaxi#7343 написал:
GGG... What is this? It is terrible. Another things to trade, filter out. Oh my god... Bottom has benn reached.

I agree on each word of yours.
IGN @SexyMilf
The majority of the people here are the exact reason why we are not getting 3.26 this month, but instead we getting it much later. It is quite funny, I mean sad, how people dont understand this... And it will probably be the reason why PoE 1 wont be getting update much if at all after the release of PoE 2. It is a shame that it will be the community that killed the game, not the devs.
as much as I love PoE 1/2 getting rid of Atlas tree and replacing it with RNG relics - so many steps backwards. Was looking forward for the event, but this announcement just feels bad.

GGG You can do better than this
Последняя редакция: o2Derby#5858. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 5:43:28
YOU might like Sanctum.
We don't really like Sanctum that much. Or some of us - at all.

Just letting you know that Sanctum isn't the your greatest work as you seem to think it is.
Again so many poe1 try hards crying , 10 years you play the same game and they release a new game , what you expect ? leave them alone ...

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