Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

in the first image we can still see the option of choosing ur atlas loadout. maybe this shouldnt be there idk.
I was happy to see some League changes for an event mid season, tends to be little and crazy changes, but then i saw "replacing the existing Atlas Passive Skill Tree.".

Replacing Atlas Tree now, big L
It might alright for PoE2, but it's really horrible for PoE1.

You could have replaced Scarabs, that add a hassle and annoyance to mapping, with this permanent relic-like system, that would have been well loved by all but the very rich.

Instead, we get a worse RNG based atlas. Yay?


Look, the more RNG you add, the more you simply force players to trade and make the base game feel worse. No one wants RNG to that degree, not even us SSF players, we need the core game to feel good with trade being an option for some chase items or the like, not as your core progression.

RNG is great, but when you also have trade you end up with 0 RNG and ALSO a bad game. This is NOT a buff.
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
GGG, we get it you're cooking up some changes to test, but jesus christ this is awful for a multitude of reasons.

1) RNG-gated access to mechanics and optimization = new players get cucked, best strats get gated by rng in ssf/money in trade
2) As you pointed out youselves - even more inventory management, noone likes having 5 quad tabs of random semi-usable just-in-case junk
3) Another type of drops to filter out
4) It's straight up just clunky

Would be fun if it added some borrowed power on top of atlas tree we have now, but if this is a replacement? That's not even a step backwards, it's an entire 15 minute walk backwards.
I don't want to play poe 2 again what is that
This idea will be so frickin FRESH, although like others have said, I think this would be infinitely better alongside the Atlas tree instead of replacing it.

If the Atlas tree is indeed gone, a few concerns/questions:

1) What will be the incentive for map completion now that they don't reward Atlas passives? Will it be the old system where each completed map gives a 1% chance of dropping a higher map tier or similar?

2) PLEASE tweak the idol drop rate such that it's low enough to where the drops feel good, but high enough to where we aren't gated out of past Atlas tree setups we really liked. Maybe make some idols targetable?

Последняя редакция: rAx#0551. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 6:40:44
I'm sorry but who is making all these god-awful decisions @GGG?

What happened to you?
Curious what the online will be and for how long for this shitstain garbage trashcan dumpster xdddd You basically forced to farm only sanctum now

Also nice try to bait to buy more stash tabs. After everything you've done so far, you do not deserve any support.
Последняя редакция: GimmeZeLoot#1718. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 6:23:03
I'm pretty sceptical about this change, because content I ant will be limited to rng, loot and trade. And Im curious what will be the prices for modifiers I want.. What Atlas offers is opened and unlimited for everyone. You just need atlas point for just doing maps. So.. content I need and want I have to farm myself = more time to spend, or more currency to spend. And idols will be unmodifiable, so I'll have to deal with modifiers which I dont want to have in my maps. Compromises. Beside this, such change will be something new compared to atlas grinded in milion ways.
Instead of giving us more opportunities to enjoy the game, we're getting a minimalist system that's a WORSE copy of the Atlas passive tree. Who thought this would be a FUN change to implement?

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