Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System
Yeah i dont really get it. Dont get me wrong i am happy to play PoE 1 and therefore i am kind of thankful for the event. However i can not wrap my head around the fact that AFTER how many people dislike the current state of PoE 2 and the shitstorm the delays and the lies have earned, your best idea was to remove one of PoEs greatest systems, make them drop only AND make them not craftable? Thats about EVERTHING people do not want. Why does it always have to be like that? Why do you always have such wierd "visions" that you are so stubborn on to make happen? It was so simple and so easy. People were exited because the "mysterious" thing besides the map device could have been a map holder, where you just slot in 40 maps and can chain run them. Freeing up inventory space. People would have been happy. Pair that with an old beloved league mechanic, like og harvest or og ultimatum. Call it legacy of the past, slap on some random 40 challenges and give a fresh economy. Maybe slap in some old beloved maps like gorge. Voila. Instead we get ascendacies and map relic that i cant blame anybody to think they feel like PoE 2. Its crazy to me that the great PoE2, the future of ARPGs, seem to be the worst thing that has ever happened to the GGG universe till date. Or the changes behind the scenes, i dont know much about that but well maybe.
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This isn't better. Again taking away determinism so people will have to play more to get back to the same level. Having 4 atlas trees you could switch between was already the perfect solution.
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Losing the determinism to select the content we want is a hard pill to swallow. I can see the potential for a system like this to have a higher power level at the top end than the current atlas, but I'm not convinced that large amounts of RNG and loosing the freedom to do what we want are worth it.
It would be much easier to deal with if there was *some* way focus on the content that we want and add a bit of determinism in. My recommendation in this regard would be to make the chances of league content appearing be an implicit on each item type. Like an essence idol makes 1 essence appear in your map or an einhar idol gives einhar a 25-35% chance to appear in your map. Then give it mods for all the other stuff. So we pick the type of league content we want to play by the type of idols we fill the box with, and the mods determine how things are modified and whatnot. | |
big F srsly, its again poe 2 testing...
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Such disappointment. Why remove the way to constantly farm favorite mechanics
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Piss off with your attempts at condescension. I'm fucking Charan. Who the fuck are you? I'm out. This is pathetic. Have fun licking up the sloppy seconds, Bambi. Cloak of de fiance. What a load." -- Ruler of Wraeclast. |
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The event lasts a month, just let people have everything and void it, what is wrong with you?
Well, on the bright side, at least the brief period of you putting on a facsimile of competence and pretending you weren't incompetent clown people didn't last long enough for anyone to have spent money! |
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Seems interesting and new stuff to try out and spend time in.
Thank you Последняя редакция: Skrins#6602. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 6:52:27
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if i wanted to play poe2 i would DL it and play it, but now they ruin poe1 aswell. gj ggg.
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Sounds pretty cool actually.
I like the idea of doing whatever I drop instead of managing atlas tree, let's try it!! looks fun I don't know why ppl are freaking out about not having a atlas tree. Dude thats a event, lets try the idols first later you can complain My end, it justifies my means, All I ever do is delay, My every attempt to evade, The end of the road And my end.... Последняя редакция: imLuCaSsS#6273. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 6:53:53
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