Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

Sounds amazing, thank you GGG!

FINALLY a fresh take to end game.

And something that allows us to be creative and have some sense of "new discovery" back in PoE 1.

Not staring at same Atlas for the past years and taking same points for X content as everyone else if we wanted to do X content - with zero thought.

This is going to be a blast and I can't wait to try it.
I get that this is a new thing that you guys rea trying, and I'm all for it since it's just an event. But there are a couple huge issues with this that is clear to see:

1 - Content specialization gated by RNG: it will most likely become a huge pain to get the relics to farm the content you want, either by drops or trading.

2 - No progression feeling: With this system replacing the atlas passive tree, the progression of unlocking maps and atlas points (which is awesome) is completely thrown away.
Why was there a need to remove the atlas trees entirely? Couldn't the relics just replace one of the three different atlas trees? That way we could switch to the relics when we found a decent set without relying completely on RNG endgame progression.
Replacing the Atlas tree with relics looks like a terrible idea.

Good luck everybody.

Poe 1 is thrown into oblivion, the event should be something fun and everything, you seem to hate players modifying what is cool and adding things that make the game more confusing, boring and tedious.
Interesting concept but i hope getting the league mechanic you want isn't tedious
Given that players afterwards will likely want to experiment with the Ascendancy Classes or the alternate Endgame mechanic individually, we will be adding both of these as Private League options some time after the event.

Actually, this also sure sounds a lot like this is actually just you wanting random people to waste $30,000 of points on a streamer league 2.0 again where they won't have to deal with your enshittification of endgame systems.
Ceryneian#3541 написал:
Sounds amazing, thank you GGG!

FINALLY a fresh take to end game.

And something that allows us to be creative and have some sense of "new discovery" back in PoE 1.

Not staring at same Atlas for the past years and taking same points for X content as everyone else if we wanted to do X content - with zero thought.

This is going to be a blast and I can't wait to try it.

"I find walking boring, I feel like jumping on one leg is a new and fresh way to move around" - this is what I see.

It's on you if you always pick the same thing. But I do agree that it would be nice if they added more ways of playing the same content, but ON the atlas, not instead of it.

Or if they really have to use idols, they could just be an addition that's similar to memories:

"Area has +1 fissure that spawns beyond monsters that drop corrupted abyssal jewels with 5-6 mods"

"Harvest has +x% chance to have a special einhar beast as a crop"

"Area contains +1 harbinger portal. Monsters summoned by harbingers convert drops to currency shards"

I've said it, POE 2 is only a Casino.
Looks terrible, why are the itemizing one of poe's best features. Can we stop with using poe1 to beta test features for 2 if they go completely against the original's design principals.

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