Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

LechugaNegra написал:
DvDpC написал:
HI all again.
Is there any guide how to properly craft eclips staff?
The ones I see, they are 2-3years old and most of them shows how to get +3 to sgill gems and +1 to gems than the rest with extra crafted.
I accidently made this one. with just hiting alchemy, than there was mana in there so I said fk it lets risk and remove random and I got luck with removing mmana. Unfortunately it is for cold. has 2 prefix and 1 suffix. I guess it is perfect for cold casters.

Dire Cry
Eclipse Staff
Quality: +20% (augmented)
Physical Damage: 72-150 (augmented)
Critical Strike Chance: 6.78% (augmented)
Attacks per Second: 1.20
Weapon Range: 13
Level: 70
Str: 117
Int: 117
Sockets: B-B-B-B-B-B
Item Level: 77
100% increased Global Critical Strike Chance (implicit)
Adds 56 to 95 Cold Damage to Spells
13% increased Critical Strike Chance
+3 to Level of all Cold Spell Skill Gems

Give this a look if you haven't already: https://pastebin.com/pV5v0aJw

Thanks it helped to understand many things.
Hi was curious if there was a reason not to use the ice golem, the added crit seems pretty nice.
So i crafted this baby and imprint regaled 5+ times so far. One regal was a t1 int roll but the guide says we want two suffixes open and i rolled it back..

Do I just continue to regal imprint until an acceptable prefix pops up? very expensive process lol

Zeeul написал:
LechugaNegra написал:
I'm really new to crafting but just rolled the staff with +3 to level of all lightning spell gems (~2.5k alts used!), and want to ensure my next steps don't brick it.

My understanding based on the crafting guide is that I'd want to wipe off the cold resistance before regal (50/50, but I can imprint it in the beastiary to be safe).

What would you recommend doing after that? Imprinting again and using an augment to see if I get lucky on a suffix?

Imprinting then regaling and moving forward with just the one affix (plus whatever the regal orb gives)?


To get rid of the cold resistance you can use a bestiary trick:
+3 to lightning is a prefix
all resistances are suffix
So grab the beast from the market that allows you to:
"add a prefix remove a suffix" pretty cheap 5-10c
That will at least give you a cheaper way to gamble away the cold res for a better mod.

If you want the perfect staff I wouldnt spend too much on a non-influenced staff. Save the big spending until you have a shaper, elder staff. But you can still use a few imprints to get something good.

If you get something you like, regal it (pure gamble) then multimod
If you dont get something you like you can risk an annul orb then use the imprint if you mess it up (but then you may want to make a new imprint). Look out for wether you roll prefixes or suffixes (as you can use that bestiary craft again)

You can get master crafting mods which will lock prefixes, or lock suffixes but thats super expensive high end crafting 2ex crafts.

I would also consider searching the market for a +3 lightning staff that looks good but has no links or sockets. Then its usually pretty cheap to spam jeweller's orbs for a 6-socket and bench craft a 5-link for 125 fusings. That can end up cheaper than trying to craft with imprints at 80c each time or whatever they are now.

Also in case you dont know, make sure you have "advanced mod descriptions" turned on in the options/UI

Good luck

Thanks for the bolded tip, this will reduce the price of my craft by a lot!

EDIT: forgot to imprint and bricked it:
I.. I gotta stop smoking weed


can anything be done to salvage this? idk at this point
Последняя редакция: Speedohdk#0453. Время: 8 апр. 2020 г., 22:21:13
Wanted to try this build for awhile (usually do summoners or melee) finally got around to it this league. It is fun but I am having a hard time w/single target DPS. Suggestions?
I wanted to ask how much of a damage boost or if none at all is having Spells have +#% to Critical Strike Chance on the body piece.

my current body has 6S6L
+1 to level of all socketed support gems
90% increased energy shield
+59 max life
37% cold resistance
40% to lightning resistance
28increased stun and block recovery.

I wanted to craft one with Spells have +#% to Critical Strike Chance. with similair pre/suffix's.

Anything helps thank you
marktsun написал:
I wanted to ask how much of a damage boost or if none at all is having Spells have +#% to Critical Strike Chance on the body piece.

my current body has 6S6L
+1 to level of all socketed support gems
90% increased energy shield
+59 max life
37% cold resistance
40% to lightning resistance
28increased stun and block recovery.

I wanted to craft one with Spells have +#% to Critical Strike Chance. with similair pre/suffix's.

Anything helps thank you

its a big boost, that "to crit" was the biggest dps upgrade i did early in season.
my advice is that you find one with 1%+ and not bellow that (tier 2 = 0.5 to 1% and tier 1 is from 1% to 1.5%, so the closer to 1.5 the better)its relativelly cheap to buy one with 100 life, 1.xx% crit, and 1 resist (tier 3 affix min) and then 5L it with a prophecy (they cost 10c) and its done. its a cheap way to get the most of the chest piece without rbeaking the bank. if you have the ex's then choose a better chest with 100+ life, 1.xx% crit, +1 to sup gems, %life, energy shield if possible (use ring, belt and jewels for resist capping since its cheap). it should be 6L by you otherwise it will go outside of reach very fast, i bought a great one with crit (missed the gem boost)at league start for 25c then 6L it (prophecy costed around 3ex) and sold it for ~10ex when i decided to change builds in the second week of league. so its a investment that pays off almost always.
One day i will learn how to be good at this game. kappa
kolyaboo написал:
Wanted to try this build for awhile (usually do summoners or melee) finally got around to it this league. It is fun but I am having a hard time w/single target DPS. Suggestions?

You need to go back to the guide and check it carefully because I notice you are missing a lot of stuff (maybe you are just not there yet) but there is plenty of things to work on.

In particular, look at the affix priority, that may help.

Some other things:

- Your arc isnt even level 20 yet, and none of your gems have quality. I would just buy them I think arc 20/20 goes for about 10c if that, the others are probably pretty cheap too.
- Spell damage (fingerless gloves)
- Your missing amulet annointment big spell damage there
- Your boot choice could be better as you probably know
- +3 lightning will help alot on staff (its reletively cheap to buy a no link +3 staff and get it to 5link yourself)
- Opal rings can help
- stygian with a life/damage jewel
- You are missing the correct flasks, you shouldnt need a mana flask? Cinderswallow and atzris promise are helpful. check the guide.

On your tree if you want more damage sacrifice a few points somewhere and go for:
- Lightning walker
- Crackling speed
- throatseeker

(youll probably get more damage from these nodes than any cluster jewels you are using. I would argue cluster jewels are a waste of points, especially at level 80)

Try get the last two jewel sockets
Try to get 7% life (essential) and damage affixes or resistance

FYI, When I was level 80 I had about 35k tooltip damage. At level 90 I had about 200k tooltip. At level 95 I have 280k so the damage can really pickup in the last 20 levels with all the minmaxing.

Hope that helps.
Последняя редакция: Zeeul#3295. Время: 9 апр. 2020 г., 8:16:47

So in this build we Can.t have 6 link staff if it has trigger,
my wave of conviction is lvl 1 but if I use it with orb of storm in other end seems like I'm killing my self. did I miss something in that build or it is just MUST have only 5link ctaff?

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