Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Should we use Timeless Jewel (Doryani) for energy shield so we can use Aspect of the Spider instead of Discipline?
Fuuchouin1 написал:
Should we use Timeless Jewel (Doryani) for energy shield so we can use Aspect of the Spider instead of Discipline?

I second this

can i craft "prefixes cannot be changed" to safely scour the suffix away? is 21-28% cast speed more damage than +22 crit multi?

Sorry for all the questions, crafting is confusing and

edit: i figured it out
Последняя редакция: Speedohdk#0453. Время: 13 апр. 2020 г., 17:18:59
When I switched from Discipline to AotS got short of ES too. Had to change many things on my gear... like swaping life crafts for ES, crafted and socketed 2 ES jewels (~ +50 ES) and put 3 points on ES node called Unnatural Calm (give total of 30% ES). I dumped Strenght and Dext nodes as I didnt needed them and temporarily - Zealoth's Outh (ES regen around tier 13-14 is still not a problem even without it, but I intend to put it back when I level up).
I ended up with ~4360 life and 1900 ES which satisfies the MoM requirements.

PS. I asked a crafting question too a little earlier today. Hope somebody answers ;)
Последняя редакция: Jinxxxed#5765. Время: 13 апр. 2020 г., 17:22:57
Jinxxxed написал:
Hi, below is my Staff. Is there a way to safely remove Cold Res without focking up the other modifiers?

I want to add "can have up 3 crafted mods" + "trigger a socketed spell..." + keep the increased lighning dmg (i guess I have to remove it before adding "can have up 3 crafted mods" and put it back afterwards)

It's just that I am not sure there will be space for all of the above mods if ColdRes is there. And since the "+3 mods.." recipie is still quite expencive (for me) I don't want to do noob..ish experiments :D as I probably won't get any better staff soon :)

PS. If the staff's not worth the investment just skip the question and say it :)

I'd probably keep the staff as is and look to upgrade to a +3 first.
I've been using these settings looking for my staff:


You can either choose to ignore the empty prefix or suffix for some more options if this doesn't show enough.
You could buy one of those staves and use it for a while, until you can multimod it. The empty/crafted prefix was there for me to be able to slam a crusader's exalted orb on it, you could ignore/remove it from the search part. If you want to potentially multimod later on (or go for cast on using a skill), you'll need the open/crafted suffix bit in there.

please can some1 show me (with photo) where did he put the 2 jewels ?
and is it mattar what jewel you put where?
The passive skill tree in PoB and the one in leveling section is different, which one should i follow

Sorry for the question im very new to the game
albrekt написал:
Hey, team! I need some help.

I'm currently using Enlighten Support in my helm in order to get the 4 auras active at once discussed in the build. Without this support gem, I'm just a little bit shy of activating all of them. However, I don't see any mention of Enlighten Support in the guide, and I believe I've allocated all of the correct Passives and otherwise got the right mods covered by my equipment.

My question is this: what am I missing? How do I get all four of Wrath, Flesh & Stone, Zealotry, and Aspect of the Spider without Enlighten Support?

Thank you in advance for any insights you can offer.

https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/albrekt/characters (MissCrumble)

Asuming you have everything else correct, careful where you put aspect of the spider, I noticed the mana reserve was higher when I socketed certain gems in the aspect of spider gear piece. Test it. watch aspect of spider mana reserve, socket one gem at a time, if your mana reserve goes up, youve found the problem.

Should we use Timeless Jewel (Doryani) for energy shield so we can use Aspect of the Spider instead of Discipline?

Sure you can try anything but Timeless jewels also have a significant downside, they will kill all the nodes around your jewel causing problems, and dont forget the boost to ES is also coupled with a mechanic that let half of all elemental damage through the energy shield, or something like that.
Последняя редакция: Zeeul#3295. Время: 14 апр. 2020 г., 5:58:48
rykn_ написал:
The passive skill tree in PoB and the one in leveling section is different, which one should i follow

Sorry for the question im very new to the game

The leveling section focuses on using elemental overload and mana because this way you do not need to focus on crit and eldritch battery from the start.
Once you reach endgame, you respec several points into crit and eldritch battery.


ABout the aspect craft: It will be supported by any support gems socketed in the gear that can support it. Often these have a mana multiplier that will also affect the aspect skill. I've put it on my boots and socketed my golem set-up in there.
rykn_ написал:
The passive skill tree in PoB and the one in leveling section is different, which one should i follow

Sorry for the question im very new to the game

Goto page one, get the latest POB link (because it can get updated):
Here is the latest one: https://pastebin.com/r3EEZjCa

Open Path of building
> choose import build
> click "import from pastebin" (bottom right)
> paste this link: https://pastebin.com/r3EEZjCa
> click import (should say code is valid in green)
> click import again

Now you should see the skilltree. In the bottom left of the page there is a dropdown menu (for me it says lv90) here you can choose 18 different path of building layouts depending on what your level is, and wether you have "devouring diadem" or not.

Took me a while to find this dropdown, but its super helpful, especially for leveling.
Последняя редакция: Zeeul#3295. Время: 14 апр. 2020 г., 6:27:59
Thanks, everyone! It turns out I'd missed the Reduced Mana Reservation passive in the upper right corner.

Sadly, this has meant dropping a Jewel passive that was giving me life, so I'm once again shoring up survivability issues for T16 and other end game challenges. There's very little that I can upgrade without saving up multiple Exalteds at this point, so I'm looking to upgrade one of my rings to a Vermillion base. I started crafting one I got for (basically) free and have arrived here:


Rarity: Rare
Honour Grasp
Vermillion Ring
Level: 80
Item Level: 84
7% increased maximum Life (implicit)
7% increased Cast Speed
+28 to maximum Energy Shield
+56 to maximum Life

Is this worth investing the 2 Exalteds into "Can Have Up to 3 Crafted Modifiers," or should I reroll or find something better, you think? I'd probably throw on Increased Lightning Damage and Increased Damage (I've already got 75%+ elemental resists from other gear options right now).

This is tough. I'm surprised my character is still so.. squishy.
Последняя редакция: albrekt#1385. Время: 14 апр. 2020 г., 11:15:23

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