Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Zeeul написал:
foserbr написал:

Someone can help me? I cant do maps t11+ rare =/

I would go back to the guide and try to follow it closer because you have made some strange choices.

1: You have swapped controlled destruction for empower level 2? that has got to be weak as hell??? I tried swapping a level4 empower for all my arc 6 link gems and it was significantly weaker. Press C to open up your charactor stats page. Click on arc damage, try swapping controlled destruction back into your 6link, see what difference it makes to your damage stats, I bet it makes a big difference. (Go back to the guide and see what Enki says, only swap empower level4 for increased critical strikes when you have over 50% crit, something like that)

2: You dont need the eldritch battery node AND the devouring diadem (because it has eldritch battery on the item) so refund the 3 points on the tree

3: try to refund your dex and strength nodes, if it says "you need X points to wear this item in red" then keep the nodes, if it says nothing remove the nodes, the only reason to get those strength and dex nodes are to make sure you have enough stats for gear and gems. You have 66 strenth on your amulet! you should have enought str at least!?! "if" you can refund one of them you will have enough points to get crackling speed which will give you a good little damage boost

4: nice shaper vermillion ring, the life catalyst is better it will give you a boost to life and get your 7% increased life to 8%

5: I dont know why you are adding "allow 2 additional curses" and I cant see anywhere where you are applying 2 additional curses, oh I see on your gloves. Temp chains and enfeeble, not bad as a temporary thing in the long run I think you would be stronger aiming for stats on the ring and crit on the body.

6: (Life x 0.43) make sure this number is heigher than your energy shield for Mind over mater to work properly

7: Try target a vaal regalia you will get a lot more energy shield, another way to get a massive energy shield boost is the bench craft "add 10% of life as energy shield"

8: staff is average, work towards a +3 rare staff, should be cheap to make because you only need a 5link. Put 6link arc in chest.

Hope one or two of those ideas help...

Bro thx! Sometimes is hard to me understand how works, but i really apreciate your help, i will make this changes e tell you how better was

(sometimes is hard to understand because im brazilian, so the game it's complex and language different make things worse)
foserbr написал:

Someone can help me? I cant do maps t11+ rare =/

A small addition - get rid of "Increased elemental damage with attack skills" on your ring. Arc is not an attack skill, it's a spell, so this affix doesn't work with Arc.
Bro thx! Sometimes is hard to me understand how works, but i really apreciate your help, i will make this changes e tell you how better was

(sometimes is hard to understand because im brazilian, so the game it's complex and language different make things worse)

No problem, one last thing. I didnt see "wave of conviction" gem anywhere.

This is a gem you can place in your open socket on your staff. (It doesnt matter if it is linked or not)

The gem you can keep at lvl1. We dont care about the damage. the skill applys a debuff that gives enemies 25% less lightning resistance (sort of). Its very useful especially against bosses.

So I have:
ARC on (Q key)
Orb of storms (W Key)
Wave of conviction (E key)

Then I just keep my finger on Q to cast arc and just hit W and E every 5-10 seconds to apply the debuf and orb of storms.

In the guide enki suggests automating this process by crafting the mod onto your staff which says something like "cast socketed skills when you use a skill". Which means orb of storms and wave of conviction are constantly being cast every 4second. But personally I like to have stronger damage crafts on my staff and cast these skills myself.

good luck.
Zeeul написал:
Bro thx! Sometimes is hard to me understand how works, but i really apreciate your help, i will make this changes e tell you how better was

(sometimes is hard to understand because im brazilian, so the game it's complex and language different make things worse)

No problem, one last thing. I didnt see "wave of conviction" gem anywhere.

This is a gem you can place in your open socket on your staff. (It doesnt matter if it is linked or not)

The gem you can keep at lvl1. We dont care about the damage. the skill applys a debuff that gives enemies 25% less lightning resistance (sort of). Its very useful especially against bosses.

So I have:
ARC on (Q key)
Orb of storms (W Key)
Wave of conviction (E key)

Then I just keep my finger on Q to cast arc and just hit W and E every 5-10 seconds to apply the debuf and orb of storms.

In the guide enki suggests automating this process by crafting the mod onto your staff which says something like "cast socketed skills when you use a skill". Which means orb of storms and wave of conviction are constantly being cast every 4second. But personally I like to have stronger damage crafts on my staff and cast these skills myself.

good luck.

I have arc on my chest piece and it does cast orb of storms and wave of conviction automatically even though those are on my weapon (which has trigger a socketed spell when you use a skill).
I have arc on my chest piece and it does cast orb of storms and wave of conviction automatically even though those are on my weapon (which has trigger a socketed spell when you use a skill).
Good to hear, did that empower gem swap make a difference?
Zeeul написал:
I have arc on my chest piece and it does cast orb of storms and wave of conviction automatically even though those are on my weapon (which has trigger a socketed spell when you use a skill).
Good to hear, did that empower gem swap make a difference?

That was a different person lol
Another question: Why not max quality of arc? Don't we want to shock?
Zeeul thx!!
Dps almost doubled! Is insane.
About changes i put controled destruction, remove some passives and add in crackling speed and next change will be staff 5l but 3+ lvl to gem trigger socketed spell and another dmg buff
MrSatchmoo написал:
Another question: Why not max quality of arc? Don't we want to shock?

If you can get a 21/20 Vaal Arc, go for it--the shock chance doesn't hurt. But it's a lot more expensive than a 21/20 Vaal Arc for not much benefit, since all of our crits apply shock anyway and we should be constantly critting.
MrSatchmoo написал:
Hey, love this build. It's really fun to play. Still a little squishy, though, but I guess I'll manage.

I'm LVL 84 in SSF at the moment and still in early maps. Now I found this 6-link armor:

Is it viable for the time being for this build?
First problem for me is the red socket, I guess, as in fact I've found an enhance support, but of course no empower gem. I put a life leech in there, but that doesn't look optimal. Any advice?

(I consider myself still pretty noob, so just tell me, if I should just drop this armor...)

That armor is totally fine for the moment for SSF early mapping. Put Inspiration Support into the red socket. (DPS boost won't show in tooltip until you cast it several times, FYI.)

You can also use the crafting bench to color the sockets, even though it's corrupted (just costs Vaal orbs in addition to chromatic orbs). Because it's a pure intelligence-based armor, if you keep trying to craft "has at least one blue socket", you'll hit 6 blue pretty quickly.

Eventually there is a ton of room for improvement, but that 6L will be better than any 5L you're likely to find in SSF.

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