{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀

Oxiginlaser написал:
Ty for this wonderfull build. İ have one belly eith 6 link but its 4 b 1 g 1 r can i use one red gem instead of green? İs there any usefull one

Hi mate, if you're stuck with one red socket then the guide says 'Added Fire Support' is the best option for you - due to synergy with 'Summon Phantasms on Kill.'
Fun fact, I was able to get to 75 total minions out.

42 - Vaal Skeletons
10 - Phantasms
10 - Skeletons
10 - Zombies
3 - Spectres

I also don't have a +1 to spectre boots on, so you could get 76...

Of course, this is probably not optimal and in most cases seems like vast overkill. Just a fun process.
Quick question friend - I have acquired a Vis Mortis with +1 to socketed gems that I'm interesting in using in comparison to my Belly of the Beast (both six linked - but with the Vis Mortis I've opted for 1 red socket so I can use Added Fire damage (which I think would benefit very well from the +1 for the Phantasms).

As I also now have access to a 4th Spectre, I was wondering whether you would recommend going for either a 3rd Frost Sentinel, a 2nd Solar Guard, or something else to supplement the build - such as Heretical Guardian for the proximity shield? Thank you in advance for your time!
@ McMad_Hatter:
McMad_Hatter написал:
Just to follow-up on my previous post - this is the most fun build I have ever tried. You truly feel like a Necromancer/commander of the dead. It's insane.

I was rocking Skelemancer before, and I loved it, but this is next level. I'm not sure if you're familiar with a tabletop wargame called 'Warhammer', but there is a character called 'Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead'.

I always played undead class when playing this - your build is as close as I've ever come to actually feeling like Nagash in a game.

Rest of Post

^ This is him :P

Thank you so much again mate :)

Awesome! Many a league were spent in pursuit of creating the best Necromancer I could. And what's a Necromancer without their army? I couldn't rest until I had achieved the perfect blend of ARPG and RTS.

I have not played tabletop Warhammer. Closest would be the Necrons in the first W40K Dawn of War video game. I've always been a PC gamer. The Total War versions look interesting, but I've been waiting for a really good Steam sale.

McMad_Hatter написал:
Quick question friend - I have acquired a Vis Mortis with +1 to socketed gems that I'm interesting in using in comparison to my Belly of the Beast (both six linked - but with the Vis Mortis I've opted for 1 red socket so I can use Added Fire damage (which I think would benefit very well from the +1 for the Phantasms).

Added Fire is suboptimal, since it is additive with Hatred. You only want to use it when you have no other choice.

McMad_Hatter написал:
As I also now have access to a 4th Spectre, I was wondering whether you would recommend going for either a 3rd Frost Sentinel, a 2nd Solar Guard, or something else to supplement the build - such as Heretical Guardian for the proximity shield? Thank you in advance for your time!

I'd go for a third Frost Sentinel. They benefit from Hatred and you don't need more than one source of Proliferated Ignites.

Proximity Shield has a long cooldown that makes it unreliable protection. Heretical Guardians also melee way too much. We might not rely on Spectres for our damage, but they still do a solid amount (otherwise we wouldn't be generating Phantasms), especially when juiced up on Soul Eater.

@ Tomosovich:
Tomosovich написал:
To be clear, I’m not using divine ire. It’s more of a thought experiment. I was asking purely because if I charge a dash and accidentally zoom off the screen I could die from it. I’m only at like 100-ish now so I’ll keep it up to date in this thread.

FAQ covers alternative skills for Charged Dash that give way more utility than Divine Ire.

Tomosovich написал:
Fun fact, I was able to get to 75 total minions out.

42 - Vaal Skeletons
10 - Phantasms
10 - Skeletons
10 - Zombies
3 - Spectres

I also don't have a +1 to spectre boots on, so you could get 76...

Of course, this is probably not optimal and in most cases seems like vast overkill. Just a fun process.

Oh, it's definitely possible to have more minions. I liked 74 because it happened to mirror 4.7M damage. =o)

Vaal Skeletons have a weird bug. Pre-3.6, if I had summoned my regular Skeletons and then used Vaal Skeletons, I'd only get 35 when the tooltip said I should get 40 (23 warriors + 10 archers + 6 mages + 1 general = 40). Yet if I cast Vaal Skeletons first, I'd get 42, and could summon 10 regular Skeletons while still having 42 Vaal Skeletons.

Post-3.6, the first part seems to be fixed. I get 42 Skeletons regardless which I cast first. Yet the tooltip and wiki both say I should only get 40 at gem level 24. So the question is, do I actually have 42? Is it the tooltip or counter that's wrong?

You can see the old bug in my T15 Basillica video. @1:13 I use it while having only 4 regular Skeletons, causing a slight reduction, so it only reaches 41 (still above tooltip). Then @2:41 I use it while I have 10 regular Skeletons and only get 35 Vaal Skeletons.

@ thomzon:
thomzon написал:
Thanks again Hercanic ! Great details and saves me from doing all the research myself xD

For now I'm doing lvl 1 Ball lightning for mana cost, so anything damage related is off the table. I'll look into the rest.
thomzon написал:
Got my Mark of submission, so my gloves are now free from curse on hit / projectile weakness.

I have added unleash, it's great for virulance stacks, it's like instantaneous 0 to 40 at each cast. I have tried several green support gems, and for me the winner is clearly Faster Projectiles. It feels really awesome for map clearing, and the addition of unleash makes virulance stacking really not an issue.

For tough bosses however I'll probably replace it with Blind or Onslaught.

I only suggested Blind for mapping (but since we're already freezing things, it's arguable how useful blind would be here). If you're going against bosses, it'd be better to get a minion jewel with Blind. They'll keep the boss blinded for you no problem.

If you're not inflicting Bleed, then you can aim to get gloves with Poison and Faster Projectiles as an affix. You'd have an open socket again.

@ Oxiginlaser:
Oxiginlaser написал:
Ty for this wonderfull build. İ have one belly eith 6 link but its 4 b 1 g 1 r can i use one red gem instead of green? İs there any usefull one
McMad_Hatter написал:
Hi mate, if you're stuck with one red socket then the guide says 'Added Fire Support' is the best option for you - due to synergy with 'Summon Phantasms on Kill.'

Yep, Added Fire is the best of the worst color for us. Losing a green socket is very unfortunate, though, as it means losing Faster Projectiles. Having 69% faster projectiles is a massive increase to Phantasm range and makes Ice Spears from our Frost Sentinels hit so much sooner. Freezing monsters before they can even get their first attack out is a huge boon to survival.
Последняя редакция: Hercanic#3982. Время: 24 мая 2019 г., 18:45:38
i just love this build probably is the most powerful i've played evarrrr

i'm playing on ps4 standard sinthesys and i think i have 2 million dps even without all equipments, everything just die so fast and desappear. i'm at lvl 89 with 5k+ life and a holy damn army thank you.

is sad ta the economy on the ps4 is crapy, just bought a 4ex rare boots with +1 spectre (the cheaper) but worth it.

thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu
I love your guide, your chosen artwork and the playstyle of this build!
One little question: Why is there any comment to the animated guard? Especially with Meginord's Vise, Leer Cast, Ambu's Charge, Dying Breath and Victario's Flight?
I just added a animted guard-gem to my setup (I have one red place free at the moment) to level this dude.
Is there any argument against a animated guard for this build?
Последняя редакция: Görf#6613. Время: 26 мая 2019 г., 10:10:53
Görf написал:
I love your guide, your chosen artwork and the playstyle of this build!
One little question: Why is there any comment to the animated guard? Especially with Meginord's Vise, Leer Cast, Ambu's Charge, Dying Breath and Victario's Flight?
I just added a animted guard-gem to my setup (I have one red place free at the moment) to level this dude.
Is there any argument against a animated guard for this build?

In the alternative setup section he does talk about using an AG. It's all about preference really. I've made some changes to suit my own style:

- Dropped the Belly of the Beast for a Vis Mortis with +1 to socketed gems. This, plus the extra Spectre, is insane damage boost and I do not miss the lost life at all.

- Dropped the Shield Charge for a CWDT (lvl 1) + Immortal Call (lvl 3) + Increased Duration (21/20). I find the movement boost with the flasks (which refill constantly) more than mitigates the loss of Shield Charge (with Immortal Call mitigating Fortify). I find my survivability is much higher with this setup.

- Replaced the amulet with an Aul's Uprising with 'Hatred Reserves no Mana'. I've used the saved mana to run 'Aspect of the Avian' (on the unset ring), which provides a nice bonus to the minions (for both movement and damage).

If you feel your playstyle benefits more from an AG then you should run one. There are a lot of options for this build (which is the beauty of it!)
Последняя редакция: MadJackMcMadd#2521. Время: 26 мая 2019 г., 13:33:35
Hi, i'm amazed how much effort you gave to create this build. I'm planning to play it on legion league, as far as we know it will fit new league mechanics?
Try cannibals fire eater.
A loot of DPS. 8mln shaper :o

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