{3.10} Speaker for the Dead | The Mass Minion Summoner | League Starter, Leveling Guide 💀
@ PageRox:
" Ha, awesome! Glad you like it! @ Görf:
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" " " " FAQ @ Krynsu: " No problems yet. Minions will attack time-frozen monsters like normal. Since we use Charged Dash to constantly move around, we keep all our minions aggressive without stopping to cast. Cyclone is looking to be a promising alternative to Charged Dash. It'll be slower (0.7 vs. 1.3 ms), but faster than Blade Flurry (0 vs. 0.7 ms). Repeated use of some or all movement skills will have new restrictions. Shield Charge gets "heavier" if you've used it recently (might be more damage but slower charge). Movement skills also share these restrictions, so you cannot chain them to avoid the modification. We may end up dropping Shield Charge in favor of one of the new dodge skills, which would open up two sockets. Fortify could still be added to Charged Dash/Cyclone in place of GMP. There will be some sort of change to Fortify, but we don't know what that is yet. Significant changes to game pathfinding (will be euclidean and use 8 directions instead of 4) should hopefully let us stack more melee minions around a boss. @ JustMane: " Fire-Eaters deal about 50% more damage than Solar Guards, but in exchange their area coverage is very restricted. We use Frost Sentinels not for their damage, but rather their extreme area coverage and utility. They, with Phantasms, clear the screen and beyond of normal monsters, the Agony Crawler strikes down tanky rares, and Skeletons specialize in boss DPS. We divide the roles to get the best of everything. It's not the absolute pinnacle of summoner DPS, but we're extremely adaptable to any circumstance or terrain while still having more than enough DPS for every fight in the game. (In fact, Vaal Skeletons technically add another 6.8M Shaper DPS while they're up.) Последняя редакция: Hercanic#3982. Время: 28 мая 2019 г., 19:13:15
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will this build still be viable for 3.7 as a league starter?
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" Very much a great league starter, the speed to A10 Kitava is one of the fastest I have played overall since you are stacking multiple types of pet damage. I have run it a few times ssf even and it plays smoothly. here is some examples of ssf leveling test runs speeds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSu1Nz95DCY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t1nkR1X80Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8aOd8RDXWA Can level and start mapping easily in all rares. Also interested how these melee changes may affect our skeles and zombies with their animations and number of pets per mob. Will they also hit all nearby mobs with their attacks? Also check out this nicely compiled resource for buffing pets. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/bupq2j/massive_guide_to_buffing_minions/ Последняя редакция: kager#6456. Время: 30 мая 2019 г., 14:01:14
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@ GamerNerdRage81:
" Check out my response right above your post, the @ Krynsu reply. I also see you're streaming the build. Awesome! Under the Acclaim section, I like to link to any streams of the build I find. Let me know if there's any particular clip or timestamp you'd like me to link to for your stream of the build. Последняя редакция: Hercanic#3982. Время: 30 мая 2019 г., 17:57:15
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I followed the guide, read a lot (english is not my main but I understand most of it). I just don't understand why I can't have the frost sentinels? How can I have them and have them launch the same projectiles as you? I know I'm a bit of a newby but I really try to understand that build (and that game.. lol). I didn't find any explanation on the frost sentinels in the text and on internet. Hope I can get some help from you guys. Thank you. |
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@ FonograF:
" Are you raising Rime Sentinels? They look similar to Frost Sentinels, but shoot explosive beams instead of Ice Spears. Use the Corpse Targeting hotkey, default A, to double-check the name of the monster corpse you are aiming at with Raise Spectre. You can find Frost Sentinels in Act 8's Lunaris Concourse and Harbour Bridge. Once you've successfully raised at least one Frost Sentinel, you can take it into any other area and Frost Sentinels will be entered into the corpse database of that area. The Desecrate skill creates corpses based on what is in the area's corpse database. By going to a high-level zone with a low-level Frost Sentinel in tow, you can then replace it by raising new Frost Sentinels who will be the Monster Level of the new zone, unless capped by Desecrate or Raise Spectre's own level cap. These caps are listed among the gems' stats and increase as the gems level up. Just in case you missed them, be sure to read the Spectre section in Minions Explained, as well as the tips on raising Flame Sentinels in the Leveling Guide, which are also applicable to Frost Sentinels. |
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" That's the informations I needed! " Thanks for those precisions. " I did was tired " Thank you ! So I have to find those frost sentinels and up them to high level before starting my farming session, I didn't understand that. ;) |
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Hey there,
First of all, awesome build I'v been playing it in both synthesis & flashback event. I did however tweek it a bit to my "playstyle" you can check my gear/skills bellow. I thought my changes might be interesting to some people here. Obviously better gear = better performance. I went for a flame dash & immortal call setup with some extra life on hit from spectres, although not sure phantasms are supported it does make a difference in life sustain & survivability with just 2 frost sentinels. I have to admit I haven't tested it against end game content (shaper/uber elder) yet. I'm not such a hardcore/grinding player to get to that point in a short amount of time (4 weeks flashback) or 1/3 of a league, Sorry. Not that it matters much, since DPS hasn't changed that much, even without Hatred, it still is a walk in the park for mapping, delving & synthesis. It still has a swapable amulet so, easy to get some extra stats dps or deffense... So I assume end game won't be a big issue, plenty of movement to dodge aswell! @Hercanic & everyone else, let me know what you think, I hope i didn't break the build to much... looking forward using it again in 3.7 (if gg doesn't break it)!
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This gear is from my flashback character, keep that in mind! |
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" The life gain on hit doesn't affect your specters since they are not using attacks, they only use spells. (and this gem doesn't heal you if equipped on pets) If you are finding their life is getting low try using an Unending Hunger gem to give them loads of Energy Shield. I believe it would heal the phantasms, but they proc fast enough on map clear/rare hits that they shouldn't need heals. |
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" The life of my spectres aint the problem, they are kind of immortal on level 100 now so, yeah... The goal is my own lifepool I would love to heal with my minions attacks/spells. So I can run arround like a no brainer without ever having to use a health potions. I didn't pay attention to the fact that frost sentinels use spells, I guess Life on hit aint gonna do much good here so, perhaps life leach might be the better option -> xx% dmg to life... although not so sure that it works either since "spectres" deal the dmg and not "me"... plenty of time to find out next league :) Последняя редакция: FutureFear#3386. Время: 3 июня 2019 г., 16:40:09
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