Malevolence, Zealotry and Aura Changes

Find me an even remotely playable one before I believe you....

On top of my mind:

Mathil did a dex based stacking something once or twice (the result is a pure cold atk build)

Me myself had once a lab runner that used 2x dreamfeathers + bladeflurry + lot of flat cold from various sources (was mediocre at best)

You could always use abyssal jewels (ye this would be expensive)

I mean, i'd still agree with you on this tho. These builds are so much niche that's not worth talking about them for general purposes.


As a melee player I've counted on hatred to boost all my builds. Oh well. Another sad day for cleave.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Holy shit!!! We can play goku builds now!!!
That's a pretty exciting change to consecrated ground. I still wish it didn't spawn right on the enemy, though. I know it's that way for the sake of consistency, but...
Guys you do good job , finally spell skill got some real love :) The change to Hatred may be really sad for melee character though..Idk let's see..

'"The damage bonus from Anger has been boosted"'

I remember asking for a buff for it in gem feedback, my dream come true ! ty :D

Последняя редакция: Elf_97. Время: 20 февр. 2019 г., 20:52:12
monkas anger buffs
zealotry seems pretty op :)
drenched 👌
blue blade flurry mtx plssss
also crystal earth shatter
So what you're saying is that poison builds now finally have two usable reservations skills that were (at least kinda) meant for them? Sweet.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
For everyone crying about the hatred nerf, we don't know numbers yet so stop it.

If we assume Hatred is going to have similar numbers in terms of %more cold damage as Wrath does, it'll be 21% at level 20.

If we assume they only change the % of phys as extra from 36% at lvl 20 (current) to 30% at lvl 20 then:

CURRENT: 100 ppds + 36% as extra cold = 136 DPS (100 phys, 36 cold)

NEW: 100 pdps + 30% as extra cold = 130 DPS (100 phys, 30 cold). Then this cold damage is multiplied by 21% because of the more multiplier so:

30 cold * 1.21 = 36.3 cold damage

100 pdps + 36.3 = 136.3 DPS

Last I checked, 136.3 > 136.... so depending on numbers it may even be a small buff. It might be a small nerf, but if you guys are going to cry about a <1% nerf then that's on you.

This isn't even taking into account all the Shaper amulets/items that give you
%phys as extra cold. The cold multi from Hatred now actually affects all of this shit too.
Elf_97 написал:
The change to Hatred may be really sad for melee character though..Idk let's see..

The problem with hatred was that it didn't help it's own damage type at all. Anger was and is good for most fire damage builds. Wrath is really strong for lightning damage builds. But hatred did jack shit for cold damage builds. It's similar to the buff they gave to herald of fire (which by the way will be really fucking strong with the new holy spells).
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
So you guys boosted two already super viable/ overused Auras which are Hatred and Anger, but left trash aura like Vitality alone? Why?

Discipline grants flat ES while increasing ES regen by a bunch, with a very powerful vaal skill, yet vitality grants measly 1.65% of life regen with no bonus Life and no Vaal skill, yet both of them reserve 35% mana? WHY?

Vitality is near unsable without the watcher eye, which is a VERY POOR design decision. Don't tell me you guys design some aura BASE ON watcher eye. Not everyone can afford double/ triple mod same aura Watcher Eye.

Hatred and Anger both works fine as a standalone aura without the need of Watcher Eye that's for sure. Why buff two overused aura to make them more overused while leaving trash aura alone?

Also where's the Berserker rework?

Последняя редакция: mic01851165. Время: 20 февр. 2019 г., 21:31:00

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