Malevolence, Zealotry and Aura Changes

The new auras look simple and great xD
Trading still sucks
Death's Aura boost <3
nskLantash написал:
why change it in a way that actively hurts most of the builds that were using the previous version?

to force people to make new builds.

if a build works "best in slot" for more than 3 temp leagues, that game could also be called "stale".

age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
i have feelings that some one hit balance team in meale range, this is why they hate meale so much
thefootjobkid написал:
I really like this direction of trying to balance the game a lot more. Lately there has been so much powercreep. GOOD CHANGES!

You gotta be fucking joking, dude. This is just more power creep. More auras that give damage, new insane mods, new insane implicits, new insane items.

Wake up, lmao. This ain't a dream.

Can't agree more.

Vitality aura still garbage. (The whole skill is about watcher eye which is stupid. Just give it 200 flat Life that get affected by modifier and this skill would be in fine spot)

Purity of Element still garbage. (Watcher eye with this mod instantly becomes 10c trash). All they need to do to fix this aura is add 5~10%(lvl base) non elemental damage taken as elemental damage and this skill would be in fine spot.

Berserker still garbage.

But hey, Elementalist and Occultist are OP for 3 leagues straight with more than 1/3 of playerbase playing them, let's buff them some more by buffing spells, buffing cold damage for spells/ cold dm dot (As if Winter Orb, Vortex, CoC Ice Nova isn't meta this league with 1/3 player-base playing them amirite?), buffing critical rate so crit multiplier becomes even more op (especially with that op jewel Unnatural Instinct which they don't bother to nerf it. 82% crit multiplier and 55% spell dm with minimal investment ffs) and non-crit build is still trash.

Good balance amirite? Buffing all the op builds and leave all the trashes alone as if they never exist amirite?

GGG are you turning into Blizzard? Keep buffing op stuffs and leave the worst stuffs as bad as it is.

Последняя редакция: mic01851165. Время: 21 февр. 2019 г., 2:36:51
TeamSlayer23 написал:
For everyone crying about the hatred nerf, we don't know numbers yet so stop it.

Last I checked, 136.3 > 136.... so depending on numbers it may even be a small buff. It might be a small nerf, but if you guys are going to cry about a <1% nerf then that's on you.

If it just 1% i wont care :p
FCK42 написал:
Elf_97 написал:
The change to Hatred may be really sad for melee character though..Idk let's see..

The problem with hatred was that it didn't help it's own damage type at all. Anger was and is good for most fire damage builds. Wrath is really strong for lightning damage builds. But hatred did jack shit for cold damage builds. It's similar to the buff they gave to herald of fire (which by the way will be really fucking strong with the new holy spells).

Yes it was sucky for non physical spell caster
Elf_97 написал:
FCK42 написал:
Elf_97 написал:
The change to Hatred may be really sad for melee character though..Idk let's see..

The problem with hatred was that it didn't help it's own damage type at all. Anger was and is good for most fire damage builds. Wrath is really strong for lightning damage builds. But hatred did jack shit for cold damage builds. It's similar to the buff they gave to herald of fire (which by the way will be really fucking strong with the new holy spells).

Yes it was sucky for non physical spell caster

Because GGG want you to go spell ofc!

Just go join the meta and play Winter Orb, Vortex, and CoC Ice nova and enjoy all the aura buff that benefit spells only (chuckle). Let's bump the Elementalist/ Ascendant / Occultist player base to 75% in 3.6 cuz 50% in 3.5 is not enough! (Says ggg)

Yeah Hatred buff is great cuz even less attack builds are viable now. (chuckle)
Последняя редакция: mic01851165. Время: 21 февр. 2019 г., 2:42:38
yep, enlighten will go up in price

Edit: here is a unique example (wrath or zealotry, maybe more consecrated ground focussed)
Последняя редакция: Teriderol. Время: 21 февр. 2019 г., 3:28:08

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