Build still faceroll everything in standard, Uber-Elder done under 1:30m. Meatshield actually is great since I go over the packs with flame dash(got the new mtx and is nice)and drop my zoombos over them and boom, and with blight encounters they actually go over the edge since enemies attack you off screen.

New map system is still a headache and the league is full of bugs so Im gonna roll Necro after 1 or 2 week after they iron out most of the bugs. Going for the tanky full chaos conversion this time, Prob will drop cyclone and use a Blight Setup for moar damage.
So, what do you think would be better as this league setup in terms of damege: impale or chaos convert? Coz my PoB just ingores impale dmg and im not sure if calcs with new armour still correct.
T16 purifier - done with 2 5L (zombies and skellies)

Died once cause fight is now long and you actually need to watch for all boss attacks =)))

All zombies, however, survived.
Последняя редакция: Ksakep#0062. Время: 16 дек. 2019 г., 18:53:03
BloodyHawl написал:
Qlidascope написал:
BIIIIIG info right here dude, any chance you can give mechanical tips? Going for it in SSFHC so any tips would be great :D

in hardcore you dont have the luxus. you have to balance between "be near enough to lure him out" and "far enough away, so that your minions dont run blindly into the whirlwinds". they wont die instantly, far away from it, but they will die sooner or later if u dont move them out.

Therefor it might be necessary in hardcore to have spare mana and be able to resummon the zombies again (when the boss is out of the storm). Another option might be playing without "Feeding Frenzy" and observe befor the fight in a map or so how they react to bosses and if u move away from them. if they are easier to navigate/handle without feeding frenzy, it is maybe an option to play without. this might be an option for all who want to do the boss in hardcore.



I watched these two guides and it seems those whirlwinds are the most painful part of the fight. I'm pretty certain that for this very fight since you have to hug the boss in a few situations anyway to trigger his next phase, we might as well run meatshield. It will help keep the minions close to you during the whirlwind phases so they don't run around dumb.
Hi, Geofri's is the best unique armor we can wear ?
Ballerinedechats написал:
Hi, Geofri's is the best unique armor we can wear ?

is better = up to 75 STR, mana reserve reducing and damage with movespeed for minions from Avian buff.
Ballerinedechats написал:
Hi, Geofri's is the best unique armor we can wear ?
Go Geofri's or Saqawal's Nest. Geofri's will provide better overall defense, especially when paired with Shaper's Touch. Saqawal's will give a large amount of flat all attributes, scales really well in end game, a bit of additional reduced mana reservation, allowing for Aspect of the Avian to be crafted. It also makes Avian's Might do 4x as much damage.
What is everyone using for gem setup? I'm doing cwc spirit offering to justify meat shield.
My setup is Raise zombie > Meat shield > Minion damage > Melee phys > Minion move speed. I'm not sure about minion move speed and the possible 6th support once i get my hands on a 6 link.
Breken написал:
Qlidascope написал:

How does one get fortify on a bow?

You don't. I was talking about two different things.

Unless you are going for broke for the Faceted Fossil bow, I'm thinking endgame weapon will be one of the two below.

(Fossil crafted Serrated/bow)
Prefix +1 gems
Prefix +20% more attack damage (serrated fossil mod)
Prefix +2 to support gems (crafted)
Suffix Multimod (crafted)
Suffix Minion Attack speed (Crafted)
Suffix (Exalted slam.. best choice IMO is slam with a Redemer ex for movement speed)

You could also sub in bound fossils instead of Serrated to get up to 130% minion damage. Not sure if that will be better or worse than 20% more.

Using the bow allow the use of a nice quiver.
Up to 30% minion speed (bound fossil)
Crafted +30 str
Etc... lots of choices here

As for the two-handed melee weapon.... It would look close to the same
Prefix - +1 gems
Prefix - Supported by lvl 1 fortify
Prefix - +2 to support gems (crafted)
Suffix - Multimod (crafted)
Suffix - Minion attack speed.

Supported by lvl 1 fortify is only available on elder melee weapons as a prefix. Crafting one of those would look VERY similar to the bow above, just without the fossil crafting. You would gain the ability to use leap slam, but lose out on the quiver bonuses.
The Two-hander option works out to be about as good (dps wise) as the bow, so I'm thinking the bow is your best option.

Need to figure out if ~110% minion damage is better or worse than 20% more.

Looks like best weapon option for most people is a fossil crafted +1 gems multimod bow with either minion damage (bound fossil) or 20% more attack damage (serrated fossil)

Best option for the truly rich will be faceted fossil crafted +1 gems/+1 str/int gem multimod bow.

For people who just don't like bows. You can do a two-handed MELEE weapon (swords/axes/mace) with +1 gem and supported by lvl 1 fortify prefixes
Edit: I just ran some numbers through POB, 20% more vs 110-130 minion damage and they are always within 2-5% of each other, with the edge in my config going to increased minion damage mod. The expensive Facet fossil bow adds another 10% more damage on top of the other options. Funny enough that bow gets within 2% or 3% of the previous leagues Maim mace.

***IMPORTANT*** Edit 2: It was just pointed out to me that you can't Cyclone with a bow (totally spaced that) SO if you want to do the Cyclone build, you'll want to try to get a two-handed melee option. Note that nothing else really changes here. The bow crafting can be done on a melee weapon. You'll just obviously not be able to use a quiver.

My biggest issue with using a bow renders the CWC setup useless, as you can't cyclone with a bow. Or we'd atleast have to start using something weird while standing still.

I tried playing around abit aswell.. My opinion would be hitting the fortify setup, as it also grants your zombies fortify most of the time, which is very needed. Plus witches with swords looks cool as hell :P
However the double prefix aswell as +1 int/str gems would be stupidly hard. Maybe something like faceted / bound / jagged would work? Just going with whatever you'd hit?
Vakarlan написал:
Update the weapon for 3.9 please. You can no longer use maim

Read the thread instead of listing demands please :)

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