[3.16] LL VD Spellslinger | 8.2 k ES | 75%Block / 75% Spell Block | not recommended anymore
" Clear speed should be sufficient but i can not show league mechanic as im in standard. Dash is the best alround movement skill because we are very limited in the amount of free gem slots. You can try shield charge+fortify+faster attacks with dash or flamedash in 4 socket gloves if you like. Edit: If someone who follows this guide in league could make a recording and post video with PoB link for ordinary mapping with timer that would be cool. Последняя редакция: zzang#1847. Время: 20 мая 2020 г., 6:34:35
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Frenzy and barrage suopport gems. Can we max them out ?
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" Sure. |
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Need help with the Large Cluster Jewel..
I see you use the following: -------- 1 Added Passive Skill is Conjured Wall 1 Added Passive Skill is Mage Hunter 1 Added Passive Skill is Thaumophage 2 Added Passive Skills are Jewel Sockets -------- Is there any alternative? Is very hard to find, or expensive. |
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Good Rare helm work here? Looking to switch over my poets pen VD version and don't want to farm uber labs. Rather find a good rare helm with spellslinger.
Sweet I guess I had a yellow sitting around, does 15% reduced reserve do much? Последняя редакция: LockedGoblin689#8704. Время: 20 мая 2020 г., 14:48:07
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" I recommend to buy a ilvl 76 jewel which makes it possible to have 2 jewel sockets and chaos it from there on. You will very likley end up a lot cheaper instead of buying one of those jewels directly. " Both are almost equally good as stated a few posts earlier. In this case you can pick the one with the higher ES. Edit: I recommend checking the post with some math comparing the options with those two enchantments. If you have the rings already from the guide then go with CDR% enchant. Последняя редакция: zzang#1847. Время: 20 мая 2020 г., 15:45:57
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" I see, but I mean getting that exact same combination will take a LOT of chaos. My question was, is there any other desirable mod apart from those 3 notables? Thanks |
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" To be honest, no. You want the ES leech from Thaumophage which is the suffix. Mage Hunter + Conjured Wall provides 10% + Spell Block together. You could estimate your savings by checking what a jewel with the complete mods cost. Then check what a base jewel with +8 passives and ilvl 76+ costs. If the difference is more than 3 ex i would definately go for chaosing yourself. Still its a gamble but the chances are very high that you will come out cheaper. When you are really tight on budget you could stay with Mage Hunter + Conjured wall and skip ES leech which will lower your survivability but you can get it rolling. Последняя редакция: zzang#1847. Время: 20 мая 2020 г., 15:49:39
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" I managed to get one for 5 ex. But the cost for chaos spamming is https://www.craftofexile.com/?b=170&m=chaos&ob=both&v=d&a=e&l=a&lg=2&bp=y&req={"290":{"l":1,"g":2},"380":{"l":1,"g":1},"483":{"l":1,"g":2},"1752":{"l":75,"g":1}}&bld={}&ggt=|&ccp={} Like 3600 chaos. More than 20 ex, that's why I say getting a very specific combination is very hard. Thanks for your answers!! Still leveling this build |
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" You trust that thing? I have rolled 3 specific versions for like 9 ex in total (average 3 ex per jewel in chaos). I wanted to test different possibilities. I rolled those myself (and many other jewels for different builds). So that calculator tool is extremely inaccurate. |
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