[3.24] SRS Bomber aka Popcorn SRS | League Start to Endgame | All Content

after just updating my pob, it is working... something was bugged before.
yep fixed after another pob update
The Low-Life Change affects us.

I will make an update for the guide once I reach the end Game and had a chance to play around with the damage sources for the SRS.

But we deffinetly don't need that much damage to our SRS then before to feel smooth.
Thanks for this guide! I'm enjoying it a lot. i just hit maps. Is there a priority list of items i should buy first??

So far just getting life and resistances up for now.
Really nice guide ;)
Is a good idea get anger + generosity? Or it doesnt affect srs total damage?
Jigglyballs написал:
Thanks for this guide! I'm enjoying it a lot. i just hit maps. Is there a priority list of items i should buy first??

So far just getting life and resistances up for now.

That depends on what you are struggling with.

- Get a Minion Helmet
- Get a Convocing Wand and slap a Essence of Fear on it until you hit a nice stat Combination

- get a Life on Block Shield
- get a Life on Block shield with spell block

besides that just Life, Resistances and Minion Life/Minion Damage where ever you can get it is all you need.

xWonkas написал:
Is a good idea get anger + generosity? Or it doesnt affect srs total damage?


We are not scaling the Damage of the attacks of the SRS but the Damage of the Explosions when they die.
So Anger, or any other Aura, doesn't help us.

We only scale the Damage through Minion Life/Minion Damage on our Gear and passives. (Besides the support Gems that we link with SRS)
My day "one" gear

Are Tree like this viable http://poeurl.com/dgyH i want do for HC
The build going pretty well so far on ~T11 maps.
With Tavukai ammy it feels much better.
Also im thinking about to switch Infernal Legion for something else. SRS burns down to 50% pretty quick even without it.
Waiting for build updates!

My current gear for 1.5 day(s):
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«Мнения как яйца — сколько не имей, а получать по ним больно». © Варрик
Последняя редакция: Alexbars4#5831. Время: 18 апр. 2021 г., 17:20:06

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