[3.20] Gryph's Burning Witch - CoC Volatile Dead Necromancer - Burn Yourself Through the Atlas!
Thank you for the quick and long answer.
Do not worry, i prefer a long answer over a short one anyday. :) One thing i forgot to mention is why i usually do not play crit based builds and especially CoC based ones. You heavily rely on pots to increase your crit chance to boost your dps drastically. You mentioned that you are lazy and dont like to buff yourself constantly with Bone Offering. But now you are using a build where you have to use 2-3 pots on cd every 5 secs which is way more annoying. If a build relies on spamming pots on cd i am usually not playing it. Sure, you dont need to but if you lose like a ton of your dps when not doing it you are pretty much forced to play the pot shenanigans. I so hope that all pots will receive a cd except life and mana ones in poe 2. Now i have a little request. Could you please play a t15 map with an affordable rare staff and without using pots and tell me how that went? It would make me happy to know, if the build is still doing fine then. |
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" Well, for generic mapping you are basically always going to have flasks up as long as you are killing monsters. The only time it really is going to matter is when you are engaged in longer boss fights. IE: Sirus. Everything else in the game is going to be dead before flask duration expires. That said, with endgame staff you'll have 93% crit chance with no flasks on cyclone. This can be boosted more by taking a couple generic crit chance nodes that I pass over and/or by getting some crit on gear (Diamond rings or attack crit chest piece for example). In my end game setup I go from an average hit of 320k to 180k when I de-flask on VD, which is still a TON of damage. As for video, I did one with Martyr of Innocence here, which is a fairly affordable weapon in general. The damage for mapping is going to be fine regardless of what staff you use really, so long as you have good crit chance on Cyclone to proc consistently. I also dropped Bottled Faith and Cinderswallow for that video (because budget). I feel no real need to drop the diamond flask for a budget variant of the build tbh. You can get 3 uses out of it before it's out of charges with a Chemist's prefix. Everything should be dead by that point :P Hope this helps! " You can also go spellslinger from 24 on which is one of the smoothest way to level this type of build in my experience. That said you can level however you want to. :P Последняя редакция: Gryphenprey#0653. Время: 6 янв. 2021 г., 13:14:20
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Wow, your new vid convinced me!
Its looking pretty impressive with all the budget gear. I completely forgot that you can put Cyclone on the body armour, so even a 5 link weapon is plenty for the CwDT stuff. According to PoB a Martyr of Innocence is similar to a Duskdawn when it comes to damage. You only lack the extra crit for Cyclone. For that you have to spam a Flask of Warding. I just hope to not get annoyed of spamming a flask every 5 secs. Maybe thats a good incentive to save everything for a replica Duskdawn. One last question: Does the Jeweller's Touch prophecy (fixed 5 link) work on a unique item? Last time i tried it didnt but maybe it was for another reason, so i am not sure. |
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" I even recorded another one JUST FOR YOU: The Poo Staff And yes, Jeweler's Touch works on uniques. The exception being Shroud of the Lightless as the abyssal socket counts as a socket. Also cannot be an item with 6 sockets already, but you can use the bench to break the 6 sockets. And yeah, the biggest appeal of replica DD is the high attack crit chance, but it's not needed overall to do end game stuff. Can use increased crit gem instead of Fire Pen and/or an attack crit chest to compensate and it's fine. Hard to escape the diamond flask though. It's just so good at what it does. :P |
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Thank you for convincing me again! :)
This isnt even budget, its low budget now. Basically any 5 link staff with a bit of crit would do the job and working well. I am glad you mentioned the Shroud of the Lightless, yea, i had trouble to 5 link it with the prophecy. Good to know that 6 sockets are also an issue. Shouldnt be hard to avoid that. You are right, the easiest way is to get some attack crit stats on items to improve CoC. I guess we level as spellslinger VD since crit is a bit low at start. Now i cant wait for the 15th to finally play it....so many days to go.... |
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" Wouldn't be a bad idea to try a practice run of the story to get an idea of how leveling feels with spellslinger. :P But yeah, I would definitely suggest Spellslinger to level. |
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Dude like seriously, which program did you use to record the video? The Nvidia build in thing? if so which configurations did you use? After the recording which program did you use to edit/create the video? Then which codecs and format did you use to render it? How big of a file was the final video before you uploaded it on youtube?
Man the videos are amazing quality, I am very impressed. Suggestion: you should add a basic brightness/contrast filter while editing your video before rendering it because it comes out too dark. Pop up a little bit the brightness and drop the contrast to bring the dark spots down to black again untill it feels/seems good. For more experienced users playing with hue/saturation also helps maybe eve nsharpen a little bit. You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
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" I am literally using the built-in NVIDIA Recording Software on its default settings. I kept trying to use OBS for a while but the quality was always really bad. I also just upload the raw video straight to youtube as is. I am completely inept when it comes to editing. hahahaha The videos are typically 1-3gb in size depending on length. Последняя редакция: Gryphenprey#0653. Время: 6 янв. 2021 г., 20:24:09
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I was playing around in PoB with the build a bit.
How important is Assassin's Mark? It is looking great in PoB but it is only on 1 mob and the rest you crit for 15-20% less. If it is only good for boss fights, how you make sure that it stays on the boss and not on some adds since most bosses have adds? And you need either 5 skillpoints, a very expensive armor or an otherwise useless ring for an additional curse. Without the Assassin's Mark shenanigan, Martyr of Innocence provides quite low Cyclone crits. You will need a flask of Warding and maybe an Increased critical strike gem instead of Fire penetration. I checked Energy leech and it seems better than Fire Penetration when leeching. Since we burn ourself all the time, we should leech constantly. The solution to all that could be an Oskarm glove. It makes sure that only uniques and rares are getting hit with the Assassin's Mark and it provides some nice extra crit chance, means an Increased critical strike gem isnt needed anymore. When it comes to leveling, what do you think of Arc as a starter til Act 3? Once we have spellslinger, we us that til we reach maps. All the crit nodes should help with damage and Sovereignty helps with Spellslinger mana issues. Its a shame that we cannot use a staff early on to benefit from staff nodes. |
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" Regarding Assassin's Mark: It appears to target rare+unique monsters more often than trash when available (this is simply what I've observed but it's probably because everything else is dead :P) It also only matters against Uniques/tanky rares ever. The thing with clearing maps with CoC on any build is that you are hitting multiple enemies simultaneously...so if any of those crit you're going to proc the spells so having absolutely 100% crit chance is a lot less important here for clearing. Assassin's Mark also provides Power Charges on kill, so even when mapping and it targets a trash mob, that mob will give you a PC. It also gives 5% chance on hit for extra sustain against bosses. I would use Assassin's Mark over Flammability. Part of my current setup is a consequence of how I got to this point. I originally prioritized Flammability whereas in hindsight, it's only about a 7% damage boost vs Sirus and 12% against trash (great for Deliriums). But in hindsight I would forgo Flammability for Assassin's Mark. You could use Oskarm for the curse, or a Shaper ring with the same mod. But you lose the 5% chance to gain a power charge on hitting the cursed enemy. Oskarm also doesn't add enough crit on its own to replace the gem. You could maybe corrupt some for attack crit though I suppose. As for Martyr, I specifically mentioned using Increased Crit Gem for that reason. Which Makes Rep Duskdawn closer to a 35% more damage multiplier by merits of dropping that gem. Bottom line is that for 90% of what we do assassin's mark is irrelevant. But that can be said about a lot of DPS sources since most mobs are gonna get 1-shot anyway. On a side note: you can get extra curse corruption on amulet if you're ambitious enough to anoint+corrupt XD As for Energy Leech: It is entirely dependent on your setup. I use an ES on Hit Watcher's Eye at the moment which keeps me topped off on my es and so I am constantly full. That said, I DID use ES leech before that for the very reason you mention and will be including that in the gem section of the guide when I get to that part. For leveling: I use Stormblast Mines + Orb of Storms until 24 basically. Arc has been fine for me in the past, but I really like how OOS+SB Mine interacts. Arc also works for OOS if you have enough cast speed for it so I say: do a practice run or 2. The biggest thing for leveling is getting wands with flat damage to spells via vendor recipes. I would go for lightning damage from the level 14 recipe (blue topaz ring) and fire for the level 20 recipe (Rare Ruby rings). EDIT: Also for leveling you wanna rush Ele Overload for damage :P Hope that helps! Последняя редакция: Gryphenprey#0653. Время: 7 янв. 2021 г., 12:42:17
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