[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Heesher написал:
bit of a odd question but with wise oak would it be bad if i have lightning and cold res at the same % uncapped?

Doesn't matter. If they are same %, you get benefit for both.

Also works on the lowest %. If you get all 3 the same, you get the damage reduction effective against all elements.
Kelvynn написал:
Heesher написал:
bit of a odd question but with wise oak would it be bad if i have lightning and cold res at the same % uncapped?

It would make no difference. As long as fire and lightning are not higher than cold (uncapped).

If you manage to balance all 3 resists at exactly the same uncapped value then you get a bonus of 6% reduced damage from all elements in addition to cold penetration.

Thank you for all the help, appreciate it a lot.
Great build, greater thread - thanks a lot.

Crafted this today, but I may have made a mistake:

Followed your newly posted gravecraft explicitly and have no open suffix for % attributes. Was this an intentional decision to roll 3 suffixes to massively boost the odds of getting two attribute suffixes, or did I make a mistake?
Kelvynn написал:
Graveyard Crafting for Icestorm Trickster

Here's how you can craft yourself some items that would be mirror-tier in any other league. Even when you don't get exactly what you want, most of the products are sellable for very nice prices.

... etc ...

I'm missing something. Why are you using +2 explicit modifiers instead of +1 explicit modifier for the chest? When I simulate via craft of exile, +2 gives all 6 affixes, whereas +1 gives 5, with a free suffix half the time (needed for the % attr craft.)

I see Lowball just above has the same issue.
Последняя редакция: Graiaule#7461. Время: 20 апр. 2024 г., 2:51:00
Kelvynn написал:
Gearing Guide (3.24)

Lv 33-70
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At lv 33 you switch to Icestorm.

Self-cast until lv 38, then Cyclone-CwC. Or just keep self-casting it until the end of the campaign for higher damage (but less smooth play style). Any %Int is fine. 4S is fine. More sockets make it all trivial.

Switch to these uniques by lv 37-39:

Use rings and amulet to cap resists (on top of Purity of Elements), preferably with additional Int on them. If you already have Astramentis, use it too.

I'm quite lame on this game but this was one of the fastest leveling build I have ever played. It's instant killing everything. I am 56 now but I have one problem. I bought all those stuff above with one exception -> staff is 4 slot gems, I will change it when I can afford that. And the only issue is I don't want to change to CI now because my energy shield is sometimes going off really fast. The shield regen is not high enough for me to have 1 hp now. When do you recommend to change to CI? How to survive with it?
mejki написал:
Kelvynn написал:
Gearing Guide (3.24)

Lv 33-70
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At lv 33 you switch to Icestorm.

Self-cast until lv 38, then Cyclone-CwC. Or just keep self-casting it until the end of the campaign for higher damage (but less smooth play style). Any %Int is fine. 4S is fine. More sockets make it all trivial.

Switch to these uniques by lv 37-39:

Use rings and amulet to cap resists (on top of Purity of Elements), preferably with additional Int on them. If you already have Astramentis, use it too.

I'm quite lame on this game but this was one of the fastest leveling build I have ever played. It's instant killing everything. I am 56 now but I have one problem. I bought all those stuff above with one exception -> staff is 4 slot gems, I will change it when I can afford that. And the only issue is I don't want to change to CI now because my energy shield is sometimes going off really fast. The shield regen is not high enough for me to have 1 hp now. When do you recommend to change to CI? How to survive with it?

When you uave about 3-4k ES.
Hello! Im new on this build, can someone explain me how i do this:

"Get 3 red sockets using Jeweller orbs. Start with 2R craft, then keep adding and removing the 3rd socket until you get another R."

Hey, its my first time trying out the trickster version of Icestorm and im having so much fun with it even more than i had with the scion version few leagues ago so big thank you to Kelvynn and other helpful peeps around here.

My question is about the upgrade path i should do next. First question is that amulet i crafted okay-ish or i could go for something better and upgrade something else meanwhile. Another problem is that if i did wanna use that amulet my Str crumbles and i would have to reroll other gear, but what if i used 1 Split Personality with Int/Str instead to get around that issue and move on? Looking for helpful opinions. :)
Последняя редакция: Finefinchfailer#0330. Время: 20 апр. 2024 г., 8:21:23
Hi there, can someone explain to me one thing. I tried to make the craft with embers and ichors on gloves to get the "5% increased damage per 100 int when unique enemy is in your presence". I did exactly the steps described in the guide so I rolled this stat with the grand ichor, then I used exceptional ember and used orb of conflict. It happened 2 times that exceptional mod got degraded to a grand, but the other didn't get upgraded. I'm probably missing something here, but I have no clue what is wrong. I'll be grateful for any info regarding this. I'm also paste the item here:

Item Class: Gloves
Rarity: Rare
Demon Vise
Samite Gloves
Quality: +20% (augmented)
Energy Shield: 146 (augmented)
Level: 68
Str: 108
Int: 105
Sockets: R-R-R-B
Item Level: 83
While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 4% increased Damage per 100 Intelligence (implicit)
15% chance to Unnerve Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit (implicit)
+41 to maximum Energy Shield (fractured)
+51 to Intelligence
77% increased Energy Shield
+34 to maximum Mana
+40% to Fire Resistance
+26 to Strength (crafted)
Searing Exarch Item
Eater of Worlds Item
Fractured Item

New video: Uber Sirus

Uber Sirus is doable (but very painful) with 2k Int and 9k ES. Somewhere around 2.3 Int you start phasing him quickly. And around 2.5 Int is where you delete him at the start of the final phase before any serious bullshit can happen.

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