POE 2 Complete PC Freeze while loading screen

anyone tried speaking to a lawyer regarding a class action lawsuit? cause surely selling a product thats actively damaging peoples computers and they KNOW that thats gotta be fkn illegal right? basically selling people a virus at that point.
If you still have crashes in PoE2 and you're under Windows 10, the problem is elsewhere and looking at temperatures and testing the PSU is the first things you should do. This game drains a lot of power so if you have an old PSU or have a 500-600w PSU with a recent CPU and GPU, it probably won't do and will degrade. Also if you have an RTX 5080, update your drivers as the first release was buggy and caused crashes.
Tech guy
I don’t think that’s the issue. I have an XPG 650W PSU, which is more than enough for my setup, a 3060 12GB and a Ryzen 5600X. Never had this problem with any game, including POE2. Played over 600 hours without any freezes, but since Monday, it’s been impossible. The game just locks up my entire PC, and I even stopped playing this week. Pretty sure it’s not a hardware issue, just speaking from my experience.
HeresyGoblin#7286 написал:
anyone tried speaking to a lawyer regarding a class action lawsuit? cause surely selling a product thats actively damaging peoples computers and they KNOW that thats gotta be fkn illegal right? basically selling people a virus at that point.

It's not a product. It's early access, otherwise known as an alpha/beta. Where your money went is in to a type of crowdsourcing to help develop the game fully. You can't sue because the law presumes you read the EULA and knew that, especially for a game that's F2P later this year.
ok big post coming here, I posted in the other big thread here about how I somehow completely fixed my crashes, I was crashing all the time mostly on load screens but now I played 4 days straight without a single crash at all, I will try send my dxdiag.txt to the Timothy_GGG guy who asked in start of this thread as well, because I am not sure exactly what step fixed crashes for me but maybe it can help :S

anyway my specs :

7800x3d cpu
rtx 4060 ti gpu
2x16gb ddr5 6000 ram
1tb nvme disk
win11 23h2 with all updates+cumulative 23h2 update (avoiding 24h2 for now to be safe)
nvidia driver 572.47

here is links to my two previous posts and the steps I took:


it was maybe not even one of my bios changes but possibly clearing shader cache and installing the ryzen chipset drivers, or a combination! not sure but what I can say is no crashes now for many many hours of gaming over last 3-4 days, and before it would crash all the time mostly on load screens, never 30 minutes with out a crash for example,

if anyone with similar system as me still is crashing can try basically:

download the latest amd ryzen chipset drivers from the amd website, (the installer will check current compnent versions, I had some not installed/out of date)

remove any manual overclock/core behavior settings for the cpu in your bios,(even if other games work perfectly), enable SMT/hyperthreading if you currently have it disabled in bios as well, set "CPPC" to "Driver" or similar option if possible, this might be worded slightly differently on other motherboard BIOS,

(CPPC thing not sure if that is relevant to be honest, but in combination with the ryzen chipset drivers in theory it should be better than default/letting windows handle core scheduling)

if on win11, then use windows 11 23h2 version with all the latest cumulative updates for that specific version, force block update to 24h2 if you have to (I had to, but not sure if 24h2 would work fine for me now, just to be on safe side)

clear all shader cache(both dx12 and vulkan shader cache to be safe)+cache from both the game itself and windows own shader cache, windows shader cache/directx cache you can clean fast from running start -> disk cleanup,

and the poe2 cache if using standalone version like me I think is here:

C:\Users\*YOURUSERNAMEHERE*\AppData\Roaming\Path of Exile 2

and then just delete the ShaderCacheD3D12 and ShaderCacheVulkan folders there

might need to enable show hidden files in windows explorer if you cant see the appdata folder, not sure !

so maybe a lot of these steps are unnecessary but what I can say is that one or a combination of these steps I did completely fix my crashes, now 4 days straight not 1 single crash even on load screen,

game settings is vulkan renderer, 1920x1080p windowed fullscreen, no image scaling, adaptive vsync on, dynamic resolution and all similar stuff disabled, engine multithreading enabled, rest of settings dont matter much I think,

so if someone wanna copy settings or something try look at those posts or something and I will now also send my dxdiag to GGG and maybe it helps maybe not, good luck!

Последняя редакция: secret_service86#3947. Время: 28 февр. 2025 г., 3:05:31
in 5 days it will have been 2 and a half months since I first encountered the freeze and 3 months since the first post of it and still no fix
Dude, the thing that fixed your crashes was most probably the change to win 11 23H2, the rest of your actions are most probably doing shit to fix this.

I did the same thing, went through all hardware/driver/os/software tests possible, tried optimizing/automating process cores affinity, etc, some alleviated the issue but did not fix it - THE ONLY THING THAT FIXED IT, was to make a new partition, install win11 23H2, blocked all updates and VOILA - no more crashes...

The fault is somewhere between Microsoft/AMD/GGG and probably that's why we don't see any fix - Microsoft is the most to blame here for sure.
I also tested it by reinstalling from scratch fresh 24H2 with all updates and the issue occurs again.

Fyi I'm on 5800x3D with a 4080

secret_service86#3947 написал:
ok big post coming here, I posted in the other big thread here about how I somehow completely fixed my crashes, I was crashing all the time mostly on load screens but now I played 4 days straight without a single crash at all, I will try send my dxdiag.txt to the Timothy_GGG guy who asked in start of this thread as well, because I am not sure exactly what step fixed crashes for me but maybe it can help :S

anyway my specs :

7800x3d cpu
rtx 4060 ti gpu
2x16gb ddr5 6000 ram
1tb nvme disk
win11 23h2 with all updates+cumulative 23h2 update (avoiding 24h2 for now to be safe)
nvidia driver 572.47

here is links to my two previous posts and the steps I took:


it was maybe not even one of my bios changes but possibly clearing shader cache and installing the ryzen chipset drivers, or a combination! not sure but what I can say is no crashes now for many many hours of gaming over last 3-4 days, and before it would crash all the time mostly on load screens, never 30 minutes with out a crash for example,

if anyone with similar system as me still is crashing can try basically:

download the latest amd ryzen chipset drivers from the amd website, (the installer will check current compnent versions, I had some not installed/out of date)

remove any manual overclock/core behavior settings for the cpu in your bios,(even if other games work perfectly), enable SMT/hyperthreading if you currently have it disabled in bios as well, set "CPPC" to "Driver" or similar option if possible, this might be worded slightly differently on other motherboard BIOS,

(CPPC thing not sure if that is relevant to be honest, but in combination with the ryzen chipset drivers in theory it should be better than default/letting windows handle core scheduling)

if on win11, then use windows 11 23h2 version with all the latest cumulative updates for that specific version, force block update to 24h2 if you have to (I had to, but not sure if 24h2 would work fine for me now, just to be on safe side)

clear all shader cache(both dx12 and vulkan shader cache to be safe)+cache from both the game itself and windows own shader cache, windows shader cache/directx cache you can clean fast from running start -> disk cleanup,

and the poe2 cache if using standalone version like me I think is here:

C:\Users\*YOURUSERNAMEHERE*\AppData\Roaming\Path of Exile 2

and then just delete the ShaderCacheD3D12 and ShaderCacheVulkan folders there

might need to enable show hidden files in windows explorer if you cant see the appdata folder, not sure !

so maybe a lot of these steps are unnecessary but what I can say is that one or a combination of these steps I did completely fix my crashes, now 4 days straight not 1 single crash even on load screen,

game settings is vulkan renderer, 1920x1080p windowed fullscreen, no image scaling, adaptive vsync on, dynamic resolution and all similar stuff disabled, engine multithreading enabled, rest of settings dont matter much I think,

so if someone wanna copy settings or something try look at those posts or something and I will now also send my dxdiag to GGG and maybe it helps maybe not, good luck!

Oh look just to spite POE2 Devs and the PC Master Race Boy telling people on this thread their PC's weren't good enough.

I can play MONSTER HUNTER WILDS on the same GAMING LAPTOP that you bricked,
to spite you i bought the same exact gaming laptop with the same specs and is 2nd Hand.

But lo-behold a more graphically demanding game on the SPECS THAT I POSTED, compared to this shitty game, never crashed in the past 72 hours i was playing, and yes i was abusing this laptop

I hope your company closes down for bricking a lot of people's hardware.
- New Player for Early Access
Hey everyone. My gaming comp (i9-14900K, RTX 4090) is yet still crashing all the time despite of all what has been offered for fix (here, steam, reddit). Now the funny part is that my old 2017 razor blade laptop has not crashed a single time. 200+ hours with it. And they both have same windows versions.

Now my question is, does anyone know which combination of older prosessor and graphics card has been working most efficiently? Or even without any crashes? My old laptop is lagging so hard if i Juice up my maps and T4 pinnacles are a nightmare with ball lightning.
An update to my earlier post, I found something very strange to work because I basically gave up finding a fix and decided to live with the consistent 30min crash to desktop.

Then I decided heck let's just update to the latest Nvidia Driver available and also install the Nvidia App (personally I like it as it takes care of optimization and I don't have to think about it).

Allowing the Nvidia App to optimize POE2 it had a few different in-game graphic settings versus what I set manually. Some notable differences:

- Full Screen vs Windowed Full Screen before
- 16x Texture Filtering vs 8x before
- Triple Buffering Off vs On before
- Power Management Optimal vs High performance before

I played between 30min-1hour per day for the last 4 days and no crashes during gameplay except when I try to Alt+Tab to trade and/or look up guide. It wouldn't crash in all instances of Alt+Tab either... ... it was 50/50 chance

Somehow the Nvidia App recommended settings has stabilized the game but now I'm in full screen mode... can't use item check overlays and Alt+Tab to trade or look up guide is now 50/50 chance crash LOL

This game brahhhhhh.

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