Legacy of Phrecia Endgame Specialisation System

Legacy league 2 !
Make it 3 months please

Get some 12 essence mob or something
Very interesting shake up, that's what I like for event and new league content for Path of Exile.

Also not afraid to experiment, that's the way to go.
Give me my atlas back? Just ruin poe2 not poe1 pls
The current trading system is one of the things everyone agrees on could/should be improved.
Then you take a good system and turn it into more trading? No wonder this never made it past the brainstorming phase. If you make everything «must buy» It is the beginning of the end. People don’t play PoE because it’s a awesome AH simulator. This development makes me scared for both games.
I love how Poe 2 development team is just testing stuff in Poe 1 and call it a league xD but it's a good thing, they can work on both games at the same time and shut the Poe 1 crybabies that need constant old game updates
Последняя редакция: lukaskodlos#7714. Время: 10 февр. 2025 г., 8:54:38
Death is only the beginning..

\\ Only HC Ruthless mode player. //
NOT impressed. End game play is now going to be determined by RNG and not by me. Going to get bombarded by idols for content that GGG thinks I like and not content I actually like. Yep probably going to stay playing settlers/necro settlers...

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