Time does NOT equal difficulty

MGTopgun написал:
Perspikacity написал:
MGTopgun написал:
tl;dr Time does NOT equal difficulty

It's not hard to read it, it just takes a long time.

From your title, i can imagine the same shit people were whining about every now and then. I didn't take my time to read, but what ever problem you have with the game, either you are poor or don't get the gear you have, is because you are playing wrong.

If you did take the time to read it, you'd see that I don't have a problem. How does your foot taste by the way?
Time investment =/= challenge
BoltThrower87 написал:
I agree. First I will say I love PoE, and it's difficulty level. However, if you want a hard game: get an Xbox 360 if you can fathom the idea, and play Ninja Gaiden 2 on Master Ninja. *That* is a difficult video game, and slow is the opposite of what that game is. It's simply based on your raw skill.

Regardless, PoE is just what it should be IMO.

I agree that PoE is one of the best games to come along in a long while, I just would hate to see it ruined by old thinking.
Time investment =/= challenge
I remember seeing a gif on Tumblr of a lightbulb falling on a mouse trap. It was a visual representation of how quick people are to shoot down the ideas of others around them.

Way to prove that correct, people. *Sigh*
I doubt many people are making this misconception. If they are, I doubt even more that a post will help with their ignorance.
Everything I do I rush through so I can do something else.
its all a matter of perspective. Its not a big deal.
Perspikacity написал:
BoltThrower87 написал:
I agree. First I will say I love PoE, and it's difficulty level. However, if you want a hard game: get an Xbox 360 if you can fathom the idea, and play Ninja Gaiden 2 on Master Ninja. *That* is a difficult video game, and slow is the opposite of what that game is. It's simply based on your raw skill.

Regardless, PoE is just what it should be IMO.

I agree that PoE is one of the best games to come along in a long while, I just would hate to see it ruined by old thinking.

Yeah, I agree. And sometimes it is the exact opposite. Some games take extreme time to achieve things in, but overall are child's play in terms of difficulty.

And yeah (relating to another post) Demons Souls was quite the game IMO. That is a classic in my mind, and always will be.
Current IGN: TheBearerOfLight
Gizoogle Chris: "Da State of Exile muthafuckas axed mah crazy ass ta post a reminder dat they podcast is dis weekend, as usual. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack."
I agree with the OP. And when it comes to the actual combat, fighting monsters and risking death, I feel most players agree with the OP, to the point that many consider the points obvious. However, I am continually amazed that when you take away the concept of combat and monsters, and replace it with itemization, looting and trading, suddenly
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If an item has a very high market value, that doesn't make it necessarily make difficult to acquire. You aren't some kind of gamer elite if you're wearing Shavronne's, because buying things when you have a lot of currency is actually exceptionally easy. If someone with a vast amount of wealth goes to a car dealership, goes up to the counter, and yells
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that isn't some kind of exceptional display of skill. Expensive things aren't necessarily difficult to acquire, they are merely expensive. Now, if you have to shop around, actually find a good deal on the best car you can, doing research on which cars have the best specifications, try to get the most bang for your buck, now that can be difficult; it can also be merely time-consuming. It depends on the design of the system.

This is why no one has any respect for the ubergeared in Diablo 3. There's nothing difficult or heroic in typing terms in a search engine over and over and over again, and just happening to be the lucky bastard who finds the one dumb bastard whose buyout has one less zero than it should, nor in slowly grinding out the gold you needed to afford said buyout in the first place. There is an example of an itemization system where all of the difficulty has been sucked out, and everything has just been made a time-consuming, boring, monotonous grind.

Players simply don't like difficulty being thrown upon them. Give them the original Diablo 3 Inferno and they revolt, because that shit is simply too difficult for them; give them someplace where they can farm on auto-pilot and the revolt stops. However, for those of us who do have some balls*, we'd like it if you at least kept the option to pursue the truly difficult, making it both available and well-rewarded. In the same way, I cannot stress how important it is to design mechanics which make trading more difficult, while still preserving the Phillip J. Fry method of ease and fiscal irresponsibility.

And remember, more time-consuming does not mean more difficult, so don't try to fool us with artificial barriers and other aggravating bullshit. Make it so the market value is downright difficult to pin down, you can't just type the item in some search engine and figure out the buyout, and truly experienced players can argue for days about how much an item is worth. Make it so trading is actually a skill tester. Right now, judging from the WTB/WTS spam you see, it's merely time-consuming.

* I mean no gender bias here. In my book, a woman is more of a man than a boy.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Последняя редакция: ScrotieMcB. Время: 17 окт. 2013 г., 22:27:15
You convey your messages as if you speak for everyone.
PoE is fine the way it is. Go play a different game, Scrot.
Mythicpoe написал:
You convey your messages as if you speak for everyone.
PoE is fine the way it is. Go play a different game, Scrot.

So you're allowed to have complaints about the game, but I'm not? How about you practice what you preach and play something else yourself.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
I dunno.. I'm still convinced that if Scrotie ever designed a game, I'd play it.

Otherwise, I've nothing to contribute to this thread. Good OP and I agree.
Devolving Wilds
“T, Sacrifice Devolving Wilds: Search your library for a basic land card and reveal it. Then shuffle your library.”

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