Time does NOT equal difficulty

Mythicpoe написал:
You convey your messages as if you speak for everyone.
PoE is fine the way it is. Go play a different game, Scrot.

He wrote in concise paragraphs and made a clear argument.
IGN: SplitEpimorphism
The problem always lies with the word challenge -- it's subjective.

Time is a standard measurement. GGG can tune content according to a set interval.

Is leveling to 100 challenging? Difficult? Depends on the context in which you are using the word.

It's difficult only in that it takes a large amount of time -- or it's not difficult, but only takes a large amount of time.

To me, I find some of the higher level maps with certain mods to be difficult, challenging and tedious, but I tend to play builds that most don't.

give up OP

Our community will mindlessly rage at the smallest suggestion PoE isnt magically perfect

We're a bunch of nostalgic hardcore idiots and we like it this way :)
races prove otherwise
ign = ultrahiangle
ultrahiangle написал:
races prove otherwise

its a time challenge not a difficulty challenge... two separate things... its like eating hot dogs.. its not difficult, but its a challenge to eat one in 5sec.. or 20 in one minute... yet eating hot dogs is not difficult
AintCare написал:
ultrahiangle написал:
races prove otherwise

its a time challenge not a difficulty challenge... two separate things... its like eating hot dogs.. its not difficult, but its a challenge to eat one in 5sec.. or 20 in one minute... yet eating hot dogs is not difficult

reaching so hard.

you would say it is not difficult to finish in top tier every race? you are kidding yourself. (this is for 1-3 hour races that is)
ign = ultrahiangle
ultrahiangle написал:
AintCare написал:
ultrahiangle написал:
races prove otherwise

its a time challenge not a difficulty challenge... two separate things... its like eating hot dogs.. its not difficult, but its a challenge to eat one in 5sec.. or 20 in one minute... yet eating hot dogs is not difficult

reaching so hard.

you would say it is not difficult to finish in top tier every race? you are kidding yourself. (this is for 1-3 hour races that is)

I think a reasonable point to be made is that races are certainly difficult -- the same people do well every time, that's usually a good indicator.

However, races being difficult doesn't necessarily make PoE as a whole difficult. Also, I've deliberately been vague about what I mean by "PoE as a whole," since even within a single league players' priorities and goals differ.

(I am not making the claim that PoE is not difficult.)
IGN: SplitEpimorphism
ultrahiangle написал:
AintCare написал:
ultrahiangle написал:
races prove otherwise

its a time challenge not a difficulty challenge... two separate things... its like eating hot dogs.. its not difficult, but its a challenge to eat one in 5sec.. or 20 in one minute... yet eating hot dogs is not difficult

reaching so hard.

you would say it is not difficult to finish in top tier every race? you are kidding yourself. (this is for 1-3 hour races that is)

I can expect the same person winning hot dog eating contest every week, doesn't make the process of consuming a hot dog any more challenging
im saying the races themselves are challanging. time based games like mmos and arpgs are not generally challanging as in skill based.
ign = ultrahiangle
Последняя редакция: ultrahiangle. Время: 18 окт. 2013 г., 1:09:12
ultrahiangle написал:
im saying the races themselves are challanging. time based games like mmos and arpgs are generally challanging as in skill based.

and I am saying that time challenge is a different concept then difficulty challenge

the most difficult exams had no time limit...
Последняя редакция: AintCare. Время: 18 окт. 2013 г., 1:07:31

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