Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

LazelimGiros написал:
Vitchy написал:
LazelimGiros написал:
Update when?

Chill dude. Patch notes are out for like 5hrs.

And you are the police of the thread telling people to chill or not? Go on your own business kid

He just wants you to chill, no reason to call him kid instantly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Enki is from Germany, patch notes are pretty new-ish so there are two reasons it'll take some time.
LazelimGiros написал:
Vitchy написал:
LazelimGiros написал:
Update when?

Chill dude. Patch notes are out for like 5hrs.

And you are the police of the thread telling people to chill or not? Go on your own business kid

Calling me kid. The irony is strong with this one.

Well thanks for explaining that was all i ask :) , i just asked the question of update time nothing more, i called him kid cause he was overreacting my 2 words of post and contributing nothing. That kid needs to chill and stop thinking hes a moderator lmao.

LazelimGiros написал:

Well thanks for explaining that was all i ask :) , i just asked the question of update time nothing more, i called him kid cause he was overreacting my 2 words of post and contributing nothing. That kid needs to chill and stop thinking hes a moderator lmao.

chill dude

why are you telling him what to do? are you a moderator of some kind?
Последняя редакция: quiN68#4219. Время: 11 дек. 2019 г., 3:14:46
> The range at which Arc can chain to another enemy is now 35 units (from 25).

Ooh yeah bois we back
Patience everyone, I woke up like an hour ago. Going to wait for LocalIdentity's PoB fork to update for a few final touches and then slowly update the guide.
LazelimGiros написал:

Well thanks for explaining that was all i ask :) , i just asked the question of update time nothing more, i called him kid cause he was overreacting my 2 words of post and contributing nothing. That kid needs to chill and stop thinking hes a moderator lmao.

Some kid certainly need to chill, but not the one you think :-p
(there's a picture of him/her in your bathroom mirror)
Thanks @Enki91 - since Orb of Storms got a bit nerfed, I am looking for a good starter Build. Really appreciating your work! Take your time! Greetings from Germany.
Live on Twitch: http://twitch.tv/yellko
Enki91 написал:
Patience everyone, I woke up like an hour ago. Going to wait for LocalIdentity's PoB fork to update for a few final touches and then slowly update the guide.

Take my Energy.... ALL OF IT.
Want to start new leage with this build, but i have 1 question. Can anyone expplain me how to build power charges in this build without orb of stroms setup(on clearing)? Watched video and checked poebuilder, but still cant understand how.

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