[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist

No, not planning SSF. Was just wondering as div cards are the *only* way i have ever seen a drop. Not once in thousands of hours have i seen a single primordial drop. Unlucky apparently? And, yes. Golemancer all the way.
Is there a big difference in survivability between Elementalist vs. Necromancer?
DrHarvey12 написал:
mika2salo написал:

Very nice headhunter! It is worth running it instead of stacking more item quantity with Perandus Blazon?

I think if you are doing something like running Burial's and want to maximise the chances of a Doctor dropping then running Blazon or even a Bisco's Leash might be better as the Rampage will give you a bit more movespeed. However if you want to be farming efficiently you aren't going to be using a golemancer build when some TS build will just clear the map for you in half the time and you would probably be going for a legacy Windripper at that point too. I decided to drop the 5% I was getting from Bisco's Leash for the "fun" of a Headhunter. I don't really play Std expecting to make money - just enjoy the maps and use any leftover league currency up.

Your golem gear is already insane Mika so I'm not sure what you would be really looking to improve on it as a main character. I guess you always do need more gear though for testing purposes so I imagine a steady income of exalts is going to be useful for you.

I personally have always revelled in my mediocrity when it comes to golemancers rarely if ever getting anything above "decent" gear. This MF build is a bit of an exception to the rule but even then I always went for items that weren't "perfect" rolls to feel like I was getting at least some value as the difference in price is always immensely disproportionate to the actual in-game advantage you get by having the perfect roll. Not that I will ever play enough Std to make the currency back on this character but then that's where the "fun" comes in for me and a Headhunter is part of that. I would think even more so if you map with a friend who isn't using one as it's likely they will benefit more from the aura's you will be gaining periodically.

At the end of the day you do what works best for you but chill music, a cup of coffee (minus the friend in my case) sounds pretty good to me :)

Hi :)

That makes sense. Speed vs quantity is pretty tricky to balance when doing MF.

Thanks! Most of it is self crafted, but I spent all of my currency on testing gear for variants. At least collecting chaos orbs feels exciting again once you go broke ^^

You would not believe how insane gear some of my Golemancer guildmates and build players have linked me. Many of their gear pieces are more than mirror a piece. I feels like my Golemancer is not even close to maximum potential yet.

I hope that you will get lucky drops this league and the quantity gear will pay itself back. That sure keeps playing for a lot longer. Lets hope I get some good drops also and can finally start testing cluster jewels!

No, not planning SSF. Was just wondering as div cards are the *only* way i have ever seen a drop. Not once in thousands of hours have i seen a single primordial drop. Unlucky apparently? And, yes. Golemancer all the way.

Hey :)

Ok, maybe this league you will finally find your first primordial jewel ;)

Is there a big difference in survivability between Elementalist vs. Necromancer?

Hello :)

I feel that Elementalist is beefier than Necro especially after Necros block chance from Bone Offering will be changed back to 50% effectiveness.

Elementalist has decent physical damage reduction thanks to Stone Golems buff, and physical damage has always been builds main weakness as Necro setup has 0% armor. I was recently able to finally tank Shaper slam with Elementalist, which I was never able to do with Necro.

Ice Golems add quite a bit off defense as they aggro enemy very quickly and will blind / taunt them almost instantly. Aspect of Spider and Temporal Chains slow normal mobs to speed to crawl and seems to somewhat work on bosses.

Build is however not very tanky. If you move before the Golems, packs can kill you very quickly and some endgame boss moves can 1-shot you. I like the balance between survival <-> danger at it keeps me alert and maps interesting.

I guess if you sacrifice some utility and go for High ES / HP boots, shield and armor with chaos resistance in enough rares, you could call the build tanky.
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Последняя редакция: mika2salo#7776. Время: 18 сент. 2020 г., 7:07:09
mika2salo написал:

Is there a big difference in survivability between Elementalist vs. Necromancer?

Hello :)

I feel that Elementalist is beefier than Necro especially after Necros block chance from Bone Offering will be changed back to 50% effectiveness.

Elementalist has decent physical damage reduction thanks to Stone Golems buff, and physical damage has always been builds main weakness as Necro setup has 0% armor. I was recently able to finally tank Shaper slam with Elementalist, which I was never able to do with Necro.

Ice Golems add quite a bit off defense as they aggro enemy very quickly and will blind / taunt them almost instantly. Aspect of Spider and Temporal Chains slow normal mobs to speed to crawl and seems to somewhat work on bosses.

Build is however not very tanky. If you move before the Golems, packs can kill you very quickly and some endgame boss moves can 1-shot you. I like the balance between survival <-> danger at it keeps me alert and maps interesting.

I guess if you sacrifice some utility and go for High ES / HP boots, shield and armor with chaos resistance in enough rares, you could call the build tanky.

Thanks, this is really insightful! I played zombiemancer during Metamorph league and have been having trouble finding a build as tanky as that. I'll definitely give this build a shot for league start!
Well boys, thought I'd not start with this build again this league, went Hexblast, that was a mistake. Good luck to everyone one league start.
I noticed that the POB is not updated to the 3.12 tree. Are we not taking whispers of doom now since its moved near CI keystone?
Jkurs on twitch, come and join the action . :)
LegendaryMewtwo написал:
mika2salo написал:

Is there a big difference in survivability between Elementalist vs. Necromancer?

Hello :)

I feel that Elementalist is beefier than Necro especially after Necros block chance from Bone Offering will be changed back to 50% effectiveness.

Elementalist has decent physical damage reduction thanks to Stone Golems buff, and physical damage has always been builds main weakness as Necro setup has 0% armor. I was recently able to finally tank Shaper slam with Elementalist, which I was never able to do with Necro.

Ice Golems add quite a bit off defense as they aggro enemy very quickly and will blind / taunt them almost instantly. Aspect of Spider and Temporal Chains slow normal mobs to speed to crawl and seems to somewhat work on bosses.

Build is however not very tanky. If you move before the Golems, packs can kill you very quickly and some endgame boss moves can 1-shot you. I like the balance between survival <-> danger at it keeps me alert and maps interesting.

I guess if you sacrifice some utility and go for High ES / HP boots, shield and armor with chaos resistance in enough rares, you could call the build tanky.

Thanks, this is really insightful! I played zombiemancer during Metamorph league and have been having trouble finding a build as tanky as that. I'll definitely give this build a shot for league start!

Hello :)

If you like safe setups, I just recorded new video with new gems. Feels pretty safe to do pretty deel delves if playing smart. Link is at the bottom of the post.

Well boys, thought I'd not start with this build again this league, went Hexblast, that was a mistake. Good luck to everyone one league start.

Hey :)

The skill looked pretty interesting, what went wrong?
And welcome back to Golems! ^^

I noticed that the POB is not updated to the 3.12 tree. Are we not taking whispers of doom now since its moved near CI keystone?

Hi :)

It seems like PoB is not yet updated to 3.12, so I can't update PoBs. I will switch later today to localIdentitys community fork and update PoBs for it as it seems like the original creator doesn't really care to update hes software anymore. Sorry for the delay, and the online skill trees are up-to-date.

You can take Whispers of Doom by going to "Written in Blood" using upper nodes now, rather than bottom ones.



Biggest dangers to build have always been physical damage, projectile based attacks and on-death effects of monsters. I'm testing now new gems links to help with there dangers :

1. Cast when damage taken lvl 20
To trigger the links

2. Immortal Call
Immortal Call gives build lot's of physical / elemental damage reduction and can protect against heavy damage spikes.

3. Frost shield
Frost Shield adds protective shield that has it's own Energy Shield and protects well against projectile based attacks. This is really helpful against the hedgehogs. It consumes 500 ES per second, but build generates over 1k, so the use is not really noticable

4. Void Sphere
Creates bubble to where the damage was taken from. Shpere sucks enemies into one group and adds heavy slow effect on them. Finally it sucks their corpses into void and should remove all on-death effect.

This setup replaces Winter Orb -> Cast When Channeling -> Desecrate -> Flesh Offering

Other change is :

1. Storm Brand
Active cast now. Chains between enemies and spreads Elemental Equilibrium very fast.

2. Increased duration
Brand lasts longer and requires less casts.

3. Knockback support
Storm Brand casts every 0.5 seconds, chains and with 3x of them active we get 15x casts per second. This makes knockback actually viable and pushes hordes away from you. Was maybe best defensive effect when doing Delve

This setup replaces Cast When Damage Taken -> Convocation -> Storm Brand

Flame & Ice Golementalist - Delve 387
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Последняя редакция: mika2salo#7776. Время: 19 сент. 2020 г., 5:50:31
Has anyone tried the vendor recipe with a replica primordial might? Would it work or no?
If you want to go with the elementalist build. Would it be advisable to go the necromancer spectre -> necromancer golem -> elemantalist golem? Or go from necromancer spectre straight to elemantalist golem?
Asian_Camgirl написал:
Has anyone tried the vendor recipe with a replica primordial might? Would it work or no?

Hello :)

I don't play in league myself, so can't try it out.

From what I understant the only changed lines are :
- (-1 to maximum number of Golems)
- Golems Summoned in the past 8 seconds deal (100–125)% increased Damage

However re-summoning Golems is not very effective way to increase their DPS as it removes Golem from combat, takes time to cast and the Golems needs some time to get back to the target.

Golems also get hundreds % of increased damage from harmonies and other sources, so adding more increased damage doesnt seem very effective. Adding "more" damage, charges, cast speed, crit and other buffs to them should give better DPS with less hassle.

If you want to go with the elementalist build. Would it be advisable to go the necromancer spectre -> necromancer golem -> elemantalist golem? Or go from necromancer spectre straight to elemantalist golem?

Hey :)

I would go with Necro Spec -> Necro Golem -> Elementalist as it's lot cheaper to reach endgame with Necro & Specs than with Golems.

I have however leveled few times with Elementalist and it was pretty fast. You just have to use trade much more often to get as many Golems out as possible to keep DPS up and buy 21/0 Golem gems as soon as you get to lvl 70. Also running Labyrinths as soon as possible for extra Golems is more important than with Necro.

You can use Zombies & Specs till act 4, until you get Golems gems. If you can buy few Clayshapers and run Labyrinth as soon as possible for extra Golems, you can easily level with Golems as main skill after that.


Path of Building changes

I changed PoB support for the "Path of Building - Community fork" as it's maintained more actively. Normal Path of Building has failed to update before league start few too many times for my taste already.

"Path of Building - Community fork" offers even more benefits as it support Pantheon gods, more items and has better support for minions.

All PoB trees are now up-to-date and using Community fork. You can download Community fork from : https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding

Sorry for the delay and hope you enjoy the updated trees! :)
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Последняя редакция: mika2salo#7776. Время: 20 сент. 2020 г., 14:13:28

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