Question not needed m yet since gear is good but the skeletons skill is it a pure summon skeletons or a vaal summon skeletons being used in this build?
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" Delve is changing every league. This is not in patch notes but people who go 1500+ since delve league feel changes. Mobs hit alot harder this league and survival can be real problem. You will need fortify on zombies, only nodes that can kill your zombies after are x2 double dmg + some extra nodes like harbinger nodes are no go. Skills chain 3 times on azurite t3 can be real pain too, carefull there. Regarding survival you will need to go perfect balance on resist, use wise oak (drop mov speed flask), use stampede boots and annoint crystal skin. Btw is better to get one jewel with "cannot be maimed". For flasks - get 2 basalt flasks with imune to shock and imune to ignite and switch depending on zones. I guess this are most important things:), other stuff is more from experience, for example - knowing what each nodes do, depending on zone, what affixes are worse on certain zones, what affixes are not and so on. I am considering to buy one watcher like yours since i get capped on 90% phys reduction whitout phys taken as elemental but i go for 100 first afer i will start delve again:) Good luck in your deep delve journey!!! Последняя редакция: nazgul29#3034. Время: 27 янв. 2020 г., 5:29:58
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Because I've received quite a few questions about my variant of this build and I'm almost done with the league and this character, I've made a pob configuration with a few possible upgrades over my current gear, so you can compare numbers to the version in the guide (please keep in mind, that I've calculated impale dps manually on caclulator to get numbers below).
https://pastebin.com/0xz1yU7Z Some results (if I haven't made errors in calculations): With very expensive mirror-tier weapon (fortify corruption), using pride (numbers with just 20%, without ramp-up) and 320% elegant hubris (might be even better than that in theory): 15 zombies with 3.2M shaper dps each (48M total, 43.4M if switch pride to haste). With standard fortify weapon: 15 zombies with 2.75M shaper dps each (41M total, 37M with haste). In both cases my character has 6.167 life, 4387 es and 25 positive chaos res at level 100 (It might be more with good 2 point passives from elegant hubris, but I have this passives for the easy comparison with the lethal pride which is also included in the pob) My current setup with 15% lethal pride if using pride instead of haste and bottled faith instead of basalt flask: 16 zombies with 2.16M shaper dps (34.5M total, 31M with haste), 7025 life, 5127 es and 25 positive chaos res on level 100. Последняя редакция: DocRoberts#4869. Время: 27 янв. 2020 г., 6:20:42
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" Impale is only stronger than awakened minion damage if you scale it with banner, enchant, generosity and so on. However it also opens up for swapping feeding frenzy/meatshield for minion damages on bosses. My endgame PoB says 1,5% assuming you have the prior mentioned buffs. |
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" Its still a viable option, it just looses alot of DPS and some survivability for Quality of life. |
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" I did quite abit of math on the eyes of the greatwolf versus the craftable rare, and you're completely right about the rare. It has to be a high rolled eyes of the greatwolf to even compete with the rare these days due to awakener orb being a thing aswell as annoints. |
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" So far of what i've seen the hatred isn't worth it if you stack impale properly, the mechanic of impale is simply to strong to start stacking elemental damage. Plus you'd have to reroll ele reflect maps aswell. |
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" You really want to have your zombies in your weapon due to it scaling their level, and it is our primary way of getting DPS. I would also highly recommend that you keep trying to craft the weapon or buy one as it is a suuuper strong upgrade. |
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hey guys,
btw - on the SO-train again :P have you guys ideas for min-max further on? some data: - 1840 str about - 17 zomb. - ~ 7.2k life / 4.9k ES (without SO) - ~ 2,2m shaper dps / zomb. without impale multi still need a multi for impale - maybe someone can help me out? its with dreadbanner + a.generosity + DB helm enchant p.s.: ignore the gem setup, I'm lvling just minion damage, so for mapping usually a.melee phys is in (for bossing MD for FF) Последняя редакция: Zedforce666#0127. Время: 27 янв. 2020 г., 8:03:00
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" Damn i knew should've annointed Crystal Skin, decided to go Written in Blood instead for more STR stacking... Crystal Skin is even cheaper to anoint. |
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