@ Edeka
Edeka написал:

Rolled this 20% beauty today, can anyone help me adjust my passive tree for maximum efficiency?

There are many options available to you, but pulling up your PoB it looks like you are missing 3 skill points. Nevermind, you have a ToH, and I assume those 3 points go there. Personally I find your right Effeciency Training a bit excessive. You could save 7+ passives by dropping it and only lose 73 flat strength. Unless that strength allows you hit hit a 300 threshold, it is better served spent on life/damage nodes.

If I calculated correctly, you should be sitting at
- 1701 strength
- 119k dps
- 5775 life
- 1806 ES
I'm not adding in SO or anything else since it's not relative to a comparison. In fact, you could drop 200 strength and make up more of the lost dps by picking up Spiritual Aid.

Your current tree: https://pastebin.com/2ZVjpWfU
My recommended tree: https://pastebin.com/GcHF0VxG
- 1660 strength
- 123k dps
- 5930 life
- 1592 ES
- +1 max fire res
- 11 fire res, 3 light/cold res
It's not exactly what I'd do, but I wanted to keep your tree as close to what you had it as possible. I'd personally drop Fearsome Force, cross at the dex node, and invest the 6 saved points into defense.
@ Traceless
Traceless написал:
Hi all, first time posting on this thread. Currently playing the build in Metamorph and got the build quite far already. Quick question: I was insanely lucky today and dropped an Awakened Multistrike Gem...does anyone know how much of an dps increase this gem will give over 20/20 Multistrike? Thanks for your help :)

It's pretty simple, in addition to the increased attack speed, each average swing goes from 22% to 30% more dps. However the less portion actually increases. On average Multistrike gives ~62% more dps and Awakened Multistrike ~73% more, so you get about 7% more overall using Awakened.
This is for these guys who want to go nutty nutty on DPS via Chaos setup.

all map mods possible bosses melt away 2 sec each conqueror.
I dont use for Awakener feeding frenzy i swap it with Awakened Void manipulation.
On my Cyclone i have skelletons linked with withering touch to apply wither stacks :)

Since Awakener's Orbs are so cheap now I wanted to try to craft new AG armor. Turned out kinda "meh", no open prefix for "%life as ES". Any other suggestions for nice influence combos for AG?

Traceless написал:
Hi all, first time posting on this thread. Currently playing the build in Metamorph and got the build quite far already. Quick question: I was insanely lucky today and dropped an Awakened Multistrike Gem...does anyone know how much of an dps increase this gem will give over 20/20 Multistrike? Thanks for your help :)

Its a big dps increase, however if you don't have BIS alot of other places i'd say that its better to sell it and get the other gear. Its better to have lot of good parts rather than one insanely strong part.
Ikarian3 написал:
Since Awakener's Orbs are so cheap now I wanted to try to craft new AG armor. Turned out kinda "meh", no open prefix for "%life as ES". Any other suggestions for nice influence combos for AG?

Interesting, the blind mod is quite strong to be honest.
KOLACIC1 написал:
This is for these guys who want to go nutty nutty on DPS via Chaos setup.

all map mods possible bosses melt away 2 sec each conqueror.
I dont use for Awakener feeding frenzy i swap it with Awakened Void manipulation.
On my Cyclone i have skelletons linked with withering touch to apply wither stacks :)

Do you have any numbers / pastebin on your build? I'd like to add it to the chaos setup if its superior :D
Ikarian3 написал:
Since Awakener's Orbs are so cheap now I wanted to try to craft new AG armor. Turned out kinda "meh", no open prefix for "%life as ES". Any other suggestions for nice influence combos for AG?

Скрытый текст

There is a mod where item drops on AG death, but it’s another prefix. If all you can craft is a suffix, I’d do chaos resistance. There really are some interesting prefix mods though. Conc ground around you while stationary is interesting, assuming he’s stationary while attacking.

ok so hit this while crafting my belt.

anything i should do to improve it? I mean i know there are crazy and risky things i could do but what would be best option now besides quality which i know :)

does the elemental crap stuff mess with anything?
Последняя редакция: WulfKnightz13#5646. Время: 27 янв. 2020 г., 21:20:14
WulfKnightz13 написал:

ok so hit this while crafting my belt.

anything i should do to improve it? I mean i know there are crazy and risky things i could do but what would be best option now besides quality which i know :)

does the elemental crap stuff mess with anything?

That is one sexy belt. It’s a shame we can’t benefit from the ele damage, because I’m pretty sure that’s T1. I’d leave it as is.
moooff написал:
How did you leveled to 100 in 3.9?
I didn't do anything special. Until ~99.3 I played just normally without any focus on hitting 100 (just ran influenced maps to spawn conquerors and Sirus; because of some bugs in their spawning it can be like 30% exp in 1 "Sirus cycle"). Due to horrible lags/freezes in his last phase (sometimes) and unplayable lags on new influenced maps (sometimes), I stopped farming him (loot was the complete garbage from him and other conquerors anyway, so I didn't want to risk exp here) and just ran random maps I like to 100. Also ran delve when I was capped on sulphite and shaper/elder/blighted maps for profit. So nothing special really. When you have optimized build it is very hard to die if you don't do something stupid.

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