lennaert222 написал:
Question not needed m yet since gear is good but the skeletons skill is it a pure summon skeletons or a vaal summon skeletons being used in this build?

DocRoberts написал:
Because I've received quite a few questions about my variant of this build and I'm almost done with the league and this character, I've made a pob configuration with a few possible upgrades over my current gear, so you can compare numbers to the version in the guide (please keep in mind, that I've calculated impale dps manually on caclulator to get numbers below).

Some results (if I haven't made errors in calculations):
With very expensive mirror-tier weapon (fortify corruption), using pride (numbers with just 20%, without ramp-up) and 320% elegant hubris (might be even better than that in theory):
15 zombies with 3.2M shaper dps each (48M total, 43.4M if switch pride to haste).

With standard fortify weapon:
15 zombies with 2.75M shaper dps each (41M total, 37M with haste). In both cases my character has 6.167 life, 4387 es and 25 positive chaos res at level 100 (It might be more with good 2 point passives from elegant hubris, but I have this passives for the easy comparison with the lethal pride which is also included in the pob)

My current setup with 15% lethal pride if using pride instead of haste and bottled faith instead of basalt flask:
16 zombies with 2.16M shaper dps (34.5M total, 31M with haste), 7025 life, 5127 es and 25 positive chaos res on level 100.

so i know we have talked about 5l a couple times before. How is the loss of fortify going from 5l to 4l. Do you notice and changes with the end setup? Know you have been 4l for a while now. I do like how your 4l solves socket issues greatly.
DongKingKong написал:
Hello I'm just curious if it's better to get the suffix " hatred has 60 increased aura effect" on warsraff and just put the avian somewhere else. Can any math gurus show much that adds to the damage since hatred scales a lot

That would be really powerful if rolling 4G or 3G1R Triad Grips. However, I will never recommend not using Shaper’s Touch. As others have said, it isn’t recommended. If you want to see the dps though, just plug it into your PoB character.
lennaert222 написал:
Question not needed m yet since gear is good but the skeletons skill is it a pure summon skeletons or a vaal summon skeletons being used in this build?

Skellies can be useful early on due to damage scaling. However, once you start stacking strength zombies alone start body blocking each other which drastically scales down the effectiveness of additional melee minions. With as gem starved as we already are, it simply isn’t worth using them. There are several similar builds you could look at that use skellies, but I recommend not using them. You can also easily swap out zombies for skellies, especially before reaching the 1000 strength benchmark.
Zedforce666 написал:
hey guys,

btw - on the SO-train again :P

have you guys ideas for min-max further on?

some data:
- 1840 str about
- 17 zomb.
- ~ 7.2k life / 4.9k ES (without SO)
- ~ 2,2m shaper dps / zomb. without impale multi

still need a multi for impale - maybe someone can help me out? its with dreadbanner + a.generosity + DB helm enchant

p.s.: ignore the gem setup, I'm lvling just minion damage, so for mapping usually a.melee phys is in (for bossing MD for FF)

You can do this yourself, just learn how scaling works. So please try to follow the math rather than looking at the final result. From what I can tell you have 15% increased aura effect on the tree, but I can’t pull up your PoB so I might be wrong on a couple details.

Increased Aura Effect
- 15% tree
- 53% L7 Awakened Generosity
- 10% Quality
- 40% Enchant
118% Total

L24 Dread Banner
- 20% chance to impale
- 23% effect of impale
Chance + Aura Effect
= .20 * (1 + 1.18)
= .436
= .43
Effect + Aura Effect
= .23 * (1 + 1.18)
= .5014
= .50

L23 Impale Support
- 40% chance to impale
- 65% effect of impale

Impale Calculation
Chance * Number of a Impales * Damage per Impale
= (.43 + .40) * 5 * .10(1 + .50 + .65)
= .89225
= 89% more physical damage

***I haven’t double checked anything, so the math may be a little off. I also cannot guarantee armour doesn’t mitigate more than the 20% offset by the support gem.***
Последняя редакция: Aldonés#1294. Время: 27 янв. 2020 г., 9:59:17
LegendaryMewtwo написал:
Damn did you find a few mirrors or something, how did you afford all that gear?

Also Withering Touch is really interesting... wonder if it's more dmg than Impale or Awakened Minion Dmg?

somehow it happened. I love poe, I spend a lot of time in it. quickly reached high content. at the beginning of the league, the prices of gems/jevels were completely different. For example, I bought a multistrike for 30 ex. In this league, I started trading. at the level of "buy cheap in the morning and resell in the evening." here somehow this gear collected.

Ikarian3 написал:
selfowner написал:

I want to share my find. (I’m probably not the first, but I don’t care)

Hey there. That dual mod is indeed very nice. Cashing in 80+ex on mini-Elder must be nice :) I don't know how I'd fit it in though. If I decide to go deep I might have to.

You actually got the Greywolf Talisman. Mind me asking what it cost?
I remember someone posting in this thread like "That Talisman doesnt even exist this league, Qlida your guide is misleading and bad and you should feel bad". Haha.

Did you lose any AG's going to 1200+?

No reason to excuse your English, it's on par with most native speakers :)

Hi! he is really good, but this is clearly not a paramount improvement. I had a currency and I wanted to try. if he didn’t suit me, then I would sell it for the same 80+ ex. I think that such experiments are part of the game.
I have included an active search for such talismans. for the entire league there were 3. For the first I did not have enough currency. The second was sold to some lucky man for 60 ex. After that, for two days I could not come to my senses lol. And the third I was able to buy for 2 mirors (360 ex at that time). 4 days negotiations were held with the dude. Initially he wanted 4 mirrors, but then he got cold. Apparently there was not much demand.
I lost the first AG at 800+. later lost the second when I forgot to remove it. that was my fault :P RIP

DocRoberts написал:
I'm sure that you can afford a weapon with fortify implicit (might require several days to find one or do it yourself in the temple; mods similar, just cheap fossil crafted minion damage instead of temple mod), also impale 21/23 will give a bit of damage. You can craft elder/hunter boots with fortify and % strength, so you can put cyclone here and you'll have extra sockets for generosity and carrion golem with FF, so you can use minion damage in the weapon (not sure how it will work in that deep delves, but I'd probably use better suited builds if you want to push to 2k something). But I still have one more tip for zombie survival. Your amulet is very cool, but crafted amulet with +1 to int gems and grave intentions anointment might be much better in this situation, or allocate this cluster entirely (even better for delve). Also I don't see any point in using uber expensive jewels from the lab.

very good advice about the staff. I will look for something similar in the market. 7l zombies will be a very good improvement.
shoes in any case will give less power. in this case I will lose one zombie. (a new POB says it's 1kk dps). the golem will give less than 2% damage. It seems to me that the game is not worth the candle.
It’s a good idea to craft an amulet for delv. I certainly will not sell mine. this amulet is almost unique. there are only three in the league. it sounds strange, but I’m even pleased to look at it.
You are right about the Jewels. obviously they don’t give boost to 100 exals. Just surplus of currency hit the head. when I need a currency, they will be sold first. In fact, two brawn jewels will give 200-250 less ES... Thx for tips.
Последняя редакция: selfowner#1274. Время: 27 янв. 2020 г., 11:32:03
nazgul29 написал:

Delve is changing every league. This is not in patch notes but people who go 1500+ since delve league feel changes. Mobs hit alot harder this league and survival can be real problem.

You will need fortify on zombies, only nodes that can kill your zombies after are x2 double dmg + some extra nodes like harbinger nodes are no go.
Skills chain 3 times on azurite t3 can be real pain too, carefull there.
Regarding survival you will need to go perfect balance on resist, use wise oak (drop mov speed flask), use stampede boots and annoint crystal skin.
Btw is better to get one jewel with "cannot be maimed".
For flasks - get 2 basalt flasks with imune to shock and imune to ignite and switch depending on zones.

I guess this are most important things:), other stuff is more from experience, for example - knowing what each nodes do, depending on zone, what affixes are worse on certain zones, what affixes are not and so on.

I am considering to buy one watcher like yours since i get capped on 90% phys reduction whitout phys taken as elemental but i go for 100 first afer i will start delve again:)

Good luck in your deep delve journey!!!

I have already begun to look for a staff with fortify. Very good advice about flasks. Need to be more flexible. I will try to use the old watcher, but even with it I’m unlikely to get 90% phys damage reduction. Now have 75%.
I can't go to the fungal caverns because my zombies are dying of poison. I tried to use Grave Intention, but in my opinion it is a waste of skill points.
I was thinking about jewels with chaos res for minions and a chance of taunt. I looked at the current top 1 necro. He has already closed 1300. It looks good, I want to try.
All the same, at a depth there is a share of randomness. There are areas without mods, there are such that you don’t get through at all + fungal caverns. in fact, you just need to find the way.
Thank you for your good luck wishes and advice. I am sure that they will help me.
Последняя редакция: selfowner#1274. Время: 27 янв. 2020 г., 11:33:35

Got my goal amulet. Somehow the risk of bricking makes crafting this more exciting that using awakener orb.

Rolled this 20% beauty today, can anyone help me adjust my passive tree for maximum efficiency?
DocRoberts написал:
moooff написал:
How would you try to level to 100 ? I keep on dying to stupid things for example on t16+ beyond maps?

What is the fastest and safest way beside breachstone runs?

You shouldn't die with your current gear. Try to not stand still, always move around (on beyond you die probably to detonate dead). Do not run crazy rolled maps if you push levels. Also a headhunter might make a big difference during leveling. In the previous league I leveled to 100 while doing uber elder grind and I used a HH (I was so lazy, so didn't even swap it on ubers) and ran corrupted guardian maps with any crazy rolls (it was impossible to die really). In this league I stopped farming Sirus at ~99.3 (didn't want to risk exp to die lag/freeze) and I haven't used HH this time, but I didn't run crazy rolled maps (so the leveling process was a bit longer this time). Also Jun missions/safehouses give a lot of exp. For very fast leveling there is an option of running t16 poorjoys also.

Oh ok... well then i will avoid beyound but this will decrease my exp/h.

How did you leveled to 100 in 3.9?
Hi all, first time posting on this thread. Currently playing the build in Metamorph and got the build quite far already. Quick question: I was insanely lucky today and dropped an Awakened Multistrike Gem...does anyone know how much of an dps increase this gem will give over 20/20 Multistrike? Thanks for your help :)
IGN Keranka
Последняя редакция: Traceless#3020. Время: 27 янв. 2020 г., 16:25:29
how to you guys get tormented spirits to possess other monsters as a necro? or anything I guess for that matter.. they just run around other mobs and eventually disappear for me. it's getting annoying using scarabs and all of them not possess a single monster..

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