selfowner написал:
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DocRoberts написал:
I'm sure that you can afford a weapon with fortify implicit (might require several days to find one or do it yourself in the temple; mods similar, just cheap fossil crafted minion damage instead of temple mod), also impale 21/23 will give a bit of damage. You can craft elder/hunter boots with fortify and % strength, so you can put cyclone here and you'll have extra sockets for generosity and carrion golem with FF, so you can use minion damage in the weapon (not sure how it will work in that deep delves, but I'd probably use better suited builds if you want to push to 2k something). But I still have one more tip for zombie survival. Your amulet is very cool, but crafted amulet with +1 to int gems and grave intentions anointment might be much better in this situation, or allocate this cluster entirely (even better for delve). Also I don't see any point in using uber expensive jewels from the lab.

very good advice about the staff. I will look for something similar in the market. 7l zombies will be a very good improvement.
shoes in any case will give less power. in this case I will lose one zombie. (a new POB says it's 1kk dps). the golem will give less than 2% damage. It seems to me that the game is not worth the candle.
It’s a good idea to craft an amulet for delv. I certainly will not sell mine. this amulet is almost unique. there are only three in the league. it sounds strange, but I’m even pleased to look at it.
You are right about the Jewels. obviously they don’t give boost to 100 exals. Just surplus of currency hit the head. when I need a currency, they will be sold first. In fact, two brawn jewels will give 200-250 less ES... Thx for tips.
Good hunter boots have ~the same strength as alberons and if you put cyclone here then you'll have 2 more sockets for good stuff like awakened generosity (it's not just 1M dps, that's at least 10% more dps).
I'm talking about something like:
socketed gems supported by level 20 Fortify
10% increased strength
From alters on armour/es two-toned hunter/elder base. Then imprint-regal until good 3rd mod + multimod the rest. Also you'll have at least 200 more hp+es with those. And with golem I meant using him for getting feeding frenzy buff, so you can have better dps gem in the weapon (I don't know how it works at that depth, but I'd give it a try)
Последняя редакция: DocRoberts#4869. Время: 28 янв. 2020 г., 1:15:22
Did you craft the hunter influenced boots yourself? And if you did can you explain the process?

I'm not very good at crafting so a mini guide (like the one you have for the staff) would be great! :D

Thank you!
Aldonés написал:
@ Edeka
Edeka написал:

Rolled this 20% beauty today, can anyone help me adjust my passive tree for maximum efficiency?

There are many options available to you, but pulling up your PoB it looks like you are missing 3 skill points. Nevermind, you have a ToH, and I assume those 3 points go there. Personally I find your right Effeciency Training a bit excessive. You could save 7+ passives by dropping it and only lose 73 flat strength. Unless that strength allows you hit hit a 300 threshold, it is better served spent on life/damage nodes.

If I calculated correctly, you should be sitting at
- 1701 strength
- 119k dps
- 5775 life
- 1806 ES
I'm not adding in SO or anything else since it's not relative to a comparison. In fact, you could drop 200 strength and make up more of the lost dps by picking up Spiritual Aid.

Your current tree: https://pastebin.com/2ZVjpWfU
My recommended tree: https://pastebin.com/GcHF0VxG
- 1660 strength
- 123k dps
- 5930 life
- 1592 ES
- +1 max fire res
- 11 fire res, 3 light/cold res
It's not exactly what I'd do, but I wanted to keep your tree as close to what you had it as possible. I'd personally drop Fearsome Force, cross at the dex node, and invest the 6 saved points into defense.
@ Traceless
Traceless написал:
Hi all, first time posting on this thread. Currently playing the build in Metamorph and got the build quite far already. Quick question: I was insanely lucky today and dropped an Awakened Multistrike Gem...does anyone know how much of an dps increase this gem will give over 20/20 Multistrike? Thanks for your help :)

It's pretty simple, in addition to the increased attack speed, each average swing goes from 22% to 30% more dps. However the less portion actually increases. On average Multistrike gives ~62% more dps and Awakened Multistrike ~73% more, so you get about 7% more overall using Awakened.

Hello! Thanks for having a look and all the great tips, I will check it out when I get home!
What do you mean by ToH? I assume it's not Taste of Hate?
Qlidascope написал:
KOLACIC1 написал:
This is for these guys who want to go nutty nutty on DPS via Chaos setup.

all map mods possible bosses melt away 2 sec each conqueror.
I dont use for Awakener feeding frenzy i swap it with Awakened Void manipulation.
On my Cyclone i have skelletons linked with withering touch to apply wither stacks :)

Do you have any numbers / pastebin on your build? I'd like to add it to the chaos setup if its superior :D

I do not have any numbers but i have tried many many different setups and this is the most output u can get DPS vise.
i have at the end 6.4 k HP + 1.9 k ES with Spirit Offering.
This setup is worthwhile doing only if you have the Helm enchant for spirit offering granting extra 12 % phys as Chaos.
i have mostly followed your tree from your pastebin, at the end just swapped some stuff here and there. Dropped watchers eye and running with 16 Zombies only, have but 4 ghastly Jewel with 20 % minion damage after using minion skill brings me to a total of 580 % in minion damage + vaal haste + wither stacks + despair + cherry on top Vaal summon skellis.
Lot of room for improvement. Like to get a + 1 curse neckless with + 1 Zombie :))) to get awakened multistrike and of course a double corrupt weapon with fortify.
I went this way only bcse i was getting randomly one shot by metamorphs and gave up to lvl to 100 did not want to do breachstones etc...
So i went chaos conversion bcse i wanted to have some fun and not care about what maps i have rolled ( now its like this alch + vaal and go)

Update i made a quick pastebin of my items.... (btw its your pastebin :))) just reworked a bit... So you can add it to your build guide :)


have no clue if lethal pride is calculated etc.... if someone has time to look at it would be cool.

Последняя редакция: KOLACIC1#4100. Время: 28 янв. 2020 г., 6:05:21
Whats better in Animate Guardian, Dying breath or Kingmaker?
I think DB is better bcause of "Nearby allies gain 18% increased Damage"
and Kingmaker's culling strike gives only 10% in dps boost to zombies.
Am i right?
Pirsing написал:
Whats better in Animate Guardian, Dying breath or Kingmaker?
I think DB is better bcause of "Nearby allies gain 18% increased Damage"
and Kingmaker's culling strike gives only 10% in dps boost to zombies.
Am i right?

cheap version dying

expensive king

imho kihg is best!
DocRoberts or Qlidascope plz POST how to craft BOOTS wit fortify and % str

Pirsing написал:
Whats better in Animate Guardian, Dying breath or Kingmaker?
I think DB is better bcause of "Nearby allies gain 18% increased Damage"
and Kingmaker's culling strike gives only 10% in dps boost to zombies.
Am i right?
Kingmaker gives 50% crit multi (~13% dps) and cull (another 10% more) and DB gives increased damage (~1.5% more) so Kingmaker gives ~20% more damage than DB.

101zombi101 написал:
DocRoberts or Qlidascope plz POST how to craft BOOTS wit fortify and % str
1) Buy ilvl 86 two-toned boots (armour/es), hunter's orb, awakener's orb and any ilvl elder boots on any base.
2) use hunter's orb on two-toned boots
3) use awakener's orb on elder boots and apply it to two-toned, so you'll have hybrid elder/hunter base
4) use scour, then transmute and use alteration/augment orbs until you hit fortify and 10% strength
5) make imprint (bestiary recipe)
6) use regal
7) if mod from regal is not good, then use imprint and start from 5
8) multimod the rest.
Последняя редакция: DocRoberts#4869. Время: 28 янв. 2020 г., 7:10:16
Edeka написал:
Aldonés написал:
@ Edeka
Edeka написал:

Rolled this 20% beauty today, can anyone help me adjust my passive tree for maximum efficiency?

There are many options available to you, but pulling up your PoB it looks like you are missing 3 skill points. Nevermind, you have a ToH, and I assume those 3 points go there. Personally I find your right Effeciency Training a bit excessive. You could save 7+ passives by dropping it and only lose 73 flat strength. Unless that strength allows you hit hit a 300 threshold, it is better served spent on life/damage nodes.

If I calculated correctly, you should be sitting at
- 1701 strength
- 119k dps
- 5775 life
- 1806 ES
I'm not adding in SO or anything else since it's not relative to a comparison. In fact, you could drop 200 strength and make up more of the lost dps by picking up Spiritual Aid.

Your current tree: https://pastebin.com/2ZVjpWfU
My recommended tree: https://pastebin.com/GcHF0VxG
- 1660 strength
- 123k dps
- 5930 life
- 1592 ES
- +1 max fire res
- 11 fire res, 3 light/cold res
It's not exactly what I'd do, but I wanted to keep your tree as close to what you had it as possible. I'd personally drop Fearsome Force, cross at the dex node, and invest the 6 saved points into defense.
@ Traceless
Traceless написал:
Hi all, first time posting on this thread. Currently playing the build in Metamorph and got the build quite far already. Quick question: I was insanely lucky today and dropped an Awakened Multistrike Gem...does anyone know how much of an dps increase this gem will give over 20/20 Multistrike? Thanks for your help :)

It's pretty simple, in addition to the increased attack speed, each average swing goes from 22% to 30% more dps. However the less portion actually increases. On average Multistrike gives ~62% more dps and Awakened Multistrike ~73% more, so you get about 7% more overall using Awakened.

Hello! Thanks for having a look and all the great tips, I will check it out when I get home!
What do you mean by ToH? I assume it's not Taste of Hate?

Also, sorry I post again, but where would I need to place Purity of Elements in my gem setup when I get my Watcher's with chaos res?

101zombi101 написал:
DocRoberts or Qlidascope plz POST how to craft BOOTS wit fortify and % str
1) Buy ilvl 86 two-toned boots (armour/es), hunter's orb, awakener's orb and any ilvl elder boots on any base.
2) use hunter's orb on two-toned boots
3) use awakener's orb on elder boots and apply it to two-toned, so you'll have hybrid elder/hunter base
4) use alteration orbs until you hit fortify and 10% strength
5) make imprint
6) use regal
7) if mod from regal is not good, then use imprint and start from 5
8) multimod the rest.[/quote]

1-3 done

4- its a problem here ((( i spend 2000 alter and DONT hsve fortife + %str
only % str or fortife

now i have magick (blue) boots with % 10 str ONLY

wot i must to do to get FORTIFE?

craft suffixs cannot be changet for 2 ex and after wot? use alter and augument for roll fortify ? or this not work>>>???

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