op77 написал:
Hey sorry if Im missing something but how do we fit DD without reserving more mana then possible?
nevermind I asume its anointing charisma
Thats correct!
Charisma Annointment
Сообщениеzzang#184717 мая 2020 г., 10:39:05
and other rings Im guessing as well? :)
Сообщениеop77#123517 мая 2020 г., 10:45:11
op77 написал:
and other rings Im guessing as well? :)
I updated the build section with some additional text aside from the PoB link.
Сообщениеzzang#184717 мая 2020 г., 11:03:51
Im so glad you put that in the build :)
СообщениеYoelikooo#549417 мая 2020 г., 13:43:13
So it seems i can only get 68% i cant get a 19% cdr belt only a 18%. Is the 69 % cdr a must? or 68% works as well
СообщениеAyllurino#018217 мая 2020 г., 14:23:05
Yoelikooo написал:
Im so glad you put that in the build :)
Well its better performing now than any other Spellslinger VD build i have seen personally. So it would have been dishonest to not include it :)
Thanks a lot again for that contribution!
Edit: Probably time to try a recording of 100% delirious T19 after i got my lvl up 99.
Последняя редакция: zzang#1847. Время: 17 мая 2020 г., 14:40:34
Сообщениеzzang#184717 мая 2020 г., 14:24:52
zzang написал:
Yoelikooo написал:
Im so glad you put that in the build :)
Well its better performing now than any other Spellslinger VD build i have seen personally. So it would have been dishonest to not include it :)
Thanks a lot again for that contribution!
Edit: Probably time to try a recording of 100% delirious T19 after i got my lvl up 99.
Make sure to double beyond it! :)
Последняя редакция: ampman117#7931. Время: 17 мая 2020 г., 15:38:57
Сообщениеampman117#793117 мая 2020 г., 15:38:29
ampman117 написал:
Make sure to double beyond it! :)
I have no big influence on the outcome of using fractured fossil on a map. If i get one as a result i will take it.
Последняя редакция: zzang#1847. Время: 17 мая 2020 г., 16:15:28
Сообщениеzzang#184717 мая 2020 г., 15:54:30
Man, how you got 101 strenght? this value dont match with you tree and your gear
Сообщениеeldaniel19#391017 мая 2020 г., 18:44:11
zzang написал:
Standin_Adam написал:
I recently came aout this video I think is interesting for your build:
The the premise is that using summon spectre with very high health will cause desecrate to spawn corpses of those minions with desecrate. In turn you're 3% of maximum life damage portion of Volatile dead and detonate dead damage would increase significantly. In the video he outlines that at 3 spectre's summoned (the amount you get for a level 21 gem) can increased the damage of detonate dead by 100%. This seems like it could be a decent addition to our build. Maybe replace immortal call with summon spectre for some fat damage? Im not sure how PoB can calc this.
This is a very interesting find although only the last minute could matter for us if its true that in only in boss rooms like Sirus and uber elder only 1 enemy is spawnable which i have my doubts and need to verify this. But this is a very narrow use case. I could do a video about Sirus if its true it should double my damage and i shall almost instakill him in phaase 3. Overall id say it isnt applicable for us expect for having a very nice video record of Sirus kill.
Kurohade написал:
Does the bone offering heal (life on block) work with es builds?
It says recover life on block so it does not work for energy shield.
The way I understood the video was that the 100% dmg increase was with 3 unique spectres in just about any area. This increase would go UP in areas of certain boss fights.
When using his calculator, if only 1 descecratable monster is availabe ie Sirus. The damage increase jumps up to 300% with 3 spectres