Changes to Path of Exile's Account System

I linked my steam account to my main account. They merged into two sub accounts, if I buy poe2 through steam, will I be able to play it on the main account?
I have a PS4 account, maybe a future PS5 in 2 years maybe. But I have my gaming laptop. I have stash tabs and MTX on my PS4 account. Can I add these to my PC account or Sony log on from PC using Steam, and can i go back & forth between my PS4 account unlocks when playing on my PC, and then to PS5 whenever I get that?
Brother, how the f did i get that cool of a number-tag, praised be le Toucan
Yo I got a somewhat cool number.
People keep responding “it’s just Sony”. Cool got that part.

This next part is solely on GGG though ——

The simple (yes probably time consuming) fix for PlayStation users wishing to merge micro transactions OVER to PC - is just support / GGG unlocking those MTX for their pc accounts.

GGG can prove the point by giving players who want to play on PC that backlog of mtx and tabs they purchased on ps4

Seems unrealistic since a larger player base will now be missing out trying to merge their accounts vs allowing Xbox , which statistically has a much smaller user base and sold nowhere near the amount of PlayStations globally.

I own pc ,ps4/5 , Xbox , and steam deck. It seems like there is a solution that I hope is pursued even if it doesn’t happen out the gate…

Cross platform / progression seemed cool at first but these limitations and exclusions have left it bitter.
Последняя редакция: DepartedSoul#6479. Время: 23 нояб. 2024 г., 10:22:43
I linked my POE account to Steam, If I purchase the EA from Steam, will the main sub-account have access to EA or it's only available to the sub-account from Steam?
Chameleon#4418 написал:
OG account name holders should be number free and only those made after this change would have a number. Isnt it going to be a scammers paradise now?

I dislike this change a lot.

Agree 100%.

At the very least they should have had a discriminator of #0000.

It's so frustrating that GGG almost always demonstrate ingenuity when solving problems within the game, yet issues and solutions outside of the game (eg. these awful numbers and the whole Playstation MTX garbage) often seem poorly thought through, implemented and communicated.

I’m absolutely against this change as well. It feels so poorly thought out to implement this without a proper solution like keeping a discriminator (#0000) for all legacy user. This just makes the system unnecessarily complicated and opens the door for abuse. It’s especially disappointing considering how thoughtful GGG usually is with in-game decisions, yet changes like this outside of the game feel so messy and poorly executed. It’s a downgrade to the overall user experience, and it didn’t have to be this way.

As a PS5 Player im realy sad right now.
No EA Access for my purchases on the platform of my choice and no xMtx.
Oh boi.


Nvm just got EA Access on both platforms.
Just semi sad now :).
Последняя редакция: PoorJoy#0048. Время: 27 нояб. 2024 г., 1:15:42
I only use steam and pc yet the client crashes without any error information when trying to access the character select screen...
WHaT We Do iN LiFe, eCHoeS iN eTeRNiTY
Последняя редакция: magni08#1418. Время: 25 нояб. 2024 г., 10:05:43

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