Support Email Response Delays
" Yup, same here. Got that same request then have not heard anything since a week ago. I wonder if there's a flag on their side that does this validation and that broke, lol. |
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" Same here. It has been just over two weeks since I sent email to support, one via their online web form then after not hearing anything i sent a email vial Google account two days later repeating myself. The fact they don''t even have a basic responce system in posting a robotic 'ack' here is your ticket number in place speaks volumes. Shit support . No excuse. What irks me further is these ass hat giga chad streamers are all blessing the game as if nothing is wrong other than some to be expected game play issues. They get advert cash flowing so don't give a shit. I'd ask for a refund but I doubt Sony would grant it (yes i play on console , so f me) | |
I got the same templated email on December 2nd, so it's been a full 2 weeks now and radio silence. My only concern with requesting a refund is I feel like somehow my account would be banned for purchase, refund, purchase all on the same account. Some lame reason would be given for why my account is locked and won't be able to be unlocked or something...
Who knows? I guess I should ask for a refund and leave a bad review at the moment which I'll update once the issue gets fixed. |
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" It just feels weird that they're holding our money hostage. Imagine if we wait a month for our ticket to get addressed and they refuse a refund Последняя редакция: Death2k44#1922. Время: 16 дек. 2024 г., 23:34:25
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" Same template I received as well. I think we will need to escort this to media or even legal level. |
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I have this that other day that i lost count when. funny my issue will auto fix itself. lmao~~~
Hi there, Thank you for the message. Can you please confirm for us if this is still an issue? If so, can you please confirm for us your Path of Exile account name and the names of a few of your characters? Thank you again. |
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any ETA when support is working again? I wonder if any requests are being processed right now since no one gets answers from support appearently
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It takes too long.
What are you doing there? |
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" I agree. I'm sure this is breaking various laws at this point. |
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GGG please at least unlock the Accounts before Holidays. We all paid for it (Beta Key) and a lot of people aren't able to play. MTX Refunds and stuff like that is in no way important now compared to game access. Please let us play again over the Holidays! Even if you have to remove the ability to trade or spend Points for the hacked accounts until it is resolved properly! For my case you could even lock the chars and let me play a new char on the account until it is resolved.
Последняя редакция: Acayx3#6967. Время: 17 дек. 2024 г., 4:27:40
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