Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Zealotry gives a damage multiplier, some crit chance and the ability to proc Consecrated Ground.
Flesh and Stone enables two stances, only Sand Stance is useful to us. While in Sand Stance, all enemies within the auras visible radius are blinded, and attacks from outside the radius deal less damage to us. It also serves as a great visual indicator for the Pendulum of Destruction buffs.
Discipline adds lots of base energy shield, which helps reaching the 43% of life as energy shield balance we want for Mind over Matter.

Once our gear is good enough to get there without Discipline, we can replace it with an Aspect of the Spider craft on any gear with an open suffix. Vaal Grace can replace the Discipline gem to gain some temporary Dodge chance, but we won't be able to run the regular Grace aura it provides.

We can fit in one more aura with a specific piece of gear, which will be covered in Gear Section.<-------------????
Also Gloves need to be blue and green socket link with red red socket link. How are you supposed to do that with Int only based gloves?????
Can this build switch to the heraldry meta?
Gosu_z_kosmosu написал:
Hey Enki!

I'm currently having issues with getting 1 shot after starting A3 maps. Do you find Rumi's to be a big survival boost for you?

I'm upgrading my gear bit by bit whilst trying to balance damage and survivability.

Also thoughts on Impulsa's 6L? Currently working on one right now whilst using a 5L, works really well for wave clear.
So a problem I have is crafting that staff. Still can't get the veil modifier unlocked for it, and my maps don't drop high enough ilvl Eclipse Staffs to warrant any crafting. Thus, I'm sorta just stuck with wands and much less damage. As SSF, can't really just buy a base one/Agnerod West.
Zeonus написал:
So a problem I have is crafting that staff. Still can't get the veil modifier unlocked for it, and my maps don't drop high enough ilvl Eclipse Staffs to warrant any crafting. Thus, I'm sorta just stuck with wands and much less damage. As SSF, can't really just buy a base one/Agnerod West.
Just buy base, it's dirt cheap. Also you can pm some guys in this thread who who could craft it for you (me included). Just don't forget to leave one open suffix.
Rainbowish написал:

I'm currently having issues with getting 1 shot after starting A3 maps. Do you find Rumi's to be a big survival boost for you?

I'm upgrading my gear bit by bit whilst trying to balance damage and survivability.

Also thoughts on Impulsa's 6L? Currently working on one right now whilst using a 5L, works really well for wave clear.

I think Rumi is a decent boost especially when you're low on armor. Right now, despite the block, it gives me 21% phys dmg reduction (would give even more if I'd annointed Soul of Steel instead of Constitution). And since it's cheap, I think it's quite a good option.

Hard for me to comment on Inpulsa since I haven't used it but it looks like a good cheap option (for endgame I feel it would be too big sacrifice of DPS and defense). But I've lost some good amount of exalts 6-linking this league, so be careful with that :D

Can anyone check my gear and say what should i update asap?
Probably everything, but in what order?

Последняя редакция: Uncl3b0b#2138. Время: 31 марта 2020 г., 13:41:48
Poor_Tent написал:
fuinharlz написал:
So here I am again. I managed last night to grab a couple itens for the build, as you can see in my character tab, TiaDaniela. Actually I think I just need to 5 link the staff and maybe a better amulet and belt.
Okay, I'm still lvl 71, far away from a full skill tree...
But is this really weak on single targeting? Or does the 5 link on orb of storms and a more complete tree make a huge difference? Because I'm struggling to kill even T1 map bosses.

Defensivelly I'm sitting at 3.6k life, 2.1k shield with discipline, I'm able to hold zealotry, flesh and stone, discipline and wrath, I even managed to get an watchers eye with lightning damage being leeched as ES while affected by wrath. I know this build is not meant to be something good defensive wise, but having problems with t1 map boss kind of put me on the way to pursue another character...

You stretched yourself a little thin traveling to so many life nodes and setting up EB + MoM and the 4 auras at your level. There are a lot of damage clusters awaiting you. Also your staff is very weak. Even a 4L Agnerod West would be a big DPS bump for you. Atziri's Promise would provide another cheap bump. Damage isn't impressive on this build without heavy investment but even with budget gear you should be able to make short work of bosses up through yellow maps at least.

I followed the "full leveling section" of the guide, following the tree there!

And what is considered budget? Because there's more than 1ex invested there already...

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