Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Mindalus19 написал:
Is there anything I can do with this now or does it have to be a non-crusader base to roll correctly?


Thanks in advance!

If you want to link an item you can click on your charactor top left.
Then Control click item

As for your staff. I would either:
Multimod, then slam it with exalts
Maybe leave a slot open to slam with influence orb

Or sell it, buy 1000 alterations and a new staff and go again.

When I am going for an endgame staff I usally:
1: Roll lightning +3 with alt shards
2: Buy a craciac chimeral to make an imprint
3: Then augment and regal if I dont like the result use the imprint and go back to step 2

Personally I would probably try and sell it and start again since 5-link staffs are so cheap.

You could still just scour it and roll +3 lightning on this staff again.
+3 will roll on any influenced Eclipse staff over level 77.
If you want to see the mods that can also roll for shaper staffs check the shaper section here:

Also consider buying the +3 on a staff with no links because they are pretty easy and cheap to get to a 5link with a few jewller's and 125 fusing for the craft.

Последняя редакция: Zeeul#3295. Время: 5 апр. 2020 г., 6:39:19
Zeeul написал:

Get a calculator, take your health, and times it by 0.43. Whatever the number is, make sure your energy shield is higher than that number. (energy shiled has to be above 43% of health for Mind over matter to work well.

Can someone explain to me why your ES has to be >43% of your max life for mind over matter to work well?
Mrtns написал:

Can someone explain to me why your ES has to be >43% of your max life for mind over matter to work well?

Mind over matter says 30% of damage goes to your mana, in our case ES, first. This means that your effective health now consists of 70% health and 30% ES.
H=0,7EH and ES is 0,3EH
let's say EH=100
This was to prove that H=70% and ES=30% of your EH.
To see how much your ES is of your health you can divide it it by your health.
So let's round that to 43%.
Has anyone other than Enki started working on a possible Archmage variant to the tree? Right now I am sitting at ~500k dps (900k with crit flask + shocked enemy) but was tempted to try Archmage to see if I could push that further.
How much of a difference does +1 to all intelligence/lightning skill gems make on amulets? Hard to POB. Considerably more than e.g. % increased spell damage?
Последняя редакция: Marteros#7079. Время: 28 апр. 2022 г., 4:16:41
Poor_Tent написал:
How much of a difference does +1 to all intelligence/lightning skill gems make on amulets? Hard to POB. Considerably more than e.g. % increased spell damage?

Here is a post I made a while back (last league arc build) which may interest you:

This is how much my tooltip damage changed from different crafts on an amulet, good guide to show how comparable different types of mods are. (but the real power of +1 intel/lightning are at arc levels: 23, 27 and 31 when you get the additional chain). I always go for the +1 on amulet.

Start Damage: 178,367

Prodigal Projection + 12,103

+1 all Lightning gems +11,570
= 189,937

+1 all intelligence gems +11,470
= 189,837

35% crit multi +11,490
= 189,857

10% cast speed = +8,156
= 186,523

1 dmg per 15 intel = +5,725
= 184,092

36% crit strike = +5,280
= 183,647

25% spell damage +5,303
= 183,670

25% Lightning damage = +5,112
= 183,479
Последняя редакция: Zeeul#3295. Время: 5 апр. 2020 г., 16:57:47
Zeeul написал:
Here is a post I made a while back (last league arc build) which may interest you:

Thanks for the info. Why does +1 to lightning gems grant more damage than +1 to intelligence gems does? Am I misunderstanding what constitutes an intelligence gem?
Последняя редакция: Poor_Tent#3457. Время: 5 апр. 2020 г., 17:45:47
binaryreed написал:
I am curious if it wouldn't be useful to move toward either Blunt Trauma or One With the River in the staff area in the upper left area of the skill tree, catty-corner to Arcane Potency. Apart from not giving more life, which a proper gem could do, these nodes seem like they would be really good for increasing damage output.

My arc witch is level 86 at time of writing and getting started on yellow maps, carefully. Boy, have I ever learned to dislike porcupines!

This does not work. Those nodes are attack based, and we use spells.
Hey Enki,

Had a quick question. Does Zealots Oath apply to "life regen" "life leach" "life per second" ? So would these apply to energy shield now instead?

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