Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

I just realised this, but the pantheon can be upgraded to give you immunity to poison and reduced damage. Totally worth it.
Just entered red maps and have been dying quite a bit. Which gear should I focus on upgrading now? Have 4.1k HP and 2.3k ES currently.

there's already a build for arc elementalist herald stacking and is very good. its basically the same as the guardian templar. since i swaped into it i can tell you: its expensive! if you dont have at least 30 exalted dont even bother (you will spend 30 exalts for basic stuff then 100+ to go into godmode, voices with 3/1 empty nodes go for mirrors, even with 5 passives it goes for 20ex each). also in the start you will die from phys stuff and its a weekness thats hard to attend with the elementalist herald user, elemental dmg you lol at it, but phys? damn... and thats why the templar is better suited than the witch for the build.

if you like playing arc, heralds is the way to go once you have currency going on, enki build -> elementalist heralds build -> reroll templar guardian with the same gear and rofl you ass off at the content.

Thanks for the info, thats interesting to know.

For me it was expensive but not quite as bad as you say. Perhaps the prices have come down since the nerf.

Jewels with: 2 key notables jewels were about 50c (I needed 5-6)
Voices: with 3 jewel sockets were about 3ex (I only bought one)

I have about 35ex but think I will respec back to arc witch. I just wanted to see what herald stacking did to arc witch. I found a "heraldry cluster guardian" guide here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2809562

It is tempting, the tree looks reachable from witch, but it looks super complicated I am not sure I can be bothered with the hassle of respecing and buying all new expensive gear, gems, etc.

Back to pushing arc witch as far as i can.
One thing I dont quite understand about this build.

Say my life was 10,000
So my energy shield needs to be at least 43%
So lets say I have 4500 energy shield

What is the point of using up valuable affix space to get more energy shield?
Is 5000 or even 10,000 energy shield any better? Its not protecting your life...

Surely the best min/max thing to do is have an energy shield as close to the 43% as possible right? or am I misunderstanding something?

I am curious if it wouldn't be useful to move toward either Blunt Trauma or One With the River in the staff area in the upper left area of the skill tree, catty-corner to Arcane Potency. Apart from not giving more life, which a proper gem could do, these nodes seem like they would be really good for increasing damage output.

My arc witch is level 86 at time of writing and getting started on yellow maps, carefully. Boy, have I ever learned to dislike porcupines!
Thanks for the guide! This is the first build to really click for me since I started playing again in Metamorph league.

Since the Corrosive Elements cluster notable seems like a good alternate source of inflicting Lightning Exposure, what would you recommend take the place of Wave of Conviction for a build that opts for this replacement? I can see boosting Orb of Storms to a 6-link but would there be another skill to benefit from the "Cast on skill use" property?
Zeeul написал:
there's already a build for arc elementalist herald stacking and is very good. its basically the same as the guardian templar. since i swaped into it i can tell you: its expensive! if you dont have at least 30 exalted dont even bother (you will spend 30 exalts for basic stuff then 100+ to go into godmode, voices with 3/1 empty nodes go for mirrors, even with 5 passives it goes for 20ex each). also in the start you will die from phys stuff and its a weekness thats hard to attend with the elementalist herald user, elemental dmg you lol at it, but phys? damn... and thats why the templar is better suited than the witch for the build.

if you like playing arc, heralds is the way to go once you have currency going on, enki build -> elementalist heralds build -> reroll templar guardian with the same gear and rofl you ass off at the content.

Thanks for the info, thats interesting to know.

For me it was expensive but not quite as bad as you say. Perhaps the prices have come down since the nerf.

Jewels with: 2 key notables jewels were about 50c (I needed 5-6)
Voices: with 3 jewel sockets were about 3ex (I only bought one)

I have about 35ex but think I will respec back to arc witch. I just wanted to see what herald stacking did to arc witch. I found a "heraldry cluster guardian" guide here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2809562

It is tempting, the tree looks reachable from witch, but it looks super complicated I am not sure I can be bothered with the hassle of respecing and buying all new expensive gear, gems, etc.

Back to pushing arc witch as far as i can.

the prices arent going down since the nerfs were basically a "fix" to guardian and runing around with aurabots instead of using stuff yourself. i run with like 9 auras and miss 2 still, if i die i have to rebuff in town changing skills and its annoying as hell.

also you objective is generally to get 4 (some builds use 5 and 6) med clusters with heraldry + harbinger and those are going for more than 1ex, then u fill the rest with harbinger + endbringer ones (80 to 120c normally). all the mediums need harbinger since its what makes the scaling skyrocket.
as for voices its not rly crucial to start the build: you can just buy 3 large rare clusters with 8 nodes and 2 jewels (try to get lightning/elemental/spell dmg ones. any extra usable notable is just a bonus since voices provides nothing but the jewel sockets, i had a couples of good ones from messing around with clusters and enki build, some stuff like prismatic heart and storm drinker are nice to have). then you just buy voices along the way to slot more harbingers. i personally also use small clusters (with the 100 energy shield notable) and it scales amazingly well.

i also seen some arc + archmage builds and those are cheaper. they go with 1h + shield and play a little diferently as they can take more melee dmg and still have power behind the arc setup. i should have seen those first before investing into heralds which are expensive as hell. enki could probably update this build for archmage and the players could still do a smooth transition. instead of a staff it goest into wand/mace and spell dmg shields and only changes some staff related crit and gets other crit stuff. maibe it even works fine with staff as well with some tweaks. but thats up to him and we should support him if he decides to do so.
‣ Get Second Wind and link it to Flame Dash

This does not seem to link anymore.
Is there anything I can do with this now or does it have to be a non-crusader base to roll correctly?


Thanks in advance!
Последняя редакция: Mindalus19#1096. Время: 4 апр. 2020 г., 21:33:39
Hello! Thank you for the work you've put into this guide. This is my first league playing POE and it's helped me get to maps pretty quick.
I am new and there are a lot of things I don't properly understand. What I'm struggling with in your build is understanding the interaction between Mind over Matter, Eldritch Battery, and (oath?). Since you have no health regen and nothing to protect your hp, how do you sustain yourself in fights before you get to full build?

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