Just wanted to stop by and thank you for the guide. It's been very helpful. After hitting my goal of 1500STR/17 zombies in SC I decided to give SSFHC a try for the first time. Got the Eternal achievement yesterday. No real close calls so far. A solid build I could very well be returning to for 3.9. Thanks again.
Ikarian3 написал:
Just wanted to stop by and thank you for the guide. It's been very helpful. After hitting my goal of 1500STR/17 zombies in SC I decided to give SSFHC a try for the first time. Got the Eternal achievement yesterday. No real close calls so far. A solid build I could very well be returning to for 3.9. Thanks again.

Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself. i'll have all the changes ready for you if you so wish to return. I also did my first SSFHC uber on the build this league ^^
So Mr. Uber Elder SSFHC, are you going to race in the Awakener Kill Event in SSFHC?
jlh165 написал:
So Mr. Uber Elder SSFHC, are you going to race in the Awakener Kill Event in SSFHC?

I want to soooo bad.. But SSFHC chancing baron can be hard. I wanna do SSFHC though, like super much!
Hate me if you must. I cannot say how many (few?) Shaper runs I've done previously, but got the HO on my 5th run actually trying. Definitely sub-20 runs total since the HO was released.
Последняя редакция: Aldonés#1294. Время: 3 дек. 2019 г., 18:40:45
jlh165 написал:
Hate me if you must. I cannot say how many (few?) Shaper runs I've done previously, but got the HO on my 5th run actually trying. Definitely sub-20 runs total since the HO was released.

Grats man, i heard Mbx did like 580 or so to get it. Luckily i had it in 3,7 as i like pushing endgame content!

Also what do you reckon the chances for getting baron with chances are? Gotta do some maath on it.
Qlidascope написал:
Also what do you reckon the chances for getting baron with chances are? Gotta do some maath on it.
Assuming you play a similar amount as this league, probably very good. Depending on nerfs and hp scaling, you should be able to push pretty far even without it. I don’t know if your fast enough your trying for one of Ziz’s grand prizes, but the MTX challenge will last for a month.

I’m still debating if I want to try it, at least get 1 kill in. I’m pretty slow through Acts, and I’ve never not died, so I would need to take it much slower. I have an inkling we’ll have an achievement for completing the Acts on either HC or SSF.

✓ Reach 98
✓ Get Celestial HO
O Reach 36 achievements

...don’t think I’m going to get that one. I’ll have to start posting in Global 820 hoping for some help. I can’t even find Aul.
Why do you have a crimson jewel that adds 10% increased str and 38 str flat in your tree? Far left socket. Nothing like that exists...

You also have a unique prismatic jewel that adds 45% chaos resist and 12% physical to lightning socketed?
Последняя редакция: garrison1#4217. Время: 3 дек. 2019 г., 22:43:49
garrison1 написал:
Why do you have a crimson jewel that adds 10% increased str and 38 str flat in your tree? Far left socket. Nothing like that exists...

You also have a unique prismatic jewel that adds 45% chaos resist and 12% physical to lightning socketed?
His Timeless Jewel and Watcher’s Eye?
There's no information about lethal pride in the guide. What is a "15% lethal pride"? What number do I need?

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