jlh165 написал:
ShmooDude написал:
jlh165 написал:
I’m looking at this in body armour and moving Cyclone to a 4L
Chaos Golem
- Feeding Frenzy
- Awakened Curse on Hit
- Vulnerability
- Punishment
- Maim
Minions still can't curse on hit so what's triggering the curses?
Unless I'm missing something?
Ah yes, you’re right. That leaves the other method. In any case I’m finding a difficult time finding it worthwhile to drop 4 skills over the current setup. I’ll leave it in the back of my mind for a 4.0 option.

Eddy_Kamakura написал:
What about the new armor on monsters ? Won t physical based minions take a big damage hit as they dont get any armor pen ?
Thats partly why I think I’m picking up Awakened Brutality if my budget can afford it. You get 10% “armour pen.” Note: It’s not true penetration because the value cannot drop below 0. Converting to chaos isn’t necessarily a good solution, because monster chaos resistance got buffed too...though I suppose when reaching the full -90 chaos res it isn’t very effective.

Yunojelly написал:
Can you elaborate on that math equation, how are you getting 72% more multiplier from Multistrike, I get close to that number using 1201*1.22*1.44, but would lost to get the actual reason for the 72% more multiplier :D These are of course only relevant if the zombies are connecting with their second AND third hits (they most likely are on a boss fight however so all good)

I've tried finding multistrike math equations for the past month or so, haven't been able to come up with anything.

Edit: Also, what would the multistrike multiplier from the new Awakened Multistrike be? Hmm :P seems VERY JUICY

Kindest Regards.
When looking at the full multiplier, {more IAS * average more damage * less damage}, so it’s not 72% more for the gem (for a L24 1.46 * 1.22 * .92 = ~64% more damage). However, PoB will already calculate the attack speed and less damage, so you end up with 22% more damage than PoB shows. The Awakened multiplier brings this up to 30% more, and with an additional repeat, slam will have a significantly higher uptime.

I don't see the value of introducing more curses into the build, maybe punishment will be worth picking up over vulnerability though, we'd have to test it out as i am not sure how much zombies actually get hit. Furthermore if we start using more curses we start having the whole AG curse problem again we had last league.

Regarding the armour we simply have to wait and get the values from poe.db datamining and go from there. My calculations did indeed say that awakened brutality is worth using, even with spirit offering, as the 10% would actually be more dps than the extra physical as chaos from spirit offering. Honestly i feel like the defensive layer of spirit offering justifies it more than enough to use it on its own, it is basically awakened consecrated ground :P

I actually never thought about the attack speed from multistrike.. Good thing i never put up the actual dps number and always undercut it with several million to make it seem more realistic ^^ So what you're saying is i should multiply the PoB dps with 1.3 instead? Also the calculations made in strim made it 72% more combined.
korzon3k написал:
Would you make a gear breakpoint for ppl going SSF ? Like which are the best rares, etc.

Not entirely sure what you mean with gear breakpoint on rares. Are you thinking of bases or? Do please elaborate and i will do my best :D
Looks like a really good build. I played another version of summmoner last league but will try yours now as league starter. Hope they didnt`t nerf zombies too much but I guess we will find out soon :P
Ananake написал:
allright, ty for the quick reply @evil_bison, I was just looking at op's character from blight and he is not using ec or anything that could generate end charges so I wondered why he took 2 additional from tree..

Yeah the characters are often guinea pigs for new things and often end up not being 100% up to date with the guide ^^
Becko1 написал:
Looks like a really good build. I played another version of summmoner last league but will try yours now as league starter. Hope they didnt`t nerf zombies too much but I guess we will find out soon :P

Zombies should be pretty bad early on now, however SRS and stacking skellies on bosses early works just as well as zombies i'd say. Did a full practice run today doing it ^^.

zombies should still be super strong lategame, especially with all the super strong awakened gems we can get. All the nerfs basically did was make us work more for our powercreep, which was GGG's intention all along.
So ive been lurking in this post for a couple weeks waiting for metamorph. And still cannot make my mind if i do this or w/e else. Im playing hardcore and im just curious how safe does this build delve? I dont wanna delve 800 but i kinda like 300-400 and just go sideways forever. Is this a cake walk or its kinda not the best out there? I alwais run stuff that can do 400- depth and just rush that on league start . Has to be abvle to kills auls and stuff also. Killing boss is probably not the issue anyways.

Thanks for honest feedbacks.
korzon3k написал:
Would you make a gear breakpoint for ppl going SSF ? Like which are the best rares, etc.

I can contribute a bit to this one, as I played a variation of it in SSF Blight. If you don't have The Baron or a unique armour, you'll want an open prefix for crafting +1 Zombies, +1 Skeletons. Other than that, life and res on those pieces, possibly +2 Minion lvls on a rare helmet, ideally a Bone Helmet.

You will likely find one of the many unique weapon choices in the guide by just farming maps. Until then, any weapons allowing Cyclone and a craft for minion damage/speed will be of help. In SSF, you use what you find for a while, because you won't have the resources for crafting high end gear. Just keep an eye on craft options you reveal on your crafting table and check if the good rares concerning life/res and whatever you still need allow them.

One thing I did as SSF was to add Close Helmet in my filter as a chancing base to try and get a Baron. I ended up droping one later in the league before even seriously attempting to chance them.

I'd also advise you to farm a Tabula Rasa and use Increased Rarity Support as your 6th link. The 5l setup was more than enough to hit red maps last league even without the Baron and this support gem will help you with Alchemy Orbs and a chance to find useful minion-related uniques. I only used it until I found a nice rare armour with lots of life, some res, strength, and an open prefix. That one, I 5-linked and moved my Zombies there, droping the Increased Rarity support. I was stacking up Strength and saving potentially useful items that had Strength all the way from the beginning of my SSF journey for options on build customization. On a side note, I was able to do everything in SSF, including a deathless Uber Elder on a 5l Zombie setup and a 4l Cyclone setup with only 6.2k EHp and 14 Zombies, 1020 Strength. Still felt tanky, still did great. That is why I'm sticking up to this build again in Metamorph, only trying it on trade this time. :)

Rares should really be picked as they complement whatever uniques you find and decide to incorporate on your build. If you want, you can check my SSF build on my own profile and Qlida also had a SSF and an HC SSF versions of this build in Blight that you can check out.

I hope this is all useful. :)
BTW, Qlida, great work updating the guide for 3.9. This is moving fast and really helped my decision of playing your build again in Metamorph. Thanks for all the effort you put on the guide. :)
uhm I mean gear progress for a different budget, something like:

weapon: rare -> montregul -> that +2 unique staff
chest: rare 5l -> etc.
Deadbringer написал:
So ive been lurking in this post for a couple weeks waiting for metamorph. And still cannot make my mind if i do this or w/e else. Im playing hardcore and im just curious how safe does this build delve? I dont wanna delve 800 but i kinda like 300-400 and just go sideways forever. Is this a cake walk or its kinda not the best out there? I alwais run stuff that can do 400- depth and just rush that on league start . Has to be abvle to kills auls and stuff also. Killing boss is probably not the issue anyways.

Thanks for honest feedbacks.

The only thing that should be abit risky is if you don't corpse explode the Wetas cast on death things, and ofcourse there is a chance that you could get wrecked with hard city mods, although if you have strong gear and know how to use your VMS and flasks you should be more than good. I mean you basically have to mess up and get OS through 10k Life with high survivability.

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