Pirsing написал:
Whats better in Animate Guardian, Dying breath or Kingmaker?
I think DB is better bcause of "Nearby allies gain 18% increased Damage"
and Kingmaker's culling strike gives only 10% in dps boost to zombies.
Am i right?

First of all, you need to know how the 18% damage stacks with your other damage. Is it multiplicative with minion damage or simply additive? For instance, consider that you have 400% minion damage. In the first case, 18% multiplied adds ( 1 (base damage) + 4 (minion modifier damage) ) * 0.18 = 0.9 = 90% more worth of damage. Clearly respectable. In the second case it adds 0.18 or 18% to your 400% which is... Not great.

However you were comparing it with Culling Strike. Culling Strike kills the mob at 10% health instead of at 0%. This might seem as only a 10% increase in DPS - but this is only true for a mob that you kill near instantly anyway.
Let me illustrate why culling Strike is so good at bosses:

Boss S has 200M HP. You do 10M dps. Boss does - without Culling Strike - after 200/10 = 20 seconds.
Culling Strike example, same boss/DPS: (200*0.9) / 10 = 18s

Ahh, the 10% increase in DPS, you say. Not quite! DPS can be calculated backwards, too - if boss X dies after 10 seconds and has 50M HP, clearly your DPS is 5M HP / second, right?

So what is your DPS if you kill boss A in 18s? It's 200/18 = 11.11.

Hey presto, you got a bigger boost than 10%!

Note that Culling Strike is better the longer it takes you to kill something. For mapping I therefore do not necessarily recommend Culling Strike (though Kingmaker has other benefits), as the time saved in killing is usually eaten up by minion movement and pathing.

Culling Strike provides a very stackable effect which is mostly useful on big HP bosses, which is precisely where you want to cut down the amount of time exposed to their mechanics. However it is not great for mapping non challenging content.

If Dying Breaths 18% buff stacks multiplicatively then it is likely better for both content types. I'm unsure how it interacts with minion damage. The issue is that the other benefits from Kingmaker tend to outweigh the damage advantage (if any) and the curse effect boost (the latter mostly due to the boss massive curse reduction effect).
Thanks to Qlidascope for making this guide.. It has been very useful.

I've been using a few twists here and there. Been reading a lot of posts but:

I don't understand my damage though. Looking at a lot of guides and this one, average minion damage is way over 130K a minion. I've never been able to achieve more than 38K average (according to PoB). Gear and such look similar to others that achieve way more damage.

I would appreciate any advice.. My currency amount is very limited so 4+ ex items are out of reach atm but might give something to aim for. Currently at 1434 STR as I dropped a dex->str jewel which I wanted to put a ghastly in. 14 zombies.

I was at 1519 before, but dropped a ring with str because I wanted to try the main on golem.

Thanks in advance!

Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/pKnneCcG

Sorry the gloves and boots and belt don't link inhere correctly.. No matter what I try it doesn't work.

Boots are alberon's 18% with linked dread banner, purity of elements, flesh and stone, flame dash

Gloves shaper's touch with linked Carrion golem, maim, feeding frenzy and leap slam

Belt is Havoc Snare with 72 flat strenght, 14% increased attr, 90 life

Последняя редакция: Zweetsok#4583. Время: 28 янв. 2020 г., 10:01:05
It's pretty simple, in addition to the increased attack speed, each average swing goes from 22% to 30% more dps. However the less portion actually increases. On average Multistrike gives ~62% more dps and Awakened Multistrike ~73% more, so you get about 7% more overall using Awakened.

Thanks for your reply, much appreciated!
IGN Keranka
Последняя редакция: Traceless#3020. Время: 28 янв. 2020 г., 6:56:22
Edeka написал:
Hello! Thanks for having a look and all the great tips, I will check it out when I get home!
What do you mean by ToH? I assume it's not Taste of Hate?
Also, sorry I post again, but where would I need to place Purity of Elements in my gem setup when I get my Watcher's with chaos res?

Yes to Taste of Hate. I made an assumption what you had already done there since PoB isn’t compatible with the gem. I didn’t touch your gems or mana reservation, but straight up adding another 35% aura is going to be expensive. In general we need more gems than we have slots for, so no matter what you do you sacrifice from elsewhere. It would probably be easiest to replace your right ring with a second unset. Also many are dropping Infused Channeling, and you could simply socket it in there.

If you did this in your gloves
- Golem
- Maim
- Leap Slam
- Feeding Frenzy

Both a Golem and LS will proc Maim, and it would grant a permanent uptime with the FF buff. It would mitigate the majority of needed reservation to use Purity of Elements as well. You’d then need to find somewhere else for Enduring Cry.

Edit: That setup can also be used with Skitterbots or Discipline.
Последняя редакция: Aldonés#1294. Время: 28 янв. 2020 г., 7:43:54
I plan on getting back in league if I can manage to find the time and was wondering what people thought about this gem setup (very similar to DocRoberts’s):
Скрытый текст
- Raise Zombie
- Minion Damage (A) or Meat Shield or Feeding Frenzy
- Melee Phys (A)
- Multistrike (A)
- Empower
- Impale

Body Armour
- Pride or Haste
- Skitterbots or Discipline or Purity of Elements
- Dread Banner
- Generosity (A)
- Enduring Cry
- Vaal Molten Shell
***Dread Banner + Generosity are the only 2 gems that need to be linked. They should be separate from the other auras if using Discipline, PoE, and/or Haste.

- Raise Spectre
- Minion Life
- Animate Guardian
- Blood Magic

- Chaos Golem or Carrion Golem
- Feeding Frenzy (removed if in weapon)
- Maim
- Flame Dash or Leap Slam

- Cyclone
- Cast While Channeling
- Desecrate
- Spirit Offering
- Fortify (if crafted)

- Clarity (1) (Watcher’s Eye mod only)
Последняя редакция: Aldonés#1294. Время: 28 янв. 2020 г., 12:14:51
Hey I'm trying this build now.
Can you tell me which lethal pride hewel shoud I look for ?
I mean what enchants take.
Aldonés написал:
I plan on getting back in league if I can manage to find the time and was wondering what people thought about this gem setup (very similar to DocRoberts’s):
Скрытый текст
- Raise Zombie
- Minion Damage (A) or Meat Shield or Feeding Frenzy
- Melee Phys (A)
- Multistrike (A)
- Empower
- Impale

Body Armour
- Pride or Haste
- Skitterbots or Discipline or Purity of Elements
- Dread Banner
- Generosity (A)
- Enduring Cry
- Vaal Molten Shell
***Dread Banner + Generosity are the only 2 gems that need to be linked. They should be separate from the other auras if using Discipline, PoE, and/or Haste.

- Raise Spectre
- Minion Life
- Animate Guardian
- Blood Magic

- Chaos Golem or Carrion Golem
- Feeding Frenzy (removed if in weapon)
- Maim
- Flame Dash or Leap Slam

- Cyclone
- Cast While Channeling
- Desecrate
- Spirit Offering
- Fortify (if crafted)

- Clarity (1) (Watcher’s Eye mod only)

At a glance you will probably need to squeeze in Enlighten and I personally found enduring cry to add very little benefit.
LegendaryMewtwo написал:
At a glance you will probably need to squeeze in Enlighten and I personally found enduring cry to add very little benefit.
That aura setup is doable with 19-20% total reduced mana reservation between Saqawal’s Nest and the passage tree, which is easily obtained. The alternative would be to use a L4 Enlighten in order to save investing in the tree.

F3LL3rt написал:
Hey I'm trying this build now.
Can you tell me which lethal pride hewel shoud I look for ?
I mean what enchants take.
If you have a couple dozen exalts, there are a few lists of verified seeds you can use, but it’s recommended you purchase as cheap of one as you can find then divine it until satisfied. Check multiple locations on the tree for placement. Who it is under doesn’t matter.
Hi, can i use brutality support? is it good? Thanks!
Haungo написал:
Hi, can i use brutality support? is it good? Thanks!

If using Flesh Offering instead of Spirit Offering, then yes. Given GGG hasn’t released armour numbers for bosses, Awakened Brutality may be a dps boost, but I don’t think anyone here has tested it. With the enough scaling elsewhere, the extra damage might be superior to the chaos portion of SO.

In general though, do not use it. SO is much better than FO, and it takes a considerable amount of scaling to make dropping the chaos damage worthwhile.

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