Customer Support Update

My last email was 10.01, still no answer. This is joke.
First my email was on Dec17. Still no answer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dear GGG

#1 How long should we wait Before we send a follow up email?

#2 How are we to know if a vindictive employee may have deleted/skipped or marked a issue as completed even if it was not?

#3 What are your plans to make this more transparent.

#4 why have you not posted anything about all of the "locked" accounts and the unlock email system not working.

ozram#3086 написал:
No offense Mathias - But in light of people waiting since 2-3+ months or more despite keeping information, mails concise short and even proactively providing most if not all required information. Is ridiculous.

With the attitude you seem to present in terms of handling professionalism and customer interaction; Especially when mentioning you had the role of a team-lead. To me and from my professional experience it sounds like you've come from a provider or service with extremely low standards:

- No. People will not get into "trouble". No matter what. What are you even on about?

- There is no "simply" or "right" or wrong. The customer shouldn't have to navigate through any sort of process-based inefficiencies, mis-evaluated "tools" or some hidden, ridiculous rulesets that are entirely the company's or provider's problem. The customer doesn't care about any of that.

- What you fail to realize first before all: GGG has severe process, backend and infrastructure issues. Most customers provide the "minigame" information proactively. On their first mail. Which is completely ignored. To then split out that "process" back into it's individual bits.

At this rate and average assuming 10 "bits" with (if lucky) one interaction per 2 weeks. It would take even the smallest 10-second standard request. Take an incredible and estimated timeframe of up to 5 or more months! Assuming the customer has the means to babyset and remain constantly responsive/available over the course of literally half a year. Just to babysit on a problem that resides on GGG's end.

Not on any level: Be that ethical, professional, practical or even the most basic legal responsibilities and requirements - is that tolerable or acceptable.

Your condescending, imho unprofessional, shared experience isn't helping at all here. Especially when the "customer attitude" is that of blaming the customer, for not going through absolutely ridiculous hoops and unnecessary minigames. That are mainly cause by process or infrastructure inefficiencies; By the seller, company or provider. Especially if not even basic priorization seems to work or be performed. At all.

And that's all even without the ridiculous premise of pushing people and requests to the very back of the entire queue. Without any sort of priorization.

If you have a critical issue with your bank. Or no matter what bought service as a matter of fact. You'd consider it normal for people to wait for 3-6+ months. To either: perform a critical mutation on a stolen card for example. Or locking/recovering a compromised account?

- If you buy and pay for a car and it's scheduled for pickup today... or let's just say tomorrow. The car is already paid. But suddenly you, if not all customers are supposed to suddenly wait 3-6+ months. To pickup their bought car.

So the customer is supposed to walk by foot for half a year now? While the seller does not fullfil their contractual obligations in any reasonable form? We both know - That's not how things work. It's absolutely - ridiculous.

You can't seriously be sitting there with some fancy sub-standard callcenter examples. And then blame that sort of problem on the customers "behaviour" or some minor technicalities. Which the customer cannot realistically know, expect or fullfil.

I'd urge you to somewhat refrain from interpolating some previous or "normalized" "standards" and examples. While blaming and patronizing users that basically cannot access a paid product for weeks months on end. Often reaching into values of hundreds or thousands of dollars.

Especially since you seem to miss the extent and scope of the current culmination of issues. And especially: Since those (mainly process- and efficiency) related problems have been known about. Without any apparent improvement. Since 5-10+ years.

This isn't meant personally. I just hope that patronizing users from low-quality or substandard provider perspectives. Will only make things worse.

2-3+ months multiplied by 5-10x. For a 10 second mutation. Caused by GGG in first place. NOT the customer. You've got to be kidding me - trying to normalize that sort of severe issue. But I don't think you were aware of the extent of the problem.

Please do not patronize users with sub-standard corpo perspectives and bs. Thank you.

I fully agree with you. GGG is a massive company. They wanted to monetize the EA, and even add microtransactions. They need to take accountability for their issues, especially when transactions between the company and the consumer is being done. We can't blame the consumer for the company's shortcomings.

We need to stop blaming consumers, and start holding companies accountable.
dsxack_#2157 написал:
Does anyone know? Can I get a refund for coins on PlayStation that I didn't receive?

If not a refund on PlayStation, your bank would usually allow a chargeback if you have sufficient proof that you did not get what was promised in that transaction you made.
Almost 69 days waiting for support to finish my mtx transfer from xbox to pc

Nov 21st 2024 that's two weeks before launch of poe2

Same issue here,

I have an open ticket since 7th of December with a wrong merge of the accounts. All of the MTX / Beta Test rewards are on the wrong account. I have kindly asked them to move all of them to the current account on which I currently play.

I had only one generic reply to provide some details about the accounts, characters, levels etc. I replied that info and since there has been a complete silence.

Hopefully this will be solved soon.
3.26 when?
My account got hacked on Christmas, so I changed my login credentials and contacted GGG Support. After 2 weeks of ignoring me, they blocked my account. Since then, they have been ignoring me for another 3 weeks, Account still locked.

I posted a longer version of this, detailing the incompetence, but it was removed, because it shared parts of the account verification process, and "They take account security very seriously". When I tried to answer, it said I can only send messages and replies to the Support Account now.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
Almost 2 Months now and pointing that out is overly negative obviously ...

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