Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

xEc написал:
Thanks for the guide Enki, really having a good time playing the build! It was a while since I had played PoE, and even if the league isn't as good as the previous ones (from what I read), I'm really into it :D

I just made it to Sirius, and was stuck with Agnerod since ever because I couldn't snatch a good staff on the market and spent 2k+ altes trying to get the +3 lightning modifier on a staff I was trying to craft on the side without success. Was really feeling hopeless. But yesterday, everything changed, I snatched a very good base and crafted this...

It originally had the +3, the combo spell/chaos and 2 trash suffixes. I did the whole shenanigang with the Cannot roll attack modifier, Crusader exalt slam, Prefixes cant be changed, scouring orb, divine orb, and finally the Can have up to 3 crafted modifiers to obtain this little gem.

I guess I only need to roll the perfect cast speed on it now. Btw how does this work? Can I just reroll the cast speed for 1 exa or do I need to reroll the whole Can have up to 3 modifiers every time I wanna try?

Divine orb if you want to try and get better numbers on your rolls (but it effects all rolls that have a range. wont effect your +3 lightning roll)

If you want to change a mod yes you need to recraft the multimod (you cant craft over only the cast speed)

Tip, in the options, i forget where. Turn on something like "see advanced mod tips" something like that youll find it, it allows you to see more details about the mods you have such as tier and range.
Последняя редакция: Zeeul#3295. Время: 1 апр. 2020 г., 10:24:54
Zeeul написал:
xEc написал:
Thanks for the guide Enki, really having a good time playing the build! It was a while since I had played PoE, and even if the league isn't as good as the previous ones (from what I read), I'm really into it :D

I just made it to Sirius, and was stuck with Agnerod since ever because I couldn't snatch a good staff on the market and spent 2k+ altes trying to get the +3 lightning modifier on a staff I was trying to craft on the side without success. Was really feeling hopeless. But yesterday, everything changed, I snatched a very good base and crafted this...

It originally had the +3, the combo spell/chaos and 2 trash suffixes. I did the whole shenanigang with the Cannot roll attack modifier, Crusader exalt slam, Prefixes cant be changed, scouring orb, divine orb, and finally the Can have up to 3 crafted modifiers to obtain this little gem.

I guess I only need to roll the perfect cast speed on it now. Btw how does this work? Can I just reroll the cast speed for 1 exa or do I need to reroll the whole Can have up to 3 modifiers every time I wanna try?

Divine orb if you want to try and get better numbers on your rolls (but it effects all rolls that have a range. wont effect your +3 lightning roll)

If you want to change a mod yes you need to recraft the multimod (you cant craft over only the cast speed)

Tip, in the options, i forget where. Turn on something like "see advanced mod tips" something like that youll find it, it allows you to see more details about the mods you have such as tier and range.

Thanks. So cheapest option is still to use divines, even given that I got two perfect prefixes rolls atm?
Последняя редакция: xEc#1327. Время: 1 апр. 2020 г., 10:48:07
Thanks. So cheapest option is still to use divines, even given that I got two perfect prefixes rolls atm?

I cant see the ranges. So you have to decide, is the potential range of upside on castspeed worth the potential range of downside of the other mods.
Hi, I'm just leveling this build and I'm confused about some passive choises.

On the one hand site where is "Elemental Overload" that cause "No Critical Strike Multiplayer", on the other hand site there are passives like "Throatseeker" and its child passives that grants only a crit multi. Or, "Doom Cast"'s 2 child passives which grants crit multi, even if there is a child passive which gives crit chance which is not chosen.

It this a mistake or should I take these passives anyway?
To answer the question above, you only use "Elemental Overload" for leveling. Once you get through the 10 acts, or like 60-70ish go ahead and take the passive off and use the point elsewhere. it talks about it in the guide as well.
I'm a noob to the game - this is my first time getting this far.

I appear to be leveled past the guide in terms of passive points. I keep trying to compare the skill tree and it seems like I'm filled up (on Act 9). Is it assumed that you get 'whatever' now or what?
w00tix написал:
I'm a noob to the game - this is my first time getting this far.

I appear to be leveled past the guide in terms of passive points. I keep trying to compare the skill tree and it seems like I'm filled up (on Act 9). Is it assumed that you get 'whatever' now or what?

Nevermind I think I got it

This is for now the best gear I could acquire, but I still stuck in boss fights, no problem to clear maps but conquerors for me are hard to kill, I couldn't do them nothing, same to rare enemys, too strong for me.
I think the problem is something related with the critical strike chances, but i'm new on this and i'm lost.. -.-
Should I change something? Thank you in advice.

Edit: I followed the passive tree with the Devouring diadem parameters.
Последняя редакция: Darkyle666#1043. Время: 1 апр. 2020 г., 16:13:04

Any recommendations on what to upgrade next? Having trouble climbing past 90 with my current HP
Hi Enki!

I asked you some questions back when Blight hit as I wanted to push 100 in Standard with my Legion Arc Witch. Due to the fact I pushed hard on another char in Blight and had time constraints after that, I never got around to it. But I'd really like to do it now! :)

I didn't follow the changes in the game these past few months and obviously I see that a lot of stuff has changed in the build since then, what would you advise me to do with my char now? I'd prefer not having to change too many pieces of gear now as this char was already pretty optimized at the time, even if the result is a bit inferior to the actual version of the build.

You can check my account for the character "Arcoholith".

I'll copy my previous post as well as your answer to give you some context:

Previous post with answer
Hey Enki!

First of all, thanks for this build! I played a bunch on PC back between OB and Awakening and Arc was always my favorite skill. When I came back to PoE on PS4 I followed your guide in Synthesis and really liked it so I did another Arc Witch in Legion and still loved it!
In fact I'm pretty happy as this is by far the highest level and best geared char I ever had on PoE, so many thanks for this <3

I'm currently level 98 and I'd like to push this char to 100 in Standard when I'll be done with Blight.
I see you dropped some things for 3.8, like Clarity and Hypothermia/Unleash for gems ; and Breath of Lightning in the tree.

I don't understand all of the depths of theorycrafting a build gem/tree-wise so I was wondering what should I be looking to change on my current char for him to be effective when the patch hits PS4.

Also, I'm currently using a CwDT for Golems as I find it smoother on PS4 (also using Flame Dash instead of LW for that reason) ; I think I can drop the current Minion Life link for a third golem but is there a way I could use all 3 golems with CwDT and Meat Shield (5-link helmet maybe)? Or should I just manually cast them for 3.8?

You can check my account for the character "Arcoholith".
I'm using a Watcher's Eye with "10% chance to recover 10% mana w/ Clarity" on the bottom right of the tree. Don't pay attention to the Timeless Jewel as I'm testing some stuff.

Thanks again and I hope you have a great Blight league!

Enki написал:
@KymiBwo: You got a pretty nice setup there, would honestly not change too much. The new tree isn't much different, if your mana sustain is good enough you can save 3x passives from Essence Extraction and put them into more life/mana, Aqueos Accelerant or Breath of Lightning instead. Speaking of which, its loss is somewhat made up by the 30% ailment effect added to Beacon of Ruin. Generally i'd go for the survivability options at this point, you really don't wanna lose that 10% now.

Unfortunately there's no real option for golems that wouldn't require some big gear changes, so your choice has to be between Meat Shield or CwDt. Definitely wouldn't drop off a golem, especially the addition of Chaos Golem somewhat fixes one of this builds biggest weaknesses.

I found the current Arc setup works more consistently that Hypo/Unleash, especially when you also use Vaal Arc. Arcane Surge is especially useful now that mana sustain got hit. You can decide to keep Hypothermia instead of Controlled Destruction, it only really feels worse in ailment avoidance maps.

Other than that i'd just change Arcane Surge to Culling Strike on Orb of Storms and Wave of Conviction instead of Purifying Flame.

Good luck with hitting Lv100, please let me know how it went :)

Thanks for your help! :)
*Settling on PS5*
RF & That frost build >.<

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